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 * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab:
 * LICENSE: GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 (AGPL-3.0-or-later)
 * Copyright, 2001-2024
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

namespace Ampache\Repository\Model;

use Ampache\Module\Art\ArtCleanupInterface;
use Ampache\Module\Playback\Stream;
use Ampache\Module\Playback\Stream_Url;
use Ampache\Module\Statistics\Stats;
use Ampache\Module\Authorization\Access;
use Ampache\Module\System\Dba;
use Ampache\Module\Util\ObjectTypeToClassNameMapper;
use Ampache\Config\AmpConfig;
use Ampache\Module\System\Core;
use Ampache\Module\Util\Ui;
use Ampache\Repository\ShoutRepositoryInterface;
use Ampache\Repository\UserActivityRepositoryInterface;

class Video extends database_object implements
    protected const DB_TABLENAME = 'video';

    public int $id = 0;
    public string $file;
    public int $catalog;
    public ?string $title;
    public ?string $video_codec;
    public ?string $audio_codec;
    public int $resolution_x;
    public int $resolution_y;
    public int $time;
    public int $size;
    public ?string $mime;
    public int $addition_time;
    public ?int $update_time;
    public int $enabled;
    public bool $played;
    public ?int $release_date;
    public ?int $channels;
    public ?int $bitrate;
    public ?int $video_bitrate;
    public ?int $display_x;
    public ?int $display_y;
    public ?float $frame_rate;
    public ?string $mode;
    public int $total_count;
    public int $total_skip;

    public ?string $link = null;
     * @var string $type
    public $type;
     * @var array $tags
    public $tags;
     * @var null|string $f_name
    public $f_name;
     * @var null|string $f_full_title
    public $f_full_title;

     * @var null|string $f_time
    public $f_time;
     * @var null|string $f_time_h
    public $f_time_h;
     * @var null|string $f_size
    public $f_size;
     * @var null|string $f_link
    public $f_link;
     * @var null|string $f_codec
    public $f_codec;
     * @var null|string $f_resolution
    public $f_resolution;
     * @var null|string $f_display
    public $f_display;
     * @var null|string $f_bitrate
    public $f_bitrate;
     * @var null|string $f_video_bitrate
    public $f_video_bitrate;
     * @var null|string $f_frame_rate
    public $f_frame_rate;
     * @var null|string $f_tags
    public $f_tags;
     * @var null|string $f_length
    public $f_length;
     * @var null|string $f_release_date
    public $f_release_date;

    private ?bool $has_art = null;

     * Constructor
     * This pulls the information from the database and returns
     * a constructed object
     * @param int|null $video_id
    public function __construct($video_id = 0)
        if (!$video_id) {

        $info = $this->get_info($video_id, 'video');
        if (empty($info)) {
        foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
            $this->$key = $value;

        $this->type        = strtolower((string)pathinfo($this->file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
        $this->total_count = (int)$this->total_count;

    public function getId(): int
        return (int)($this->id ?? 0);

    public function isNew(): bool
        return $this->getId() === 0;

     * Create a video strongly typed object from its id.
     * @param int $video_id
     * @return Video
    public static function create_from_id($video_id): Video
        foreach (ObjectTypeToClassNameMapper::VIDEO_TYPES as $dtype) {
            $sql        = "SELECT `id` FROM `" . strtolower($dtype) . "` WHERE `id` = ?";
            $db_results = Dba::read($sql, array($video_id));
            $results    = Dba::fetch_assoc($db_results);
            if (array_key_exists('id', $results)) {
                $className = ObjectTypeToClassNameMapper::map(strtolower($dtype));

                return new $className($video_id);

        return new Video($video_id);

     * build_cache
     * Build a cache based on the array of ids passed, saves lots of little queries
     * @param int[] $ids
    public static function build_cache($ids): bool
        if (empty($ids)) {
            return false;

        $idlist     = '(' . implode(',', $ids) . ')';
        $sql        = "SELECT * FROM `video` WHERE `video`.`id` IN $idlist";
        $db_results = Dba::read($sql);

        while ($row = Dba::fetch_assoc($db_results)) {
            parent::add_to_cache('video', $row['id'], $row);

        return true;

