ATC_THR_MIX_MAX,0.7 # according to autotune documentation this should be raised up-to 0.9 after the tune
BATT_FS_LOW_ACT,2 # outdoors we want the drone to come back
BATT2_FS_LOW_ACT,2 # outdoors we want the drone to come back
LOG_BITMASK,144348 # 2:GPS,3:System Performance,4:Control Tuning,6:RC input,7:IMU,8:Mission Commands,9:Battery Monitor,12:PID,13:Compass,17:Motors
RTL_ALT,500 # The default is too high for the kind of flights we do. This reduces the altitude for outdoors
RTL_CLIMB_MIN,100 # always rise at least 1 meter as a visual indicator