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# URLs of websites which feeds need special treatment.
# This file must have a list of URLs. For each URL a handler class and a fetcher class may be specified like this:
#   fetcher: SpecialUrlFetcher
#   handler: SpecialUrlHandler
# In the above example, any feeds fetched from the domain need special treatment. "handler" and "fetcher"
# are reserved words that must be used without change. SpecialUrlFetcher and SpecialUrlHandler are classes that must
# exist and implement the "fetch_feed" and "handle_entry" methods respectively.
# handler and fetcher lines are optional for each URL. Each URL may have a fetcher, a handler or both. If one of them
# is not present in this file, the default classes for regular feeds will be used.
# Using a special fetcher means that a feed XML cannot be retrieved by the usual HTTP client, but some special measures must
# be taken first; usually some processing of the server response before being able to actually download the feed.
# Using a special handler means that after fetching and parsing the feed, each entry must be processed ("handled") somehow
# before saving it to the database; e.g. by fixing incorrect entry GUIDs to avoid duplicate entries.
  handler: DemonoidFeedHandler
  fetcher: TumblrFeedFetcher