     * format
     * This formats a video object so that it is human readable
     * @param bool $details
    public function format($details = true): void
        $this->f_codec = $this->video_codec . ' / ' . $this->audio_codec;
        if ($this->resolution_x || $this->resolution_y) {
            $this->f_resolution = $this->resolution_x . 'x' . $this->resolution_y;
        if ($this->display_x || $this->display_y) {
            $this->f_display = $this->display_x . 'x' . $this->display_y;

        // Format the Bitrate
        $this->f_bitrate       = (int) ($this->bitrate / 1024) . "-" . strtoupper((string) $this->mode);
        $this->f_video_bitrate = (string) (int) ($this->video_bitrate / 1024);
        if ($this->frame_rate) {
            $this->f_frame_rate = $this->frame_rate . ' fps';

        // Format the Time
        $min            = floor($this->time / 60);
        $sec            = sprintf("%02d", ($this->time % 60));
        $this->f_time   = $min . ":" . $sec;
        $hour           = sprintf("%02d", floor($min / 60));
        $min_h          = sprintf("%02d", ($min % 60));
        $this->f_time_h = $hour . ":" . $min_h . ":" . $sec;

        // Format the size
        $this->f_size = Ui::format_bytes($this->size);

        if ($details) {
            // Get the top tags
            $this->tags   = Tag::get_top_tags('video', $this->id);
            $this->f_tags = Tag::get_display($this->tags, true, 'video');

        $this->f_length = floor($this->time / 60) . ' ' . T_('minutes');
        if ($this->release_date) {
            $this->f_release_date = get_datetime((int) $this->release_date, 'short', 'none');

     * Returns the filename of the media-item
    public function getFileName(): string
        return $this->get_fullname() . '.' . $this->type;

     * does the item have art?
    public function has_art(): bool
        if ($this->has_art === null) {
            $this->has_art = Art::has_db($this->id, 'video');

        return $this->has_art;

     * Get item keywords for metadata searches.
     * @return array
    public function get_keywords(): array
        $keywords          = array();
        $keywords['title'] = array(
            'important' => true,
            'label' => T_('Title'),
            'value' => $this->get_fullname()

        return $keywords;

     * Get item fullname.
    public function get_fullname(): ?string
        if (!isset($this->f_name)) {
            $this->f_name = $this->title;

        return $this->f_name;

     * Get item link.
    public function get_link(): string
        // don't do anything if it's formatted
        if ($this->link === null) {
            $web_path   = AmpConfig::get('web_path');
            $this->link = $web_path . "/video.php?action=show_video&video_id=" . $this->id;

        return $this->link;

     * Get item link.
    public function get_f_link(): string
        // don't do anything if it's formatted
        if (!isset($this->f_link)) {
            $link_text    = scrub_out($this->get_fullname());
            $this->f_link = "<a href=\"" . $this->get_link() . "\" title=\"" . $link_text . "\"> " . $link_text . "</a>";

        return $this->f_link;

     * get_f_artist_link
    public function get_f_artist_link(): ?string
        return '';

     * Get item get_f_album_link.
    public function get_f_album_link(): string
        return '';

     * Get item get_f_album_disk_link.
    public function get_f_album_disk_link(): string
        return '';

     * get_parent
     * Return parent `object_type`, `object_id`; null otherwise.
    public function get_parent(): ?array
        return null;

     * Get item childrens.
     * @return array
    public function get_childrens(): array
        return array();

     * Search for direct children of an object
     * @param string $name
     * @return array
    public function get_children($name): array
        debug_event(self::class, 'get_children ' . $name, 5);

        return array();

     * Get all childrens and sub-childrens medias.
     * @return list<array{object_type: string, object_id: int}>
    public function get_medias(?string $filter_type = null): array
        $medias = array();
        if ($filter_type === null || $filter_type === 'video') {
            $medias[] = array(
                'object_type' => 'video',
                'object_id' => $this->id

        return $medias;

