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 * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab:
 * LICENSE: GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 (AGPL-3.0-or-later)
 * Copyright, 2001-2023
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

namespace Ampache\Module\System;

use Ampache\Config\AmpConfig;
use Ampache\Repository\Model\Preference;
use Ampache\Repository\Model\User;
use Ampache\Module\Util\Horde_Browser;
use Exception;

final class InstallationHelper implements InstallationHelperInterface
     * splits up a standard SQL dump file into distinct sql queries
     * @param string $sql
    private function split_sql($sql): array
        $sql       = trim((string) $sql);
        $sql       = preg_replace("/\n--[^\n]*\n/", "\n", $sql);
        $buffer    = array();
        $ret       = array();
        $in_string = false;
        for ($count = 0; $count < strlen((string) $sql) - 1; $count++) {
            if ($sql[$count] == ";" && !$in_string) {
                $ret[] = substr($sql, 0, $count);
                $sql   = substr($sql, $count + 1);
                $count = 0;
            if ($in_string && ($sql[$count] == $in_string) && $buffer[1] != "\\") {
                $in_string = false;
            } elseif (!$in_string && ($sql[$count] == '"' || $sql[$count] == "'") && (!isset($buffer[0]) || $buffer[0] != "\\")) {
                $in_string = $sql[$count];
            if (isset($buffer[1])) {
                $buffer[0] = $buffer[1];
            $buffer[1] = $sql[$count];
        if (!empty($sql)) {
            $ret[] = $sql;

        return $ret;

     * this function checks to see if we actually
     * still need to install ampache. This function is
     * very important, we don't want to reinstall over top of an existing install
     * @param $configfile
    public function install_check_status($configfile): bool
         * Check and see if the config file exists
         * if it does they can't use the web interface
         * to install ampache.
        if (!file_exists($configfile)) {
            return true;

         * Check and see if they've got _any_ account
         * if they don't then they're cool
        $results = parse_ini_file($configfile);
        AmpConfig::set_by_array($results, true);

        if (!Dba::check_database()) {
            AmpError::add('general', T_('Unable to connect to the database, check your Ampache config'));

            return false;

        $sql        = 'SELECT * FROM `user`';
        $db_results = Dba::read($sql);

        if (!$db_results) {
            AmpError::add('general', T_('Unable to query the database, check your Ampache config'));

            return false;

        if (!Dba::num_rows($db_results)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            AmpError::add('general', T_('Existing database was detected, unable to continue the installation'));

            return false;

     * install_check_server_apache
    public function install_check_server_apache(): bool
        return (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], "Apache/") === 0);

     * @param string $file
     * @param $web_path
     * @param bool $fix
     * @return bool|string
    public function install_check_rewrite_rules($file, $web_path, $fix = false)
        if (!is_readable($file)) {
            $file .= '.dist';
        $valid     = true;
        $htaccess  = file_get_contents($file);
        $new_lines = array();
        $lines     = explode("\n", $htaccess);
        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            $parts   = explode(' ', (string) $line);
            $p_count = count($parts);
            for ($count = 0; $count < $p_count; $count++) {
                // Matching url rewriting rule syntax
                if ($parts[$count] === 'RewriteRule' && $count < ($p_count - 2)) {
                    $reprule = $parts[$count + 2];
                    if (!empty($web_path) && strpos($reprule, $web_path) !== 0) {
                        $reprule = $web_path . $reprule;
                        if ($fix) {
                            $parts[$count + 2] = $reprule;
                            $line              = implode(' ', $parts);
                        } else {
                            $valid = false;

            if ($fix) {
                $new_lines[] = $line;

        if ($fix) {
            return implode("\n", $new_lines);

        return $valid;

     * @param string $file
     * @param $web_path
     * @param bool $download
    public function install_rewrite_rules($file, $web_path, $download): bool
        $final = $this->install_check_rewrite_rules($file, $web_path, true);
        if (!$download) {
            if (!file_put_contents($file, $final)) {
                AmpError::add('general', T_('Failed to write config file'));

                return false;
        } else {
            $browser = new Horde_Browser();
            $headers = $browser->getDownloadHeaders(basename($file), 'text/plain', false, strlen((string) $final));

            foreach ($headers as $headerName => $value) {
                header(sprintf('%s: %s', $headerName, $value));
            echo $final;

            return false;

        return true;

