# Quick start guide
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas <amilcar.lucas@iav.de>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
## Do you need this software at all?
![When to use ArduPilot Methodic Configurator](images/when_to_use_amc.png)
## 1. Install *ArduPilot Methodic Configurator* software on a PC or Mac
1. Download and install [ArduPilot Methodic Configurator](https://github.com/ArduPilot/MethodicConfigurator/releases/tag/latest) software.
![AMC install 01](images/AMC_install_01.png)
![AMC install 02](images/AMC_install_02.png)
![AMC install 03](images/AMC_install_03.png)
![AMC install 04](images/AMC_install_04.png)
![AMC install 05](images/AMC_install_05.png)
## 2. Install *Mission Planner* software on a PC or Mac
1. Download and install [Mission Planner](https://firmware.ardupilot.org/Tools/MissionPlanner/).
1. Make sure to install all the recommended device drivers when asked to.
## 3. Install *ArduPilot* firmware on the flight controller
1. Connect the flight controller to the computer using a USB cable.
1. Open *Mission Planner* software.
1. Go to *SETUP* > *Install Firmware* select your vehicle type and install version 4.3.8 **or newer** of the ArduPilot firmware onto the flight controller.
![Install ArduPilot firmware](images/MissionPlanne_install_firmware.png)
1. Wait until the firmware download is complete.
1. Disconnect the USB cable from the flight controller.
## 4. Use the *ArduPilot Methodic Configurator* software for the first time
1. Connect the flight controller to the computer using a USB cable.
1. Wait at least 7 seconds.
1. Open the *ArduPilot Methodic Configurator* software.
1. The software should now automatically detect and connect to your flight controller.
![AMC FC info and parameter download](images/App_screenshot_FC_info_and_param_download.png)
1. Select the vehicle template that better resembles your vehicle.
![AMC template selection1](images/App_screenshot_Vehicle_directory1.png)
![AMC template selection2](images/App_screenshot_Vehicle_overview.png)
1. Give a name to your vehicle.
![AMC new vehicle name](images/App_screenshot_Vehicle_directory2.png)
1. Press *Create vehicle configuration from template*.
![AMC new vehicle create](images/App_screenshot_Vehicle_directory3.png)
1. Edit all the components of your vehicle to match your own in the *Vehicle Component Editor* window.
![AMC component editor](images/App_screenshot_Component_Editor.png)
1. Press *Save data and start configuration*.
1. The application will validate your input.
If issues are found the problematic fields' background will be marked in red color.
Correct those entries and press the `Save data and start configuration` button again.
1. You should now see the *Parameter file editor and uploader* window.
![AMC parameter file editor and uploader](images/App_screenshot2.png)
If something is not clear, read the [ArduPilot Methodic Configurator user manual](USERMANUAL.md)
## 5. Configure the vehicle's parameters in a traceable way
The following simple loop is presented as welcome instructions:
![AMC welcome instructions](images/App_screenshot_instructions.png)
Now do this in a loop until the software automatically closes or you are asked to close the software:
- Read all the documentation links displayed at the top of the GUI (marked with the big red number 4),
- Edit the parameter's *New value* and *Reason changed* fields to match your vehicle (marked with the big red number 5),
- The *Reason changed* field is extremely important because:
- if forces you to think, causing rational decisions instead of impulsive ones
- justifies your decisions on a vehicle certification process required in most countries
- allows for someone else to see if you know what you are doing
- allows for someone else (or yourself after a few weeks) to understand your rationale
- Press *Del* and/or *Add* buttons to delete or add parameters respectively (marked with the big red number 5),
- Press *Upload selected params to FC, and advance to next param file* (marked with the big red number 7),
- Repeat from the top until the program automatically closes.
## 6. Use the *ArduPilot Methodic Configurator* software after having created a vehicle from template
1. Connect the flight controller to the computer using a USB cable.
1. Wait at least 7 seconds.
1. Open the *ArduPilot Methodic Configurator* software.
1. The software should now automatically detect and connect to your flight controller.
![AMC FC info and parameter download](images/App_screenshot_FC_info_and_param_download.png)
1. Open the vehicle configuration directory that you created in the [Use the *ArduPilot Methodic Configurator* software for the first time](#4-use-the-ardupilot-methodic-configurator-software-for-the-first-time).
![AMC open vehicle configuration](images/App_screenshot_Vehicle_directory4.png)
double-click and step inside the directory that you want to use, not just select it
1. Edit all the components of your vehicle to match your own.
![AMC component editor](images/App_screenshot_Component_Editor.png)
1. Press *Save data and start configuration*.
1. You should now see the *Parameter file editor and uploader* window.
![AMC parameter file editor and uploader](images/App_screenshot2.png)
1. Proceed as explained in [section 5](#5-configure-the-vehicles-parameters-in-a-traceable-way)
Congratulations your flight controller is now fully configured in the safest and fastest way publicly known.
There is also [documentation on other use cases](USECASES.md).