     * Returns the id of the catalog the item is associated to
    public function getCatalogId(): int
        return $this->catalog;

     * Get item's owner.
     * @return int|null
    public function get_user_owner(): ?int
        return null;

     * Get default art kind for this item.
    public function get_default_art_kind(): string
        return 'preview';

     * get_description
    public function get_description(): string
        return '';

     * display_art
     * @param int $thumb
     * @param bool $force
    public function display_art($thumb = 2, $force = false): void
        if (Art::has_db($this->id, 'video') || $force) {
            Art::display('video', $this->id, (string)$this->get_fullname(), $thumb, $this->get_link());

     * garbage_collection
     * Cleans up the inherited object tables
    public static function garbage_collection(): void
        // delete files matching catalog_ignore_pattern
        $ignore_pattern = AmpConfig::get('catalog_ignore_pattern');
        if ($ignore_pattern) {
            Dba::write("DELETE FROM `video` WHERE `file` REGEXP ?;", array($ignore_pattern));
        // clean up missing catalogs
        Dba::write("DELETE FROM `video` WHERE `video`.`catalog` NOT IN (SELECT `id` FROM `catalog`);");
        // clean up sub-tables of videos

     * Get stream types.
     * @param string $player
     * @return array
    public function get_stream_types($player = null): array
        return Stream::get_stream_types_for_type($this->type, $player);

     * play_url
     * This returns a "PLAY" url for the video in question here, this currently feels a little
     * like a hack, might need to adjust it in the future
     * @param string $additional_params
     * @param string $player
     * @param bool $local
     * @param int|string $uid
     * @param null|string $streamToken
    public function play_url($additional_params = '', $player = '', $local = false, $uid = false, $streamToken = null): string
        if ($this->isNew()) {
            return '';
        if (!$uid) {
            // No user in the case of upnp. Set to 0 instead. required to fix database insertion errors
            $uid = Core::get_global('user')->id ?? 0;
        // set no use when using auth
        if (!AmpConfig::get('use_auth') && !AmpConfig::get('require_session')) {
            $uid = -1;

        $media_name = $this->get_stream_name() . "." . $this->type;
        $media_name = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\. ]+/", "-", $media_name);
        $media_name = (AmpConfig::get('stream_beautiful_url'))
            ? urlencode($media_name)
            : rawurlencode($media_name);

        $url = Stream::get_base_url($local, $streamToken) . "type=video&oid=" . $this->id . "&uid=" . (string) $uid . $additional_params;
        if ($player !== '') {
            $url .= "&player=" . $player;
        $url .= "&name=" . $media_name;

        return Stream_Url::format($url);

     * Get stream name.
    public function get_stream_name(): string
        return (string)$this->title;

     * get_transcode_settings
     * @param string $target
     * @param array $options
     * @param string $player
     * @return array
    public function get_transcode_settings($target = null, $player = null, $options = array()): array
        return Stream::get_transcode_settings_for_media($this->type, $target, $player, 'video', $options);

     * getYear
    public function getYear(): string
        return '';

     * type_to_mime
     * Returns the mime type for the specified file extension/type
     * @param string $type
    public static function type_to_mime($type): string
        // FIXME: This should really be done the other way around.
        // Store the mime type in the database, and provide a function
        // to make it a human-friendly type.
        switch ($type) {
            case 'avi':
                return 'video/avi';
            case 'ogg':
            case 'ogv':
                return 'application/ogg';
            case 'wmv':
                return 'audio/x-ms-wmv';
            case 'mp4':
            case 'm4v':
                return 'video/mp4';
            case 'mkv':
                return 'video/x-matroska';
            case 'mov':
                return 'video/quicktime';
            case 'divx':
                return 'video/x-divx';
            case 'webm':
                return 'video/webm';
            case 'flv':
                return 'video/x-flv';
            case 'ts':
                return 'video/mp2t';
            case 'mpg':
            case 'mpeg':
            case 'm2ts':
                return 'video/mpeg';

