BRD_SAFETY_DEFLT,0 # Matek H743 Slim has no safety switch
GPS_GNSS_MODE,7 # limit the constalations to ensure an update rate higher than 5Hz
GPS_POS1_X,0.056 # HX-CH7604A GNSS antenna pahse center location relative to CG
GPS_POS1_Y,0 # HX-CH7604A GNSS antenna pahse center location relative to CG
GPS_POS1_Z,-0.07 # HX-CH7604A GNSS antenna pahse center location relative to CG
GPS_TYPE,2 # Defined in component editor
SERIAL3_PROTOCOL,5 # GNSS receiver is connected to serial3
WPNAV_RADIUS,100 # we have a good GNSS receiver so we can afford to fly precisely