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 * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab:
 * LICENSE: GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 (AGPL-3.0-or-later)
 * Copyright, 2001-2024
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

namespace Ampache\Repository\Model;

use Ampache\Config\AmpConfig;
use Ampache\Module\Api\Ajax;
use Ampache\Module\Authorization\AccessLevelEnum;
use Ampache\Module\System\Core;
use Ampache\Module\System\Dba;
use Ampache\Module\Wanted\MissingArtistRetrieverInterface;
use Ampache\Repository\AlbumRepositoryInterface;
use Ampache\Repository\WantedRepositoryInterface;
use Exception;
use MusicBrainz\HttpAdapters\RequestsHttpAdapter;
use MusicBrainz\MusicBrainz;

class Wanted extends database_object
    protected const DB_TABLENAME = 'wanted';

    /* Variables from DB */
    public int $id = 0;
    public ?int $user;
    public ?int $artist = null;
    public ?string $artist_mbid;
    public ?string $mbid;
    public ?string $name;
    public ?int $year;
    public int $date;
    public int $accepted;

     * @var null|string $link
    public $link;

     * @var null|string $f_link
    public $f_link;
     * @var null|string $f_artist_link
    public $f_artist_link;
     * @var null|string $f_user
    public $f_user;
     * @var array $songs
    public $songs;

     * Constructor
     * @param int|null $wanted_id
    public function __construct($wanted_id = 0)
        if (!$wanted_id) {
        $info = self::getWantedRepository()->getById((int) $wanted_id);
        if ($info === null) {
        foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
            $this->$key = $value;

    public function getId(): int
        return $this->id;

    public function isNew(): bool
        return $this->getId() === 0;

     * get_missing_albums
     * Get list of library's missing albums from MusicBrainz
     * @param Artist|null $artist
     * @param string $mbid
     * @return list<Wanted>
    public static function get_missing_albums($artist, $mbid = ''): array
        $lookupId = $artist->mbid ?? $mbid;
        $mbrainz  = new MusicBrainz(new RequestsHttpAdapter());
        $includes = array('release-groups');
        $types    = AmpConfig::get('wanted_types', array());
        if (is_string($types)) {
            $types = explode(',', $types);
        if (!$types) {
            $types = array();
        try {
             * @var object{
             *     sort-name: string,
             *     id: string,
             *     area: object,
             *     disambiguation: string,
             *     isnis: array,
             *     begin-area: ?string,
             *     name: string,
             *     ipis: array,
             *     release-groups: array,
             *     end-area: ?string,
             *     type: string,
             *     end_area: ?string,
             *     gender: ?string,
             *     life-span: object,
             *     gender-id: ?string,
             *     type-id: string,
             *     begin_area: ?string,
             *     country: string
             * } $martist
            $martist = $mbrainz->lookup('artist', $lookupId, $includes);
            debug_event(self::class, 'get_missing_albums lookup: ' . $lookupId, 3);
        } catch (Exception $error) {
            debug_event(self::class, 'get_missing_albums ERROR: ' . $error, 3);

            return array();

        $wartist = array();
        if ($artist === null) {
            $wartist['mbid'] = $lookupId;
            $wartist['name'] = $martist->{'name'};
            parent::add_to_cache('missing_artist', $lookupId, $wartist);
            $wartist = self::getMissingArtistRetriever()->retrieve($lookupId);

        $wantedRepository = self::getWantedRepository();

        $results = array();
        if (!empty($martist)) {
            foreach ($martist->{'release-groups'} as $group) {
                if (is_array($types) && in_array(strtolower((string)$group->{'primary-type'}), $types)) {
                    $add     = true;
                    $g_count = count($group->{'secondary-types'});

                    for ($i = 0; $i < $g_count && $add; ++$i) {
                        $add = in_array(strtolower((string)$group->{'secondary-types'}[$i]), $types);