     * Insert new video.
    public static function insert(array $data, ?array $gtypes = array(), ?array $options = array()): int
        $check_file = Catalog::get_id_from_file($data['file'], 'video');
        if ($check_file > 0) {
            return $check_file;
        $bitrate      = (int) $data['bitrate'];
        $mode         = $data['mode'];
        $rezx         = $data['resolution_x'];
        $rezy         = $data['resolution_y'];
        $release_date = $data['release_date'] ?? null;
        // No release date, then release date = production year
        if (!$release_date && array_key_exists('year', $data)) {
            $release_date = strtotime((string) $data['year'] . '-01-01');
        $tags          = $data['genre'] ?? null;
        $channels      = (int) $data['channels'];
        $disx          = (int) $data['display_x'];
        $disy          = (int) $data['display_y'];
        $frame_rate    = (float) $data['frame_rate'];
        $video_bitrate = Catalog::check_int($data['video_bitrate'], 4294967294, 0);

        $sql    = "INSERT INTO `video` (`file`, `catalog`, `title`, `video_codec`, `audio_codec`, `resolution_x`, `resolution_y`, `size`, `time`, `mime`, `release_date`, `addition_time`, `bitrate`, `mode`, `channels`, `display_x`, `display_y`, `frame_rate`, `video_bitrate`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
        $params = array($data['file'], $data['catalog'], $data['title'], $data['video_codec'], $data['audio_codec'], $rezx, $rezy, $data['size'], $data['time'], $data['mime'], $release_date, time(), $bitrate, $mode, $channels, $disx, $disy, $frame_rate, $video_bitrate);
        Dba::write($sql, $params);
        $video_id = (int) Dba::insert_id();

        Catalog::update_map((int)$data['catalog'], 'video', $video_id);

        if (is_array($tags)) {
            foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                $tag = trim((string) $tag);
                if (!empty($tag)) {
                    Tag::add('video', $video_id, $tag, false);

        if ($data['art'] && !empty($options) && $options['gather_art']) {
            $art = new Art((int) $video_id, 'video');

        $data['id'] = $video_id;

        return self::insert_video_type($data, $gtypes, $options);

     * Insert video for derived type.
    private static function insert_video_type(array $data, ?array $gtypes = array(), ?array $options = array()): int
        if (is_array($gtypes) && count($gtypes) > 0) {
            $gtype = $gtypes[0];
            switch ($gtype) {
                case 'tvshow':
                    return TVShow_Episode::insert($data, $gtypes, $options);
                case 'movie':
                    return Movie::insert($data, $gtypes, $options);
                case 'clip':
                    return Clip::insert($data, $gtypes, $options);
                case 'personal_video':
                    return Personal_Video::insert($data, $gtypes, $options);

        return $data['id'];

     * update
     * This takes a key'd array of data as input and updates a video entry
     * @param array $data
    public function update(array $data): int
        $sql    = "UPDATE `video` SET `title` = ?";
        $title  = $data['title'] ?? $this->title;
        $params = array($title);
        // don't require a release date when updating a video
        if (isset($data['release_date'])) {
            $f_release_date     = (string) $data['release_date'];
            $release_date       = strtotime($f_release_date);
            $this->release_date = $release_date ?: null;
            $sql .= ", `release_date` = ?";
            $params[] = $release_date;
        $sql .= " WHERE `id` = ?";
        $params[] = $this->id;

        Dba::write($sql, $params);

        if (isset($data['edit_tags'])) {
            Tag::update_tag_list($data['edit_tags'], 'video', $this->id, true);

        $this->title = $title;

        return $this->id;

     * @param int $video_id
     * @param Video $new_video
    public static function update_video($video_id, Video $new_video): void
        $update_time  = time();
        $release_date = is_numeric($new_video->release_date) ? $new_video->release_date : null;

        $sql = "UPDATE `video` SET `title` = ?, `bitrate` = ?, `size` = ?, `time` = ?, `video_codec` = ?, `audio_codec` = ?, `resolution_x` = ?, `resolution_y` = ?, `release_date` = ?, `channels` = ?, `display_x` = ?, `display_y` = ?, `frame_rate` = ?, `video_bitrate` = ?, `update_time` = ? WHERE `id` = ?";

