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Test Coverage
# npm-package-skeleton

Skeleton of a simple NPM Package with Babel and CI already configured.

#### Pre-configured development tools

- [<img alt="Babel" src="" height="16"> Babel](
- [<img alt="ESLint" src="" height="16"> ESLint]( with [`airbnb-base` config](
- [<img alt="Prettier" src="" height="16"> Prettier](
- [<img alt="Jest" src="" height="16"> Jest](
- [<img alt="EditorConfig" src="" height="16"> EditorConfig](

#### Pre-configured CI tools

- [<img alt="Travis CI" src="" height="16"> Travis CI]( continuous integration platform
- [<img alt="NPM" src="" height="16"> NPM automatic releasing](
- [<img alt="Codecov" src="" height="16"> Codecov]( code coverage reporting
- [<img alt="ESDoc" src="" height="16"> ESDoc](

#### Recommended tools

- [<img alt="GreenKeeper" src="" height="16"> GreenKeeper](
- [<img alt="Snyk" src="" height="16"> Snyk](

## Getting started

1. Add this project as `skeleton` remote:

- For a new project:
  mkdir my-project && cd my-project
  git init
  git remote add skeleton
  git remote set-url skeleton --push "Error: skeleton remote is read-only" # Disable pushing on skeleton
  git config remote.skeleton.tagOpt --no-tags # Disable fetching tags on skeleton
  git remote add origin <YOUR GIT REPOSITORY URL>
  git pull skeleton master --no-tags
  git push -u origin master
- For an existing project:<br>
  **Warning:** this will erase all existing code and git
  history on master branch, use `git reflog` if you ever need to rollback.
  git remote add skeleton
  git remote set-url skeleton --push "Error: skeleton remote is read-only"
  git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/master || git branch master # Create master branch if needed
  [[ refs/heads/master == $(git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD) ]] || git checkout master # Switch to master branch
  git fetch skeleton --no-tags
  git reset --hard skeleton/master # Warning: this rewrites git history
  git push -f -u origin master

2. Set initial version (ex: `0.1.0`) in `package.json`

3. Replace the following occurrences

- [ ] `amercier/npm-package-skeleton` → _your repo slug_
- [ ] `npm-package-skeleton` → _your project name_
- [ ] `package-skeleton` → _your NPM package name_
- [ ] `Alex Mercier` → _your name_
- [ ] `` → _your public email address_
- [ ] `` → _your website_

4. Import project in CI tools:

- [ ] [Travis CI](
- [ ] [Codecov](
- [ ] [ESDoc](

5. Add the following environment variables in your new Travis CI project's settings:

- [ ] `NPM_AUTH_TOKEN`: NPM authentication token, used for automatic NPM releasing. See [documentation](

6. (Optional) Enable [GreenKeeper]( `greenkeeper enable`.

7. (Optional) Enable [Snyk]( monitoring: `snyk monitor`.

8. (Optional) Add [plugin-add-module-exports Babel plugin]( to avoid users of your packages having to use `.default` in ES5 style (see install documentation below).

9. Cleanup `` by removing all documentation related to the skeleton.

## Usage

### Automatic releasing process

> _Note:_ you can try this process safely by releasing an "alpha" version. Ex: 0.1.0-alpha.2

- [ ] Update the package version in `package.json` (ex: `1.2.3`), commit it, and push it.
- [ ] Tag the previously created commit (ex: `v1.2.3`), and push it (`git push --tags`).
- Travis build runs on tagged commit
- New package version is automatically released after tests have passed

## License

This project is released under [ISC License](


## **Note:** the content after this is the actual package documentation (to be edited after cloning).

# npm-package-skeleton

[![Latest Stable Version](](
[![Build Status](](
[![NPM Downloads](](

[![dependencies Status](](
[![Test Coverage](](
[![API Documentation](](

## Installation

Prerequisites: [Node.js]( 6+, **npm** 3+.

    npm install --save package-skeleton

## Usage

### ES5

    var xxx = require('package-skeleton').default;

### ES2015+

    import xxx from 'package-skeleton';

## Contributing

Please refer to the [guidelines for contributing](./

[![devDependencies Status](](

## License



<sup>_Created with [npm-p&#97;ckage-skeleton](</sup>