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Utility classes to write PHP command-line scripts

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_php-cli-helpers_ is available through [Composer](
  "require": {
    "amercier/cli-helpers": "1.*"
php composer.phar install

If you are not familiar with _Composer_, please read the
[full installation intructions](docs/


### \Cli\Helpers\Parameter

Utility class to handle command-line parameters.

$options = \Cli\Helpers\Parameter::getFromCommandLine(array(
    'host'     => new Parameter('h', 'host'    , ''),
    'username' => new Parameter('u', 'username', Parameter::VALUE_REQUIRED),
    'password' => new Parameter('p', 'password', Parameter::VALUE_REQUIRED),
    'verbose'  => new Parameter('v', 'verbose' , Parameter::VALUE_NO_VALUE),

$options['host'];     // given -h/--host, or otherwise
$options['username']; // given -u/--username
$options['password']; // given -p/--password
$options['verbose'];  // true if -v/--verbose is given, false otherwise

See [API Documentation for Parameter](docs/

### \Cli\Helpers\Script and \Cli\Helpers\DocumentedScript

Utility class to write scripts as objects.

#!/usr/bin/env php
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use Cli\Helpers\DocumentedScript;
use Cli\Helpers\Parameter;

$script = new DocumentedScript();
    ->setDescription('Test script for Cli\Helpers\DocumentedScript')
    ->setCopyright('Copyright (c) Alexandre Mercier 2014')
    ->addParameter(new Parameter('H', 'host'    , '')              , 'Host.')
    ->addParameter(new Parameter('u', 'username', Parameter::VALUE_REQUIRED), 'User name.')
    ->addParameter(new Parameter('p', 'password', Parameter::VALUE_REQUIRED), 'Password.')
    ->addParameter(new Parameter('v', 'verbose' , Parameter::VALUE_NO_VALUE), 'Enable verbosity.')
    ->setProgram(function ($options, $arguments) {

While `Script` doesn't have any pre-configured switch, `DocumentedScript` has
`--h, --help` and `-V, --version`. This provides an automatic handling of this
two switches.

Version example:

`test-documented-script.php -V`
test-documented-script.php v1.0
Copyright (c) 2014 Alexandre Mercier

Help example:

`test-documented-script.php -h`
Usage: test-documented-script.php -p PASSWORD -u USERNAME [OPTIONS]

Test script for Cli\Helpers\DocumentedScript

  -H, --host     HOST        Host (defaults to '').
  -u, --username USERNAME    User name.
  -p, --password PASSWORD    Password.
  -v, --verbose              Enable verbosity.
  -h, --help                 Display this help and exit.
  -V, --version              Output version information and exit.

test-documented-script.php v1.0
Copyright (c) 2014 Alexandre Mercier

### \Cli\Helpers\Job

Utility class to run a job and catch exceptions.

On successful jobs:
\Cli\Helpers\Job::run('Doing awesome stuff', function() {
    ... // awesome stuff
Doing awesome stuff... OK

On unsuccessful jobs:
\Cli\Helpers\Job::run('Fighting Chuck Norris', function() {
    ... // throws a RoundHouseKickException('You've received a round-house kick', 'face')
Fighting Chuck Norris... NOK - You've received a round-house kick in the face

You can also add parameters to the function:

    'Doing awesome stuff',
    function($a, $b) {
        $a; // => 1337;
        $b; // => 'good luck, im behind 7 firewalls';
    array(1337, 'im behind 7 firewalls')

See [API Documentation for Job](docs/

###  \Cli\Helpers\IO

Utility class to handle standard input/output.

#### IO::form


\Cli\Helpers\IO::form('an apple', array(
    'Golden Delicious',
    'Granny Smith',
    'Pink Lady',
    'Royal Gala',
will display:
1. Golden Delicious
2. Granny Smith
3. Pink Lady
4. Royal Gala

Choose an apple: |
Then, user is asked to make a choice between 1 and 3 on standard input.

#### IO::strPadAll

echo IO::strPadAll(
    array( // items
        array('#', 'EN', 'FR', 'ES'),
        array('1', 'One', 'Un', 'Uno'),
        array('2', 'Two', 'Deux', 'Dos'),
        array('3', 'Three', 'Trois', 'Tres'),
        array('4', 'Four', 'Quatre', 'Cuatro'),
        array('5', 'Five', 'Cinq', 'Cinco'),
    array( // alignment
        2 => STR_PAD_LEFT,
        3 => STR_PAD_RIGHT,
    "\n", // line separator
    '   ' // field separator
will display:
#   EN          FR   ES

1   One         Un   Uno
2   Two       Deux   Dos
3   Three    Trois   Tres
4   Four    Quatre   Cuatro
5   Five      Cinq   Cinco

See [API Documentation for IO](docs/


Contributions (issues ♥, pull requests ♥♥♥) are more than welcome! Feel free to
clone, fork, modify, extend, etc, as long as you respect the
[license terms](

See [contributing intructions](docs/ for details.


This project is released under [ISC License](LICENSE.d) license. If this license
does not fit your requirement for whatever reason, but you would be interested
in using the work (as defined below) under another license, please contact