        Dba::write($sql, array($new_video->title, $new_video->bitrate, $new_video->size, $new_video->time, $new_video->video_codec, $new_video->audio_codec, $new_video->resolution_x, $new_video->resolution_y, $release_date, $new_video->channels, $new_video->display_x, $new_video->display_y, $new_video->frame_rate, $new_video->video_bitrate, $update_time, $video_id));

     * update_video_counts
     * @param int $video_id
    public static function update_video_counts($video_id): void
        if ($video_id > 0) {
            $params = array($video_id);
            $sql    = "UPDATE `video` SET `total_count` = 0 WHERE `total_count` > 0 AND `id` NOT IN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_id` = ? AND `object_count`.`object_type` = 'video' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'stream');";
            Dba::write($sql, $params);
            $sql = "UPDATE `video` SET `total_skip` = 0 WHERE `total_skip` > 0 AND `id` NOT IN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_id` = ? AND `object_count`.`object_type` = 'video' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'stream');";
            Dba::write($sql, $params);
            $sql = "UPDATE `video` SET `video`.`played` = 0 WHERE `video`.`played` = 1 AND `video`.`id` NOT IN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_id` = ? AND `object_type` = 'video' AND `count_type` = 'stream');";
            Dba::write($sql, $params);
            $sql = "UPDATE `video` SET `video`.`played` = 1 WHERE `video`.`played` = 0 AND `video`.`id` IN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_id` = ? AND `object_type` = 'video' AND `count_type` = 'stream');";
            Dba::write($sql, $params);

     * Get release item art.
     * @return array
    public function get_release_item_art(): array
        return array(
            'object_type' => 'video',
            'object_id' => $this->id

     * generate_preview
     * Generate video preview image from a video file
     * @param int $video_id
     * @param bool $overwrite
    public static function generate_preview($video_id, $overwrite = false): void
        if ($overwrite || !Art::has_db($video_id, 'video', 'preview')) {
            $artp  = new Art($video_id, 'video', 'preview');
            $video = new Video($video_id);
            $image = Stream::get_image_preview($video);
            if ($image) {
                $artp->insert($image, 'image/png');

     * set_played
     * this checks to see if the current object has been played
     * if not then it sets it to played. In any case it updates stats.
     * @param int $user_id
     * @param string $agent
     * @param array $location
     * @param int $date
    public function set_played($user_id, $agent, $location, $date): bool
        // ignore duplicates or skip the last track
        if (!$this->check_play_history($user_id, $agent, $date)) {
            return false;
        Stats::insert('video', $this->id, $user_id, $agent, $location, 'stream', $date);

        if ($this->played) {
            return true;

        /* If it hasn't been played, set it! */
        Video::update_played(true, $this->id);

        return true;

     * @param int $user
     * @param string $agent
     * @param int $date
    public function check_play_history($user, $agent, $date): bool
        return Stats::has_played_history('video', $this, $user, $agent, $date);

     * get_subtitles
     * Get existing subtitles list for this video
     * @return array
    public function get_subtitles(): array
        $subtitles = array();
        $pinfo     = pathinfo($this->file);
        $filter    = $pinfo['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pinfo['filename'] . '*.srt';

        foreach (glob($filter) as $srt) {
            $psrt      = explode('.', $srt);
            $lang_code = '__';
            $lang_name = T_('Unknown');
            if (count($psrt) >= 2) {
                $lang_code = $psrt[count($psrt) - 2];
                if (strlen((string) $lang_code) == 2) {
                    $lang_name = $this->get_language_name($lang_code);
            $subtitles[] = array(
                'file' => $pinfo['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $srt,
                'lang_code' => $lang_code,
                'lang_name' => $lang_name

        return $subtitles;

