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# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'nokogiri'
require 'encoding_manager'
require 'special_feed_manager'
require 'url_normalizer'
require 'sanitizer'
require 'url_validator'

# Feed entry model. Each instance of this class represents an entry in an RSS or Atom feed.
# Instances of this class are saved in the database when fetching and parsing feeds. It's not intended to be
# instanced by the user.
# Each entry belongs to exactly one feed.
# Each entry has many entry-states, exactly one for each user subscribed to the feed. Each entry-state indicates
# whether each user has read or not this entry.
# When a new entry is saved in the database for the first time, it is marked as unread for all users subscribed to
# its feed (by saving as many entry_state instances as subscribed users into the database, all of them with the attribute
# "read" set to false).
# Each entry is uniquely identified by its guid and its unique_hash within the scope of a given feed.
# Duplicate guids are not allowed for the same feed. Duplicate unique_hashes are not allowed for the same feed
# When entries are deleted by an automated cleanup (because the feed had too many entries),
# a new DeletedEntry instance is saved in the database with the same feed_id, guid and unique_hash as the deleted entry.
# An entry with the same feed_id and either guid or unique_hash as an already existing DeletedEntry is not valid and won't be
# saved in the database (it would indicate an entry that is at once deleted and not deleted).
# Attributes of the model:
# - feed_id
# - title
# - url
# - author
# - content
# - summary
# - published
# - guid
# - unique_hash
# All fields except "published" and "feed_id" are sanitized before validation; this is, before saving/updating each
# instance in the database.

class Entry < ApplicationRecord

  LOADING_IMAGE_GIF = '/images/Ajax-loader.gif'

  belongs_to :feed
  validates :feed_id, presence: true

  has_many :entry_states, dependent: :delete_all

  validates :title, presence: true
  validates :url, presence: true
  validate :valid_url
  validates :published, presence: true
  validates :guid, presence: true, uniqueness: {case_sensitive: true, scope: :feed_id}
  validates :unique_hash, presence: true, uniqueness: {case_sensitive: true, scope: :feed_id}
  validate :entry_not_deleted

  after_initialize :initialize_entry_attributes, if: :new_record?
  before_validation :initialize_entry_attributes, if: :changed?
  after_create :set_unread_state

  # Return a boolean that indicates whether this entry has been marked as read by the passed user.
  # Receives as argument the user for which the read/unread state will be retrieved.
  # If the user is not actually subscribed to the feed, raises a NotSubscribedError.

  def read_by?(user)
    state = EntryState.find_by entry_id:, user_id:
    if state.blank?
      Rails.logger.warn "Tried to find out if user #{} - #{} has read entry #{} from feed #{self.feed_id} to which he is not subscribed. Raising an error."

  # Return a boolean that indicates if an Entry with the same guid and feed as this one is already in the database.
  # It only makes sense to invoke this method on unsaved entries. If an attempt is made to save an Entry with the
  # same feed and guid as an already saved one, a validation will fail and an error will be raised

  def guid_already_exists?
    return Entry.where(feed_id: self.feed_id, guid: self.guid).exists?

  # Return a boolean that indicates if an Entry with the same unique_hash and feed as this one is already in the database.
  # It only makes sense to invoke this method on unsaved entries. If an attempt is made to save an Entry with the
  # same feed and unique_hash as an already saved one, a validation will fail and an error will be raised

  def unique_hash_already_exists?
    return Entry.where(feed_id: self.feed_id, unique_hash: self.unique_hash).exists?

  # Return a boolean that indicates if a DeletedEntry with the same guid and feed as this one is already in the database.
  # It only makes sense to invoke this method on unsaved entries. If an attempt is made to save an Entry with the
  # same feed and guid as an already deleted one, a validation will fail and an error will be raised

  def guid_already_deleted?
    return DeletedEntry.where(feed_id: self.feed_id, guid: self.guid).exists?

  # Return a boolean that indicates if a DeletedEntry with the same unique_hash and feed as this one is already in the database.
  # It only makes sense to invoke this method on unsaved entries. If an attempt is made to save an Entry with the
  # same feed and unique_hash as an already deleted one, a validation will fail and an error will be raised

  def unique_hash_already_deleted?
    return DeletedEntry.where(feed_id: self.feed_id, unique_hash: self.unique_hash).exists?


  # Validate that the entry URL is either an http or https URL, or a protocol-relative URL

  def valid_url
    unless UrlValidator.valid_entry_url? self.url
      errors.add :url, "URL #{self.url} is not a valid http, https or protocol-relative URL"

  # Validate that the entry has not been deleted (there is a deleted_entries record with the
  # same feed_id and either guid or unique_hash)

  def entry_not_deleted
    if DeletedEntry.where('feed_id = ? AND (guid = ? OR unique_hash = ?)', self.feed_id, self.guid, self.unique_hash).exists?
      Rails.logger.debug "Entry not valid: already deleted entry - guid: #{self.try :guid}, unique_hash: #{self.try :unique_hash}, published: #{self.try :published}, feed_id: #{self.feed_id}, feed title: #{self.feed.title}"
      errors.add :base, 'entry already deleted'

  # Initialize and massage several Entry attributes when a new entry record is created

  def initialize_entry_attributes

  # Fix any problems with attribute values before validation:
  # - fix any encoding problems, converting to utf-8 if necessary
  # - sanitize values, removing script tags from entry bodies etc.
  # - give default values to missing mandatory attributes

  def fix_attributes

  # Fix problems with encoding in text attributes.
  # Specifically, convert from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 if necessary.

