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# AngularJS service to load lazily images in entries

angular.module('feedbunch').service 'lazyLoadingSvc',
['$rootScope', 'animationsSvc', 'findSvc',
($rootScope, animationsSvc, findSvc)->

  # PRIVATE FUNCTION: Lazy load a single image. Receives as arguments:
  # - jQuery object wrapping the img.
  # - entry to which the image belongs
  load_image = (img, entry=null)->
    # The actual URL of the image is in the data-src attribute
    data_src = img.attr 'data-src'

    if !data_src || data_src?.trim()?.length == 0
      # If data-src is blank, just hide the spinner placeholder
      hide_placeholder_image img
      # If data-src is not blank, lazy-load the image
      uri = new URI(data_src).normalize()

      # Convert relative URIs to absolute, using the feed hostname
      if'relative') && entry?
        feed = findSvc.find_feed entry.feed_id
        feed_uri = new URI(feed.url).normalize()

      # If no scheme has been specified, try with https://
      scheme = uri.scheme()
      if !scheme
        uri.scheme 'https'

      # Create a hidden clone of the image and load the actual image there. If it loads successfully,
      # hide the placeholder image and show the loaded image, otherwise hide both images.
      loaded_img = img.clone().addClass('loading').removeAttr('src').insertAfter(img)
      loaded_img.on 'error', ->
        # If https failed try again with http, and vice versa
        if uri.scheme() == 'https'
          uri.scheme 'http'
          uri.scheme 'https' 'error load'
        loaded_img.on 'error', ->
          hide_placeholder_image img
        .on 'load', ->
          show_loaded_image img, loaded_img
        loaded_img.attr 'src', uri.toString()
      .on 'load', ->
        show_loaded_image img, loaded_img
      loaded_img.attr 'src', uri.toString()

  # PRIVATE FUNCTION: Show a successfully loaded image instead of the spinning placeholder.
  # Receives as arguments:
  # - jQuery object wrapping the placeholder img
  # - jQuery object wrapping the loaded img
  show_loaded_image = (placeholder_img, loaded_img) ->
    hide_placeholder_image placeholder_img
    animationsSvc.show_image loaded_img

  # PRIVATE FUNCTION: Hide the spinning placeholder of a loading image.
  # Receives as argument:
  # - jQuery object wrapping the placeholder img
  hide_placeholder_image = (img) ->
    img.addClass 'hidden'

  service =

    # Load images in the passed entry.
    load_entry_images: (entry)->
      $("#entry-#{} .entry-content img[data-src]").each ->
        load_image $(this), entry

    # Load images visible within the viewport (and 600px below it).
    load_viewport_images: ->
      $('.entry .entry-content img[data-src]').each ->
        if $(this).is ':in-viewport'
          entry_id = $(this).closest('.entry').children('.open-entry-link').attr 'data-entry-id'
          entry = findSvc.find_entry entry_id
          load_image $(this), entry

  return service