     * Get language name from code.
     * @param string $code
    protected function get_language_name($code): string
        $languageCodes = array(
         "aa" => T_("Afar"),
         "ab" => T_("Abkhazian"),
         "ae" => T_("Avestan"),
         "af" => T_("Afrikaans"),
         "ak" => T_("Akan"),
         "am" => T_("Amharic"),
         "an" => T_("Aragonese"),
         "ar" => T_("Arabic"),
         "as" => T_("Assamese"),
         "av" => T_("Avaric"),
         "ay" => T_("Aymara"),
         "az" => T_("Azerbaijani"),
         "ba" => T_("Bashkir"),
         "be" => T_("Belarusian"),
         "bg" => T_("Bulgarian"),
         "bh" => T_("Bihari"),
         "bi" => T_("Bislama"),
         "bm" => T_("Bambara"),
         "bn" => T_("Bengali"),
         "bo" => T_("Tibetan"),
         "br" => T_("Breton"),
         "bs" => T_("Bosnian"),
         "ca" => T_("Catalan"),
         "ce" => T_("Chechen"),
         "ch" => T_("Chamorro"),
         "co" => T_("Corsican"),
         "cr" => T_("Cree"),
         "cs" => T_("Czech"),
         "cu" => T_("Church Slavic"),
         "cv" => T_("Chuvash"),
         "cy" => T_("Welsh"),
         "da" => T_("Danish"),
         "de" => T_("German"),
         "dv" => T_("Divehi"),
         "dz" => T_("Dzongkha"),
         "ee" => T_("Ewe"),
         "el" => T_("Greek"),
         "en" => T_("English"),
         "eo" => T_("Esperanto"),
         "es" => T_("Spanish"),
         "et" => T_("Estonian"),
         "eu" => T_("Basque"),
         "fa" => T_("Persian"),
         "ff" => T_("Fulah"),
         "fi" => T_("Finnish"),
         "fj" => T_("Fijian"),
         "fo" => T_("Faroese"),
         "fr" => T_("French"),
         "fy" => T_("Western Frisian"),
         "ga" => T_("Irish"),
         "gd" => T_("Scottish Gaelic"),
         "gl" => T_("Galician"),
         "gn" => T_("Guarani"),
         "gu" => T_("Gujarati"),
         "gv" => T_("Manx"),
         "ha" => T_("Hausa"),
         "he" => T_("Hebrew"),
         "hi" => T_("Hindi"),
         "ho" => T_("Hiri Motu"),
         "hr" => T_("Croatian"),
         "ht" => T_("Haitian"),
         "hu" => T_("Hungarian"),
         "hy" => T_("Armenian"),
         "hz" => T_("Herero"),
         "ia" => T_("Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)"),
         "id" => T_("Indonesian"),
         "ie" => T_("Interlingue"),
         "ig" => T_("Igbo"),
         "ii" => T_("Sichuan Yi"),
         "ik" => T_("Inupiaq"),
         "io" => T_("Ido"),
         "is" => T_("Icelandic"),
         "it" => T_("Italian"),
         "iu" => T_("Inuktitut"),
         "ja" => T_("Japanese"),
         "jv" => T_("Javanese"),
         "ka" => T_("Georgian"),
         "kg" => T_("Kongo"),
         "ki" => T_("Kikuyu"),
         "kj" => T_("Kwanyama"),
         "kk" => T_("Kazakh"),
         "kl" => T_("Kalaallisut"),
         "km" => T_("Khmer"),
         "kn" => T_("Kannada"),
         "ko" => T_("Korean"),
         "kr" => T_("Kanuri"),
         "ks" => T_("Kashmiri"),
         "ku" => T_("Kurdish"),
         "kv" => T_("Komi"),