     * install_insert_db
     * Inserts the database using the values from Config.
     * @param string $db_user
     * @param string $db_pass
     * @param bool $create_db
     * @param bool $overwrite
     * @param bool $create_tables
     * @param string $charset
     * @param string $collation
    public function install_insert_db($db_user = null, $db_pass = null, $create_db = true, $overwrite = false, $create_tables = true, $charset = 'utf8mb4', $collation = 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'): bool
        $database = (string) AmpConfig::get('database_name');
        // Make sure that the database name is valid
        preg_match('/([^\d\w\_\-])/', $database, $matches);

        if (count($matches)) {
            AmpError::add('general', T_('Database name is invalid'));

            return false;

        if (!Dba::check_database()) {
            /* HINT: Database error message */
            AmpError::add('general', sprintf(T_('Unable to connect to the database: %s'), Dba::error()));

            return false;

        $db_exists = Dba::read('SHOW TABLES');

        if (is_object($db_exists) && $create_db) {
            if ($overwrite) {
                Dba::write('DROP DATABASE `' . $database . '`');
            } else {
                AmpError::add('general', T_('Database already exists and "overwrite" was not checked'));

                return false;

        if ($create_db) {
            if (!Dba::write('CREATE DATABASE `' . $database . '`')) {
                /* HINT: Database error message */
                AmpError::add('general', sprintf(T_('Unable to create the database: %s'), Dba::error()));

                return false;


        // Check to see if we should create a user here
        if (strlen((string) $db_user) && strlen((string) $db_pass)) {
            $db_host = AmpConfig::get('database_hostname');
            // create the user account
            $sql_user = "CREATE USER '" . Dba::escape($db_user) . "'";
            if ($db_host == 'localhost' || strpos($db_host, '/') === 0) {
                $sql_user .= "@'localhost'";
            $sql_user .= " IDENTIFIED BY '" . Dba::escape($db_pass) . "'";
            if (!Dba::write($sql_user)) {
                AmpError::add('general', sprintf(
                    /* HINT: %1 user, %2 database, %3 host, %4 error message */
                    T_('Unable to create the user "%1$s" with permissions to "%2$s" on "%3$s": %4$s'),
                // this user might exist but we don't always care
                if (!$overwrite) {
                    return false;
            // grant database access to that account
            $sql_grant = "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `" . Dba::escape($database) . "`.* TO '" . Dba::escape($db_user) . "'";
            if ($db_host == 'localhost' || strpos($db_host, '/') === 0) {
                $sql_grant .= "@'localhost'";
            $sql_grant .= " WITH GRANT OPTION";

            if (!Dba::write($sql_grant)) {
                AmpError::add('general', sprintf(
                    /* HINT: %1 database, %2 user, %3 host, %4 error message */
                    T_('Unable to grant permissions to "%1$s" for the user "%2$s" on "%3$s": %4$s'),

                return false;
        } // end if we are creating a user

        if ($create_tables) {
            $sql_file = __DIR__ . '/../../../resources/sql/ampache.sql';
            $query    = fread(fopen($sql_file, 'r'), Core::get_filesize($sql_file));
            $pieces   = $this->split_sql($query);
            $p_count  = count($pieces);
            $errors   = array();
            for ($count = 0; $count < $p_count; $count++) {
                $pieces[$count] = trim((string) $pieces[$count]);
                if (!empty($pieces[$count]) && $pieces[$count] != '#') {
                    if (!Dba::write($pieces[$count])) {
                        $errors[] = array(Dba::error(), $pieces[$count]);

        if ($create_db) {
            $sql = "ALTER DATABASE `" . $database . "` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $charset COLLATE " . $collation;
            // if you've set a custom collation we need to change it
            $tables = array("access_list", "album", "artist", "bookmark", "broadcast", "cache_object_count", "cache_object_count_run", "catalog", "catalog_local", "catalog_remote", "channel", "clip", "daap_session", "democratic", "image", "ip_history", "label", "label_asso", "license", "live_stream", "localplay_httpq", "localplay_mpd", "metadata", "metadata_field", "movie", "now_playing", "object_count", "personal_video", "player_control", "playlist", "playlist_data", "podcast", "podcast_episode", "preference", "rating", "recommendation", "recommendation_item", "search", "session", "session_remember", "session_stream", "share", "song", "song_data", "song_preview", "stream_playlist", "tag", "tag_map", "tag_merge", "tmp_browse", "tmp_playlist", "tmp_playlist_data", "tvshow", "tvshow_episode", "tvshow_season", "update_info", "user", "user_activity", "user_catalog", "user_flag", "user_follower", "user_preference", "user_pvmsg", "user_shout", "user_vote", "video", "wanted");
            foreach ($tables as $table_name) {
                $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table_name . "` CHARACTER SET $charset COLLATE " . $collation;

        // If they've picked something other than English update default preferences
        if (AmpConfig::get('lang', 'en_US') != 'en_US') {
            // FIXME: 31? I hate magic.
            $sql = 'UPDATE `preference` SET `value` = ? WHERE `id` = 31';
            Dba::write($sql, array(AmpConfig::get('lang', 'en_US')));
            $sql = 'UPDATE `user_preference` SET `value` = ? WHERE `preference` = 31';
            Dba::write($sql, array(AmpConfig::get('lang', 'en_US')));

        return true;

