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# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'url_normalizer'

# Class to handle feeds that need special handling.
# The handling for each particular special feed is delegated to a specific class that implements the particular handling.

class SpecialFeedManager
  # Constants for the diferent types of classes needed for special feeds
  FETCHER = :fetcher
  HANDLER = :handler

  # Check configuration to see if the entry belongs to a feed that needs special handling. In this case,
  # return the handler class; this class implements the handle_entry method, that may change the entry or even prevent
  # it from being saved.
  # If the entry does not belong to a feed that needs special handling, returns nil.
  # If the feed associated with the entry is not present, returns nil.
  # Receives as argument the entry to check.

  def self.get_special_handler(entry)
    if entry.feed.present?
      handler = class_for_url entry.feed.url, HANDLER
      if handler.present?
        return handler

    return nil

  # Check configuration to see if the URL needs special fetching. In this case, return the fetcher class; this class
  # implements the fetch_feed method, that does whatever is necessary to fetch the URL and returns the response.
  # If the URL does not need special handling, returns nil.
  # Receives as argument the URL to check.

  def self.get_special_fetcher(url)
    fetcher = class_for_url url, FETCHER
    if fetcher.present?
      return fetcher

    return nil


  # Check if the host of the passed url matches or is a subdomain of one of the special feeds from the special_feeds.yml
  # config file. In this case, return either the special fetcher class or the special handler class for this URL depending
  # on the second argument.
  # Returns nil if the passed url's host does not match a special feed from the configuration.
  # Returns nil if the passed url is blank or nil.
  # Returns nil if the passed type is not HANDLER or FETCHER.
  # Receives as argument:
  # - url string to check against the list
  # - type of the special class to be retrieved, either HANDLER or FETCHER

  def self.class_for_url(url, type)
    return nil if url.blank?
    return nil if type!=HANDLER && type!=FETCHER

    # Add uri-scheme if missing, convert to downcase and remove extra whitespaces so that it can be parsed
    # to extract the host
    compare_url = UrlNormalizer.normalize_feed_url(url).strip.downcase
    compare_host = Addressable::URI.parse(compare_url).host

    if type == FETCHER
      specials_list = Rails.application.config.special_feeds_fetchers
    elsif type == HANDLER
      specials_list = Rails.application.config.special_feeds_handlers
    special_urls = specials_list.keys

    special_class = nil
    special_urls.each do |s|
      # Use regex to see if passed host matches or is subdomain of the blacklisted url's host
      if /\A(.+\.)*#{s}\z/ =~ compare_host
        special_class = specials_list[s]
        special_class = special_class.constantize if special_class.class==String "URL #{url} matches special host #{s}, special #{type} class #{special_class.to_s}"
    return special_class
  private_class_method :class_for_url
