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# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization
# and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other
# than English, add the necessary files in this directory.
# To use the locales, use `I18n.t`:
#     I18n.t 'hello'
# In views, this is aliased to just `t`:
#     <%= t('hello') %>
# To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`:
#     I18n.locale = :es
# This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml.
# To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide
# available at

      short_year: "%d %b %Y"
      tagline: "A simple and elegant feed reader"
      sign_up: "Sign up"
      or: "or"
      sign_in: "Log in"
      demo_intro: "You can also "
      demo: "try a free demo"
        title: "Demo user"
        help_1: "To try a free FeedBunch demo click on \"Log in\" and enter this:"
        email: "Email: "
        password: "Password: "
        help_2: "IMPORTANT: the demo user resets every hour. You cannot use it for any serious reading!"
        close: "Close"
        title: "About FeedBunch"
        text_1: "FeedBunch is a feed reader, a web application to subscribe and read RSS and Atom feeds."
        text_2: "It aims to be as pleasant to use as possible, with a simple and uncluttered interface. It hides unnecessary complexity from users and it adapts its interface to destkop, tablet and smartphone devices."
        text_3: "FeedBunch is open source (MIT license) and under active development."
        title: "What is a feed reader? What is a feed?"
        text_1_html: "You can find a simple description of what a feed reader is <a href='' target='_blank'>in this wikipedia article</a> and a good description of the use and technology behind feeds <a href='' target='_blank'>in this Google article</a>."
        text_2: "Basically a feed reader is a way to aggregate content from various websites in a single place. Instead of having to visit each of your favorite websites every day to see if there's new content, anything those websites publish will appear in FeedBunch. This way you only have to visit FeedBunch to be up to date with all blogs, newspapers, webcomics etc that you follow. You will create your own personalized newspaper and save a lot of time."
        text_3_html: "For this to work, each website has to make available a special document online that gets updated every time new content is published in the website. This document is called the <strong>feed</strong> and every new piece of content that is added to it is called an <strong>entry</strong>. Entries can be news articles in a newspaper's website, new pages in a webcomic, new comments in a blog entry... Most websites nowadays have a feed (or several!)."
        title: "Getting started"
        text_1: "If you installed FeedBunch, a user with administration permissions was created with the credentials you provided. An administrator can create other users as well."
        text_2: "The first time you sign in take some time to follow the interactive tours, they will show you what you can do with the application. Import your subscriptions in OPML format from another feed aggregator or just start subscribing to feeds. Pretty soon you will have a personalized set of feeds that interest you."
        title: "Getting help"
        text_1: "You can ask for help or give me feedback through:"
        text_2: "Generally use gitlab for public discussions and email for private ones."
      text_1: "Thanks for signing up to FeedBunch!"
      text_2_html: "We have sent an email to the address you provided. Please follow the instructions in that email to <strong>confirm your email address</strong>. You won't be able to access FeedBunch until your email address is confirmed."
      text_3: "Please check your spam folder if you don't see the confirmation email in your inbox in a few minutes."
      text_4_html: "If you want us to send the confirmation email again, <a href='%{url}' class='alert-link'>click here</a> and enter your email address."
      text_5: "Happy feed reading!"
    noscript: "Your browser does not support JavaScript. This website needs JavaScript to work correctly."
      message: "This website needs cookies to work correctly. If you continue using it, we'll assume that you agree to receive all cookies from this website."
      accept: "Accept"
      show_read_button_tooltip: "Show all feeds and entries, including those marked as read"
      show_read_button: "Show read"
      hide_read_button_tooltip: "Show only feeds and entries marked as unread"
      hide_read_button: "Hide read"
      feed_menu_button_tooltip: "Manage feed subscriptions"
      feed_menu_button: "Feeds"
      subscribe_button: "Add subscription"
      refresh_button: "Refresh"
      unsubscribe_button: "Unsubscribe"
      read_all_button_tooltip: "Mark all entries as read"
      read_all_button: "Read all"
      folder_button_tooltip: "Move feed to a different folder"
      folder_button: "Folder"
      folder_new: "New folder"
      folder_none: "No folder"
      kb_shortcuts: "Keyboard shortcuts"
      help: "Help and Feedback"
      logout: "Logout"
      admin: "Administration"
      cache_stats: "Rails cache stats"
      db_stats: "Database stats"
      background_jobs: "Background jobs"
      my_account: "My account"
      read_feeds: "Read feeds"
      gitlab: "Source code available on Gitlab"
      twitter: "Contact me on Twitter"
      email: "Send me an email"
      acknowledgements: "Acknowledgements:"
      img_credit: "Logo"
      by: "by"
      and: "and"
      bg_image: "background image"
      bootstrap_license: "MIT license"
      angularjs_license: "MIT license"
      rails_license: "MIT license"
      ruby_license: "Ruby license"
        title: "Keyboard shortcuts"
        text_1: "You can use these keyboard shortcuts while reading feeds:"
        entries_down: "Entry down:"
        entries_up: "Entry up:"
        toggle_open_entry: "Open/close entry:"
        sidebar_link_down: "Feed/folder down:"
        sidebar_link_up: "Feed/folder up:"
        select_sidebar_link: "Read feed/folder:"
        toggle_show_read: "Show/hide read entries:"
        toggle_read_entry: "Mark read/unread a single entry:"
        mark_all_read: "Mark all entries as read:"
        text_2: "You can enable or disable keyboard shortcuts from your profile page."