     * Attempts to write out the config file or offer it as a download.
     * @param bool $download
     * @return bool
     * @throws Exception
    public function install_create_config($download = false): bool
        $config_file = __DIR__ . '/../../../config/ampache.cfg.php';

        /* Attempt to make DB connection */

        $params = AmpConfig::get_all();
        if (empty($params['database_username']) || (empty($params['database_password']) && strpos($params['database_hostname'], '/') !== 0)) {
            AmpError::add('general', T_("Invalid configuration settings"));

            return false;

        // Connect to the DB
        if (!Dba::check_database()) {
            AmpError::add('general', T_("Connection to the database failed: Check hostname, username and password"));

            return false;

        $final = $this->generate_config($params);

        // Make sure the directory is writable OR the empty config file is
        if (!$download) {
            if (!check_config_writable()) {
                AmpError::add('general', T_('Config file is not writable'));

                return false;
            } else {
                // Given that $final is > 0, we can ignore lazy comparison problems
                if (!file_put_contents($config_file, $final)) {
                    AmpError::add('general', T_('Failed writing config file'));

                    return false;
        } else {
            $browser = new Horde_Browser();
            $headers = $browser->getDownloadHeaders('ampache.cfg.php', 'text/plain', false, strlen((string) $final));
            foreach ($headers as $headerName => $value) {
                header(sprintf('%s: %s', $headerName, $value));
            echo $final;

            return false;

        return true;

     * this creates your initial account and sets up the preferences for the -1 user and you
     * @param string $username
     * @param string $password
     * @param string $password2
    public function install_create_account($username, $password, $password2): bool
        if (!strlen((string) $username) || !strlen((string) $password)) {
            AmpError::add('general', T_('No username or password was specified'));

            return false;

        if ($password !== $password2) {
            AmpError::add('general', T_('Passwords do not match'));

            return false;

        if (!Dba::check_database()) {
            /* HINT: Database error message */
            AmpError::add('general', sprintf(T_('Connection to the database failed: %s'), Dba::error()));

            return false;

        if (!Dba::check_database_inserted()) {
            /* HINT: Database error message */
            AmpError::add('general', sprintf(T_('Database select failed: %s'), Dba::error()));

            return false;

        $user_id = User::create($username, 'Administrator', '', '', $password, 100);
        if ($user_id < 1) {
            /* HINT: Database error message */
            AmpError::add('general', sprintf(T_('Administrative user creation failed: %s'), Dba::error()));

            return false;

        // Fix the system user preferences

        return true;

     * @param string $command
    private function command_exists($command): bool
        if (!function_exists('proc_open')) {
            return false;

        $whereIsCommand = (PHP_OS == 'WINNT') ? 'where' : 'which';
        $process        = proc_open(
            "$whereIsCommand $command",
                0 => array("pipe", "r"), // STDIN
                1 => array("pipe", "w"), // STDOUT
                2 => array("pipe", "w"), // STDERR

        if ($process !== false) {
            $stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);

            return $stdout != '';

        return false;

     * get transcode modes available on this machine.
     * @return array
    public function install_get_transcode_modes(): array
        $modes = array();

        if ($this->command_exists('ffmpeg')) {
            $modes[] = 'ffmpeg';
        if ($this->command_exists('avconv')) {
            $modes[] = 'avconv';

        return $modes;

     * @param $mode
    public function install_config_transcode_mode($mode)
        $trconfig = array(
            'encode_target' => 'mp3',
            'encode_video_target' => 'webm',
            'transcode_m4a' => 'required',
            'transcode_flac' => 'required',
            'transcode_mpc' => 'required',
            'transcode_ogg' => 'allowed',
            'transcode_wav' => 'required',
            'transcode_avi' => 'allowed',
            'transcode_mpg' => 'allowed',
            'transcode_mkv' => 'allowed',
        if ($mode == 'ffmpeg' || $mode == 'avconv') {
            $trconfig['transcode_cmd']          = $mode;
            $trconfig['transcode_input']        = '-i %FILE%';
            $trconfig['waveform']               = 'true';
            $trconfig['generate_video_preview'] = 'true';

            AmpConfig::set_by_array($trconfig, true);

     * @param $case
    public function install_config_use_case($case)
        $trconfig = array(
            'use_auth' => 'true',
            'ratings' => 'true',
            'sociable' => 'true',
            'licensing' => 'false',
            'wanted' => 'false',
            'live_stream' => 'true',
            'allow_public_registration' => 'false',
            'cookie_disclaimer' => 'false',
            'share' => 'false'

