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<h1 align="center">Monzo PHP Client</h1>
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<p align="center">This library allows access to the <a href="">Monzo</a> API in PHP. This library requires PHP 7.1+.</p>

## Installation

composer require amelia/monzo-php

If you don't already have your own access tokens from completing oauth yourself, you'll need to also `composer require laravel/socialite`.

You should set the following variables in your `.env` (or otherwise):


You can create an application at [](

## Laravel integration

`Amelia\Monzo\MonzoServiceProvider::class` is registered automatically in Laravel 5.5.

A future version of this package will include automatic webhook handling per-user, and full automatic socialite integration.

The environment variables that control these will be:


### Socialite integration

To automatically add callbacks for socialite, this package provides an optional authentication system.

> **Caveat**
> This assumes you are adding existing users to an app on monzo.
> If you are not doing this, you'll need to set up your own routes to create/manage users based on API responses from socialite.

First, add the `MonzoCredentials` trait to your `Authenticatable` user model.


namespace App;

use Amelia\Monzo\MonzoCredentials;
use Amelia\Monzo\Contracts\HasMonzoCredentials;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model implements HasMonzoCredentials
    use MonzoCredentials;

This adds a bunch of setters/getters to your user model for handling monzo credentials.

You can customise the columns used by adding methods to your user model:


use Amelia\Monzo\MonzoCredentials;
use Amelia\Monzo\Contracts\HasMonzoCredentials;

class User implements HasMonzoCredentials {
    use MonzoCredentials;
    protected function getMonzoAccessTokenColumn()
        return 'monzo_access_token';

    protected function getMonzoRefreshTokenColumn()
        return 'monzo_refresh_token';

    protected function getMonzoUserIdColumn()
        return 'monzo_user_id';

### Socialite migrations

Assuming your users table is named `users`, you can simply run `php artisan vendor:publish --tag=monzo`.

This will create a migration in your `migrations` directory that can be edited.

Run `php artisan migrate` to run this.

## Usage

If not using Laravel, you'll need to set up an instance of `Amelia\Monzo\Monzo` and inject an `Amelia\Monzo\Contracts\Client` instance into it, as follows:


$client = new Amelia\Monzo\Client(
    new GuzzleHttp\Client,
    getenv('MONZO_CLIENT_ID') ?: null,
    getenv('MONZO_CLIENT_SECRET') ?: null

$monzo = new Amelia\Monzo\Monzo($client);

// Amelia\Monzo\Monzo::setAccessToken($token) for single user mode

**If using Laravel**, you only need to inject `Amelia\Monzo\Monzo` via the service container, using `resolve()` or `app()`.

Using the API is pretty simple.

In general, you'll need an access token or a user object.

## Examples

### Grab a user's accounts.


$user = User::findOrFail($id);

$accounts = $monzo->as($user)->accounts();

### Grab the last 100 transactions for a user account


$user = User::findOrFail($id);

$transactions = $monzo->as($user)->transactions('acc_12341243');

### Grab the last 100 transactions for a user's default account


$user = User::findOrFail($id);

// will query accounts first, then use the default to query transactions.
$transactions = $monzo->as($user)->transactions();

### Grab a paginator instance for a user's transactions


$user = User::findOrFail($id);

$transactions = $monzo->as($user)->paginate(50)->transactions('acc_12341243');

### Expand (and hydrate) relations in the API


$user = User::findOrFail($id);

$transactions = $monzo->as($user)

### See a user's balance


$user = User::findOrFail($id);

$balance = $monzo->as($user)->balance();