  def fix_encoding
    self.title = EncodingManager.fix_encoding self.title
    self.url = EncodingManager.fix_encoding self.url = EncodingManager.fix_encoding
    self.content = EncodingManager.fix_encoding self.content
    self.summary = EncodingManager.fix_encoding self.summary
    self.guid = EncodingManager.fix_encoding self.guid

  # Trim the title, url, author, content, summary and guid of the entry, removing any
  # heading or trailing blank characters.

  def strip_attributes
    self.title = self.title.try :strip
    self.url = self.url.try :strip = :strip
    self.content = self.content.try :strip
    self.summary = self.summary.try :strip
    self.guid = self.guid.try :strip

  # Sanitize the title, url, author, content, summary and guid of the entry.
  # Despite this sanitization happening before saving in the database, sanitize helpers must still be used in the views.
  # Better paranoid than sorry!

  def sanitize_attributes
    # Summary, content are sanitized with an HTML sanitizer, we want imgs etc to be present.
    # Other attributes are sanitized by stripping tags, they should be plain text.
    self.content = Sanitizer.sanitize_html self.content
    self.summary = Sanitizer.sanitize_html self.summary

    self.title = Sanitizer.sanitize_plaintext self.title = Sanitizer.sanitize_plaintext
    self.guid = Sanitizer.sanitize_plaintext self.guid
    self.url = Sanitizer.sanitize_plaintext self.url

  # Manipulations in entries summary and content markup before saving the entry.

  def content_manipulation
    self.summary = markup_manipulation self.summary if self.summary.present?
    self.content = markup_manipulation self.content if self.content.present?

  # Manipulations in the passed html fragment

  def markup_manipulation(html_fragment)
    html_doc = Nokogiri::HTML html_fragment
    html_doc = link_manipulations html_doc
    html_doc = image_manipulations html_doc
    return html_doc.css('body').children.to_s

  # Add the target="_blank" attribute to any links in the passed HTML fragment.
  # Receives as argument a parsed HTML fragment.
  # The attribute will overwrite any target="" attribute that was present in the links

  def link_manipulations(html_doc)
    html_doc.css('a').each do |link|
      link['target'] = '_blank'
    return html_doc

  # Remove any height, width and style attributes and set a CSS class to horizontally center
  # any images in the passed fragment.
  # Any class attribute in images will be overwritten.
  # Also prepare images to be lazy-loaded with the jquery-unveil library.
  # Receives as argument a parsed HTML fragment.

  def image_manipulations(html_doc)
    html_doc.css('img').each do |img|
      # prepare image for lazy loading
      unless img['src'] == LOADING_IMAGE_GIF
        src = UrlNormalizer.normalize_entry_url img['src'], self
        img['src'] = LOADING_IMAGE_GIF
        img['data-src'] = src
    return html_doc

  # Give default values to the title and guid attributes if they are empty.
  # Their default value is the value of the "url" attribute.
  # If the url attribute is not a valid URL but the guid is, the url attribute takes
  # the value of the guid attribute. This probably breaks Atom/RSS spec, but I'd like to support feeds
  # that do this.
  # If the publish date is not present, assume the current datetime as default value. This means
  # entries will be shown as published in the moment they are fetched unless the feed specifies
  # otherwise. This ensures all entries have a publish date which avoids major headaches when ordering.
  # Calculate the MD5 hash of the entry content.

  def default_attribute_values
    # GUID defaults to the url attribute
    self.guid = self.url if self.guid.blank?

    # title defaults to the url attribute
    self.title = self.url if self.title.blank?

    # if the url attr is not actually a valid URL but the guid is, url attr takes the value of the guid attr
    if !(UrlValidator.valid_entry_url?(self.url)) && UrlValidator.valid_entry_url?(self.guid)
      self.url = self.guid
      # If the url was blank before but now has taken the value of the guid, default the title to this value
      self.title = self.url if self.title.blank?

    # published defaults to the current datetime
    self.published = if self.published.blank?

  # Fix problems with the entry URL, by normalizing the URL and converting relative URLs to absolute ones.

  def fix_url
    self.url = UrlNormalizer.normalize_entry_url self.url, self

  # Calculate the hash that uniquely identifies an entry in its feed. Multiple entries with the same hash in the same
  # feed are not allowed.
  # The hash is an MD5 hex-digest of the concatenation of:
  # - the entry content (if present)
  # - the entry summary (if present)
  # - the entry title
  # Note that the entry title is a mandatory attribute, which guarantees that all entries have a unique_hash.

  def calculate_unique_hash
    unique = ''
    unique += self.content if self.content.present?
    unique += self.summary if self.summary.present?
    unique += self.title if self.title.present?
    self.unique_hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest unique

  # Pass the entry to a special handler if the feed needs special handling
  def special_feed_handling
    special_handler = SpecialFeedManager.get_special_handler self
    special_handler.handle_entry self if special_handler.present?

  # For each user subscribed to this entry's feed, save an entry_state instance with the "read" attribute set to false.
  # Or in layman's terms: mark this entry as unread for all users subscribed to the feed.

  def set_unread_state
    self.feed.users.reload.find_each do |user|
      if !EntryState.exists? user_id:, entry_id:
        entry_state = user.entry_states.create! entry_id:, read: false
