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Test Coverage
      sign_in: "Log in"
      sign_in_link: "Log in"
      sign_up_link: "Create new account"
      signups_disabled_1: "Public registration of new users is disabled."
      signups_disabled_2: "Please contact an administrator to register a new account."
      sign_up: "Sign up"
      forgot_password_link: "Forgot your password?"
      forgot_password: "Reset password"
      new_confirmation: "Confirm email address"
      unlock: "Unlock account"
      sign_in_with: "Log in with %{provider}"
      remember_me: "Remember me"
      resend_confirmation: "Confirm email"
      send_password_reset: "Reset password"
      send_unlock: "Unlock account"
      edit_account: "My account"
      unconfirmed_email: "currently waiting confirmation for: %{email}"
      update_account: "Update account"
      import_subscriptions: "Import subscriptions"
      import_subscriptions_text: "You can import your subscriptions in OPML format from another feed aggregator."
      import_subscriptions_running: "Your feed subscriptions are currently being imported."
      export_subscriptions: "Export subscriptions"
      export_subscriptions_text: "Your feed subscriptions can be exported in OPML format and later imported into another feed aggregator."
      export_success: "Your subscriptions were exported on %{export_date}."
      export_download_1: "Click here"
      export_download_2: " to download the OPML file, or export your subscriptions again clicking on the button below."
      return: "Return to feeds"
      change_password: "Change your password"
      new_password: "New password"
        text: "You can delete your account permanently."
        title: "Delete account"
        confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete your account? This will delete ALL your data!"
        close: "Cancel"
        submit: "Delete account"
        title: "Reset tutorial"
        text: "You can reset the application tutorial. It will be shown again from the beginning."