        $dbconfig = array(
            'download' => '1',
            'share' => '0',
            'allow_video' => '0',
            'home_now_playing' => '1',
            'home_recently_played' => '1'

        switch ($case) {
            case 'minimalist':
                $trconfig['ratings']     = 'false';
                $trconfig['sociable']    = 'false';
                $trconfig['wanted']      = 'false';
                $trconfig['live_stream'] = 'false';

                $dbconfig['download']    = '0';
                $dbconfig['allow_video'] = '0';

                $cookie_options = [
                    'expires' => time() + (30 * 24 * 60 * 60),
                    'path' => '/',
                    'samesite' => 'Strict'

                // Default local UI preferences to have a better 'minimalist first look'.
                setcookie('sidebar_state', 'collapsed', $cookie_options);
                setcookie('browse_album_grid_view', 'false', $cookie_options);
                setcookie('browse_artist_grid_view', 'false', $cookie_options);
            case 'community':
                $trconfig['use_auth']                  = 'false';
                $trconfig['licensing']                 = 'true';
                $trconfig['wanted']                    = 'false';
                $trconfig['live_stream']               = 'false';
                $trconfig['allow_public_registration'] = 'true';
                $trconfig['cookie_disclaimer']         = 'true';
                $trconfig['share']                     = 'true';

                $dbconfig['download']             = '0';
                $dbconfig['share']                = '1';
                $dbconfig['home_now_playing']     = '0';
                $dbconfig['home_recently_played'] = '0';

        AmpConfig::set_by_array($trconfig, true);
        foreach ($dbconfig as $preference => $value) {
            Preference::update($preference, -1, $value, true, true);

     * @param array $backends
    public function install_config_backends(array $backends)
        $dbconfig = array(
            'subsonic_backend' => '0',
            'daap_backend' => '0',
            'upnp_backend' => '0',
            'webdav_backend' => '0',
            'stream_beautiful_url' => '0'

        foreach ($backends as $backend) {
            switch ($backend) {
                case 'subsonic':
                    $dbconfig['subsonic_backend'] = '1';
                case 'upnp':
                    $dbconfig['upnp_backend']         = '1';
                    $dbconfig['stream_beautiful_url'] = '1';
                case 'daap':
                    $dbconfig['daap_backend'] = '1';
                case 'webdav':
                    $dbconfig['webdav_backend'] = '1';

        foreach ($dbconfig as $preference => $value) {
            Preference::update($preference, -1, $value, true, true);

     * Write new configuration into the current configuration file by keeping old values.
    public function write_config(string $current_file_path): bool
        if (!is_writeable($current_file_path)) {
            return false;
        $new_data = $this->generate_config(parse_ini_file($current_file_path));

        // Start writing into the current config file
        $handle = fopen($current_file_path, 'w+');
        fwrite($handle, $new_data, strlen((string) $new_data));

        return true;

     * This takes an array of results and re-generates the config file
     * this is used by the installer and by the admin/system page
     * @param array $current
     * @return string
     * @throws Exception
    public function generate_config(array $current): string
        // Start building the new config file
        $distfile = __DIR__ . '/../../../config/ampache.cfg.php.dist';
        $handle   = fopen($distfile, 'r');
        $dist     = fread($handle, Core::get_filesize($distfile));

        $data  = explode("\n", (string) $dist);
        $final = "";
        foreach ($data as $line) {
            if (
                preg_match("/^;?([\w\d]+)\s+=\s+[\"]{1}(.*?)[\"]{1}$/", $line, $matches) ||
                preg_match("/^;?([\w\d]+)\s+=\s+[\']{1}(.*?)[\']{1}$/", $line, $matches) ||
                preg_match("/^;?([\w\d]+)\s+=\s+[\'\"]{0}(.*)[\'\"]{0}$/", $line, $matches) ||
                preg_match("/^;?([\w\d]+)\s{0}=\s{0}[\'\"]?(.*?)[\'\"]?$/", $line, $matches)
            ) {
                $key   = $matches[1];
                $value = $matches[2];

                // Put in the current value
                if ($key == 'config_version') {
                    $line = $key . ' = ' . $this->escape_ini($value);
                } elseif ($key == 'secret_key' && !isset($current[$key])) {
                    $secret_key = Core::gen_secure_token(31);
                    if ($secret_key !== false) {
                        $line = $key . ' = "' . $this->escape_ini($secret_key) . '"';
                } elseif (isset($current[$key])) {
                    // unable to generate a cryptographically secure token, use the default one
                    $line = $key . ' = "' . $this->escape_ini((string) $current[$key]) . '"';

            $final .= $line . "\n";

        return $final;

     * Escape a value used for inserting into an ini file.
     * Won't quote ', like addslashes does.
     * @param string|string[] $str
     * @return string|string[]
    private function escape_ini($str)
        return str_replace('"', '\"', $str);