        title: "Help and Feedback"
        text_1: "You can ask for help or give me feedback through:"
        text_2: "Generally use gitlab for public discussions and email for private ones."
        close: "Close"
        title: "Import subscriptions"
        help_1: "Import your feed subscriptions in OPML format from another feed aggregator."
        help_2: "The OPML file can optionally be compressed in ZIP format."
        close: "Cancel"
        submit: "Upload file"
      problem_loading_tour: "There has been a problem with the server."
      problem_change_show_tour: "There has been a problem with the server."
      success_reset_tours: "Tutorial will be shown again from the beginning"
      feed_tooltip: "Open web page in a new tab"
      all_entries: "All subscriptions"
      loading: "Loading..."
      welcome: "Welcome to FeedBunch"
      stats: "Subscribed to %{feeds} feeds with %{entries} unread entries."
      no_entries: "No entries"
      mark_unread_tooltip: "Mark this entry as unread"
      mark_unread: "Read"
      mark_read_tooltip: "Mark this entry as read"
      mark_read: "Unread"
      share: "Share"
      title_tooltip: "Open web page in a new tab"
      feed_tooltip: "Read entries from this feed"
      problem_loading_folders: "There has been a problem loading folders. Please try again later."
      problem_loading_feeds: "There has been a problem loading feeds. Please try again later."
      problem_loading_user_config: "There has been a problem loading user configuration. Please try again later."
      problem_loading_user_data: "There has been a problem loading user data. Please try again later."
      problem_loading_entries: "There has been a problem loading entries. Please try again later."
      success_subscribing: "Feed subscribed successfully."
      problem_subscribing: "Could not add subscription."
      problem_unsubscribing: "There has been a problem unsubscribing from the feed. Please try again later."
      blacklisted_url: "This domain is in the domain blacklist. Subscribing to a feed in this domain is not allowed."
      success_move_to_folder: "Feed moved to a different folder"
      success_remove_from_folder: "Feed removed from folder"
      success_move_to_new_folder: "Feed moved to a new folder"
      problem_folder_management: "There has been a problem managing folders. Please try again later."
      problem_new_folder: "There has been a problem creating the new folder. Please try again later."
      folder_already_exists: "There is already a folder with that title. Please choose another title."
      success_mark_all_read: "All entries marked as read"
      problem_entry_state: "There has been a problem with the server."
      problem_loading_job_states: "There has been a problem with the server."
      success_refresh_feed: "Feed refreshed successfully."
      problem_refreshing: "There has been an error refreshing a feed."
        finish_success: "Your feed subscriptions have been successfully imported."
        finish_error: "There has been an error trying to import your feed subscriptions."
        finish_success: "Your feed subscriptions have been successfully exported."
        finish_error: "There has been an error trying to export your feed subscriptions."
        download_error: "Cannot download OPML export file. Please export your subscriptions again."
      start: "Start"
        title: "Create new folder"
        close: "Cancel"
        submit: "Create folder"
        title: "Add new subscription"
        close: "Cancel"
        submit: "Add"
        title: "Unsubscribe"
        confirm: "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from this feed?"
        cancel: "Cancel"
        submit: "Yes, unsubscribe"
      dismiss: "Dismiss"
        error: "There's been an error trying to import your feed subscriptions."
        retry_error_1: "Click here"
        retry_error_2: " to try again."
        import_running: "Your feed subscriptions are being imported."
        progress: "Subscriptions imported: {{import_processed}} of {{import_total}}"
        import_background: "You can close this page, the import process will not be affected."
        success: "Your feed subscriptions have been successfully imported."
        failures: "We haven't been able to subscribe you to the following feeds:"
        retry_success_1: "Click here"
        retry_success_2: " to import more subscriptions."
        introduction: "If you want to import your feed subscriptions from another feed aggregator:"
        download_data_html: "Export your subscriptions in OPML format from that service."
        import_data_1: "Click here"
        import_data_2: " to import your feed subscriptions."
        error: "There's been an error trying to export your feed subscriptions."
        retry_error_1: "Click here"
        retry_error_2: " to try again."
        export_running: "Your feed subscriptions are being exported."
        export_background: "You can close this page, the export process will not be affected."
        success: "Your feed subscriptions were successfully exported on {{export_date}}."
        download_success_1: "Click here"
        download_success_2: " to download the OPML file."
        error: "There's been an error trying to refresh feed:"
        running: "Currently refreshing feed:"
        success: "Feed refreshed successfully:"
        error: "Unable to add subscription to feed:"
        running: "Currently adding subscription to feed:"
        success: "Successfully added subscription to feed:"
      title: "Page not found."
      message: "You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved."
      go_home: "Click here to go to the home page."
      img_credit: "Image"
      title: "Rejected action."
      message: "The action you attempted was rejected by the server. Have a cute cat instead."
      go_home: "Click here to go to the home page."
      img_credit: "Image"
      title: "Application error."
      message: "An application error has ocurred. Sorry, we couldn't process your action."
      go_home: "Click here to go to the home page."
      img_credit: "Image by"