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# Ampache Release Guide

## Release Naming

* The minimum supported php version (currently 7.4) will always be released as ``
* Additional php versions will be tagged by binary name e.g. ``, ``

## Official Release Process

It's easy to use a program like github desktop to compare between branches.
**Use Linux**

**note** this process has been automated. I now use the `` script contained at the [ampache-administrator]( repo.

* Export database from a fresh install (phpMyAdmin exports well.)
  * Tables: Structure; **select all tables**
  * Tables: Data; **only select** `access_list`, `license`, `preference`, `search`, `update_info` and `user_preference`
  * Object creation options:
    * Tick "IF NOT EXISTS (less efficient as indexes will be generated during table creation)"
  * Save and then remove user 1 settings from `preference` and `user_preference` inserts.
* Open Github Desktop and pull latest develop / master
* Change to master branch
* Go to Branch Menu -> Update from develop
* Fix merge issues
  * src/Config/Init/InitializationHandlerConfig.php (Search for "// AMPACHE_VERSION" to find the lines that need updating)
  * src/Module/Api/Api.php (Set $version and $version_numeric)
  * docs/ (Update for release)
  * add new ampache.sql
* Commit merge for new version (e.g. 5.x.x) but **do not push!**
* Browse changes to check for things you've missed in the changelog
* ~~Add pchart to composer~~ (part of the dev requirements so it's included in releases)
  * ~~composer require --update-no-dev szymach/c-pchart "3.*"~~
* Grab the latest prettyphoto (if available/different from
* ~~Run composer install~~ (adding pchart updates everything)
* Grab the latest prettyphoto (if available/different from
* Get missing map files

wget -P ./public/lib/components/jQuery-contextMenu/dist/
wget -P ./public/lib/components/jQuery-contextMenu/dist/

* Reset the vendor folder completely and pull it all down

rm -rf ./composer.lock vendor/* public/lib/components/*

* Install packages for all supported php releases (ONE at a time obviously)

php7.4 /usr/local/bin/composer install
php8.0 /usr/local/bin/composer install

* Remove broken symbolic links

find . -xtype l -exec rm {} \;

* Set a version number to skip typing over and over
read -p "Enter Ampache Version: " a_version

* Create a zip package named " and add the entire ampache directory tree. (excluding git/development specific files)

rm ../ampache-${a_version} & zip -r -q -u -9 --exclude=./config/ampache.cfg.php --exclude=./docker/* --exclude=./.git/* --exclude=./.github/* --exclude=./.tx/* --exclude=./.idea/* --exclude=.gitignore --exclude=.gitattributes --exclude=.scrutinizer.yml --exclude=CNAME --exclude=.codeclimate.yml --exclude=.php* --exclude=.tgitconfig --exclude=.travis.yml --exclude=./public/rest/.htaccess.dist --exclude=./public/play/.htaccess.dist ../ampache-${a_version} ./
rm ../ampache-${a_version} & zip -r -q -u -9 --exclude=./config/ampache.cfg.php --exclude=./docker/* --exclude=./.git/* --exclude=./.github/* --exclude=./.tx/* --exclude=./.idea/* --exclude=.gitignore --exclude=.gitattributes --exclude=.scrutinizer.yml --exclude=CNAME --exclude=.codeclimate.yml --exclude=.php* --exclude=.tgitconfig --exclude=.travis.yml --exclude=./public/rest/.htaccess.dist --exclude=./public/play/.htaccess.dist ../ampache-${a_version} ./

rm ../ampache-${a_version} & zip -r -q -u -9 --exclude=./config/ampache.cfg.php --exclude=./docker/* --exclude=./.git/* --exclude=./.github/* --exclude=./.tx/* --exclude=./.idea/* --exclude=.gitignore --exclude=.gitattributes --exclude=.scrutinizer.yml --exclude=CNAME --exclude=.codeclimate.yml --exclude=.php* --exclude=.tgitconfig --exclude=.travis.yml --exclude=./rest/.htaccess.dist --exclude=./play/.htaccess.dist ../ampache-${a_version} ./
rm ../ampache-${a_version} & zip -r -q -u -9 --exclude=./config/ampache.cfg.php --exclude=./docker/* --exclude=./.git/* --exclude=./.github/* --exclude=./.tx/* --exclude=./.idea/* --exclude=.gitignore --exclude=.gitattributes --exclude=.scrutinizer.yml --exclude=CNAME --exclude=.codeclimate.yml --exclude=.php* --exclude=.tgitconfig --exclude=.travis.yml --exclude=./rest/.htaccess.dist --exclude=./play/.htaccess.dist ../ampache-${a_version} ./