         "kw" => T_("Cornish"),
         "ky" => T_("Kirghiz"),
         "la" => T_("Latin"),
         "lb" => T_("Luxembourgish"),
         "lg" => T_("Ganda"),
         "li" => T_("Limburgish"),
         "ln" => T_("Lingala"),
         "lo" => T_("Lao"),
         "lt" => T_("Lithuanian"),
         "lu" => T_("Luba-Katanga"),
         "lv" => T_("Latvian"),
         "mg" => T_("Malagasy"),
         "mh" => T_("Marshallese"),
         "mi" => T_("Maori"),
         "mk" => T_("Macedonian"),
         "ml" => T_("Malayalam"),
         "mn" => T_("Mongolian"),
         "mr" => T_("Marathi"),
         "ms" => T_("Malay"),
         "mt" => T_("Maltese"),
         "my" => T_("Burmese"),
         "na" => T_("Nauru"),
         "nb" => T_("Norwegian Bokmal"),
         "nd" => T_("North Ndebele"),
         "ne" => T_("Nepali"),
         "ng" => T_("Ndonga"),
         "nl" => T_("Dutch"),
         "nn" => T_("Norwegian Nynorsk"),
         "no" => T_("Norwegian"),
         "nr" => T_("South Ndebele"),
         "nv" => T_("Navajo"),
         "ny" => T_("Chichewa"),
         "oc" => T_("Occitan"),
         "oj" => T_("Ojibwa"),
         "om" => T_("Oromo"),
         "or" => T_("Oriya"),
         "os" => T_("Ossetian"),
         "pa" => T_("Panjabi"),
         "pi" => T_("Pali"),
         "pl" => T_("Polish"),
         "ps" => T_("Pashto"),
         "pt" => T_("Portuguese"),
         "qu" => T_("Quechua"),
         "rm" => T_("Raeto-Romance"),
         "rn" => T_("Kirundi"),
         "ro" => T_("Romanian"),
         "ru" => T_("Russian"),
         "rw" => T_("Kinyarwanda"),
         "sa" => T_("Sanskrit"),
         "sc" => T_("Sardinian"),
         "sd" => T_("Sindhi"),
         "se" => T_("Northern Sami"),
         "sg" => T_("Sango"),
         "si" => T_("Sinhala"),
         "sk" => T_("Slovak"),
         "sl" => T_("Slovenian"),
         "sm" => T_("Samoan"),
         "sn" => T_("Shona"),
         "so" => T_("Somali"),
         "sq" => T_("Albanian"),
         "sr" => T_("Serbian"),
         "ss" => T_("Swati"),
         "st" => T_("Southern Sotho"),
         "su" => T_("Sundanese"),
         "sv" => T_("Swedish"),
         "sw" => T_("Swahili"),
         "ta" => T_("Tamil"),
         "te" => T_("Telugu"),
         "tg" => T_("Tajik"),
         "th" => T_("Thai"),
         "ti" => T_("Tigrinya"),
         "tk" => T_("Turkmen"),
         "tl" => T_("Tagalog"),
         "tn" => T_("Tswana"),
         "to" => T_("Tonga"),
         "tr" => T_("Turkish"),
         "ts" => T_("Tsonga"),
         "tt" => T_("Tatar"),
         "tw" => T_("Twi"),
         "ty" => T_("Tahitian"),
         "ug" => T_("Uighur"),
         "uk" => T_("Ukrainian"),
         "ur" => T_("Urdu"),
         "uz" => T_("Uzbek"),
         "ve" => T_("Venda"),
         "vi" => T_("Vietnamese"),
         "vo" => T_("Volapuk"),
         "wa" => T_("Walloon"),
         "wo" => T_("Wolof"),
         "xh" => T_("Xhosa"),
         "yi" => T_("Yiddish"),
         "yo" => T_("Yoruba"),
         "za" => T_("Zhuang"),
         "zh" => T_("Chinese"),
         "zu" => T_("Zulu")

        return $languageCodes[$code];

     * Get subtitle file from language code.
     * @param string $lang_code
    public function get_subtitle_file($lang_code): string
        $subtitle = '';
        if ($lang_code == '__' || $this->get_language_name($lang_code)) {
            $pinfo    = pathinfo($this->file);
            $subtitle = $pinfo['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pinfo['filename'];
            if ($lang_code != '__') {
                $subtitle .= '.' . $lang_code;
            $subtitle .= '.srt';

        return $subtitle;

     * remove
     * Delete the object from disk and/or database where applicable.
    public function remove(): bool
        if (file_exists($this->file)) {
            $deleted = unlink($this->file);
        } else {
            $deleted = true;
        if ($deleted === true) {
            // keep details about deletions
            $params = array($this->id);
            $sql    = "REPLACE INTO `deleted_video` (`id`, `addition_time`, `delete_time`, `title`, `file`, `catalog`, `total_count`, `total_skip`) SELECT `id`, `addition_time`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `title`, `file`, `catalog`, `total_count`, `total_skip` FROM `video` WHERE `id` = ?;";
            Dba::write($sql, $params);

            $sql     = "DELETE FROM `video` WHERE `id` = ?";
            $deleted = (Dba::write($sql, $params) !== false);
            if ($deleted) {
                $this->getArtCleanup()->collectGarbageForObject('video', $this->id);
                Userflag::garbage_collection('video', $this->id);
                Rating::garbage_collection('video', $this->id);
                $this->getShoutRepository()->collectGarbage('video', $this->getId());
                $this->getUseractivityRepository()->collectGarbage('video', $this->getId());
        } else {
            debug_event(self::class, 'Cannot delete ' . $this->file . ' file. Please check permissions.', 1);

        return $deleted;

     * update_utime
     * sets a new update time
     * @param int $video_id
     * @param int $time
    public static function update_utime($video_id, $time = 0): void
        if (!$time) {
            $time = time();

        $sql = "UPDATE `video` SET `update_time` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;";
        Dba::write($sql, array($time, $video_id));

     * update_played
     * sets the played flag
     * @param bool $new_played
     * @param int $song_id
    public static function update_played($new_played, $song_id): void
        self::_update_item('played', ($new_played ? 1 : 0), $song_id, '25');

     * _update_item
     * This is a private function that should only be called from within the video class.
     * It takes a field, value video id and level. first and foremost it checks the level
     * against Core::get_global('user') to make sure they are allowed to update this record
     * it then updates it and sets $this->{$field} to the new value
     * @param string $field
     * @param string|int $value
     * @param int $video_id
     * @param int $level
    private static function _update_item($field, $value, $video_id, $level): bool
        /* Check them Rights! */
        if (!Access::check('interface', $level)) {
            return false;

        /* Can't update to blank */
        if (!strlen(trim((string) $value))) {
            return false;

        $sql = "UPDATE `video` SET `$field` = ? WHERE `id` = ?";
        Dba::write($sql, array($value, $video_id));

        return true;

     * get_deleted
     * get items from the deleted_videos table
     * @return int[]
    public static function get_deleted(): array
        $deleted    = array();
        $sql        = "SELECT * FROM `deleted_video`";
        $db_results = Dba::read($sql);
        while ($row = Dba::fetch_assoc($db_results)) {
            $deleted[] = $row;

        return $deleted;

     * compare_video_information
     * this compares the new ID3 tags of a file against
     * the ones in the database to see if they have changed
     * it returns false if nothing has changes, or the true
     * if they have. Static because it doesn't need this
     * @param Video $video
     * @param Video $new_video
     * @return array
    public static function compare_video_information(Video $video, Video $new_video): array
        // Remove some stuff we don't care about
        unset($video->catalog, $video->played, $video->enabled, $video->addition_time, $video->update_time, $video->type);
        $string_array = array('title', 'tags');
        $skip_array   = array('id', 'tag_id', 'mime', 'total_count', 'disabledMetadataFields');

        return Song::compare_media_information($video, $new_video, $string_array, $skip_array);

    public function get_artist_fullname(): string
        return '';

     * @deprecated
    private function getShoutRepository(): ShoutRepositoryInterface
        global $dic;

        return $dic->get(ShoutRepositoryInterface::class);

     * @deprecated
    private function getUseractivityRepository(): UserActivityRepositoryInterface
        global $dic;

        return $dic->get(UserActivityRepositoryInterface::class);

     * @deprecated inject dependency
    private function getArtCleanup(): ArtCleanupInterface
        global $dic;

        return $dic->get(ArtCleanupInterface::class);