* Then unpack the exact zip and create a server to test basic functionality

rm -rf /var/www/html && ln -s /var/www/ampache/public /var/www/html
rm -rf /var/www/ampache && unzip -o ../ampache-${a_version} -d /var/www/ampache/
rm -rf /var/www/ampache && unzip -o ../ampache-${a_version} -d /var/www/ampache/

* FIXME This might be where unit testing would be helpful.
* Draft Release page online and save as draft using your changelog
* When drafting a new release, set the tag to the version **5.x.x** and target to the **release5** branch.
* The "ampache-*.*.*" drop-in package is then uploaded.
* After setting version and title, save as draft
* Push your waiting update to master
* Publish the new release
  * get the md5hash for the release page

md5sum ../ampache-${a_version}*.zip

## Post release

* Update develop from master **don't push**
* Set the next version in init.php back to 'develop' and update the changelog
* Commit and push "Begin Ampache develop"

## Additional requirements

* Update ampache-docker with the current version.
* Update config file in docker (ampache.cfg.php.dist)
* Update and make a release for python3-ampache following the version with a build (5.x.x-1)
  * run to update the example files
* Create a new release on GitHub to automatically push to [PyPI](

## Update ampache-docker images on docker hub

Update the official Ampache docker images [<>]

**note** this process has been automated. I now use the `` script contained at the [ampache-administrator]( repo.

* To bump ampache-docker images rebuild for arm and amd64 using buildx [<>]
* After enabling experimental mode I installed the tools and buildx container.
* Make sure the docker API is [accessible](

This part should only be needed once.
It creates a local builder that can build the other CPU architectures using [buildx](

aptitude install qemu qemu-user-static qemu-user binfmt-support
docker buildx create --name mybuilder mybuilder
docker buildx use mybuilder
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap

Log in to your docker account

docker login -u USER -p PASSWORD

Build latest (master) images and push to docker hub.

git clone -b master ampache-docker/
cd ampache-docker
docker buildx build --no-cache --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 --build-arg VERSION=5.x.x -t ampache/ampache:5 -t ampache/ampache:5.x.x -t ampache/ampache:latest --push .

Build develop images and push to docker hub.

git clone -b develop ampache-docker-develop/
cd ampache-docker-develop
docker buildx build --no-cache --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t ampache/ampache:develop -t ampache/ampache:preview --push .

Build nosql images and push to docker hub.

git clone -b nosql ampache-docker-nosql/
cd ampache-docker-nosql
docker buildx build --no-cache --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 --build-arg VERSION=5.x.x -t ampache/ampache:nosql5 -t ampache/ampache:nosql5.x.x -t ampache/ampache:nosql --push .

## Additional info

Make sure rolling tags are updated to the latest commit. This is good for pre-release/develop tags

git tag -f 5.0.0 824380522

Then pushing it to github

git push --force origin 5.0.0

## Updating for squashed releases

For the squashed repo you need to manually copy/paste then do some find/replace to get the server working.

After fixing up the paths you can commit then follow the regular release process

**note** this process has been automated. I now use the `` script contained at the [ampache-administrator]( repo.

* Clone the repo `git clone -b squashed ampache_squashed/`
* Clone master `git clone -b master ampache_master/`
* Copy everything except the `/public`, `/docker` and `/vendor` folders into ampache_squashed
* Copy everything from /public into the root on the ampache_squashed folder
* find and replace for the following folders

/admin, /daap, /play, /rest, /server, /upnp, /webdav
* find `$dic = require __DIR__ . '/../../src/Config/Init.php';`
* replace `$dic = require __DIR__ . '/../src/Config/Init.php';`

* find `$dic = require __DIR__ . '/../../../src/Config/Init.php';`
* replace `$dic = require __DIR__ . '/../../src/Config/Init.php';`

/src, /templates
* find `/public/`
* replace `/`

* find `__DIR__ . '/../`
* replace `__DIR__ . '/`

composer.json, locale/base/
* find `public/lib`
* replace `lib`