                    if ($add) {
                        if (
                            empty(static::getAlbumRepository()->getByMbidGroup(($group->id))) ||
                            ($artist !== null && $artist->id && empty(static::getAlbumRepository()->getByName($group->title, $artist->id)))
                        ) {
                            $wanted = $wantedRepository->findByMusicBrainzId($group->id);
                            if ($wanted !== null) {
                            } else {
                                $wanted       = $wantedRepository->prototype();
                                $wanted->mbid = $group->id;
                                if ($artist !== null) {
                                    $wanted->artist = $artist->id;
                                } else {
                                    $wanted->artist_mbid = $lookupId;
                                $wanted->name = $group->title;
                                if (!empty($group->{'first-release-date'})) {
                                    if (strlen((string)$group->{'first-release-date'}) == 4) {
                                        $wanted->year = $group->{'first-release-date'};
                                    } else {
                                        $wanted->year = (int)date("Y", strtotime($group->{'first-release-date'}));
                                $wanted->accepted = 0;
                                $wanted->link     = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/albums.php?action=show_missing&mbid=" . $group->id;
                                if ($artist !== null) {
                                    $wanted->link .= "&artist=" . $wanted->artist;
                                } else {
                                    $wanted->link .= "&artist_mbid=" . $lookupId;
                                $wanted->f_user        = (!empty(Core::get_global('user'))) ? Core::get_global('user')->get_fullname() : '';
                                $wanted->f_link        = "<a href=\"" . $wanted->link . "\" title=\"" . $wanted->name . "\">" . $wanted->name . "</a>";
                                $wanted->f_artist_link = ($artist !== null)
                                    ? $artist->get_f_link()
                                    : $wartist['link'] ?? '';
                            $results[] = $wanted;

        return $results;

     * Accept a wanted request.
    public function accept(): void
        if (!empty(Core::get_global('user')) && Core::get_global('user')->has_access(75)) {
            $sql = "UPDATE `wanted` SET `accepted` = '1' WHERE `mbid` = ?";
            Dba::write($sql, array($this->mbid));
            $this->accepted = 1;

            foreach (Plugin::get_plugins('process_wanted') as $plugin_name) {
                $plugin = new Plugin($plugin_name);
                if ($plugin->_plugin !== null && $plugin->load(Core::get_global('user'))) {
                    debug_event(self::class, 'Using Wanted Process plugin: ' . $plugin_name, 5);

     * Show action buttons.
    public function show_action_buttons(): string
        if ($this->isNew() === false) {
            $result = '';
            if ($this->accepted === 0) {
                if ((!empty(Core::get_global('user')) && Core::get_global('user')->has_access(75))) {
                    $result .= Ajax::button(
                        '?page=index&action=accept_wanted&mbid=' . $this->mbid,
                        'wanted_accept_' . $this->mbid
            /** @var User|null $user */
            $user = (!empty(Core::get_global('user'))) ? Core::get_global('user') : null;
            if (
                $user instanceof User &&
                    $user->has_access(AccessLevelEnum::LEVEL_MANAGER) ||
                        $this->mbid !== null &&
                        self::getWantedRepository()->find($this->mbid, $user) &&
                        $this->accepted !== 1
            ) {
                $result .= " " . Ajax::button('?page=index&action=remove_wanted&mbid=' . $this->mbid, 'disable', T_('Remove'), 'wanted_remove_' . $this->mbid);

            return $result;
        } else {
            return Ajax::button('?page=index&action=add_wanted&mbid=' . $this->mbid . ($this->artist ? '&artist=' . $this->artist : '&artist_mbid=' . $this->artist_mbid) . '&name=' . urlencode((string)$this->name) . '&year=' . (int) $this->year, 'add_wanted', T_('Add to wanted list'), 'wanted_add_' . $this->mbid);

     * Load wanted release data.
    public function load_all(): void
        $mbrainz     = new MusicBrainz(new RequestsHttpAdapter());
        $this->songs = array();

        try {
            $user            = Core::get_global('user');
            $preview_plugins = Plugin::get_plugins('get_song_preview');
            if (
                !empty($preview_plugins) &&
                $user instanceof User &&
                $this->mbid !== null
            ) {
                 * @var object{
                 *     primary-type-id: string,
                 *     releases: array,
                 *     first-release-date: string,
                 *     secondary-type-ids: array,
                 *     id: string,
                 *     secondary-types: array,
                 *     title: string,
                 *     disambiguation: string,
                 *     primary-type: string
                 * } $group
                $group = $mbrainz->lookup('release-group', $this->mbid, array('releases'));
                // Set fresh data
                $this->name = $group->title;
                $this->year = (int)date("Y", strtotime($group->{'first-release-date'}));

                // Load from database if already cached
                $this->songs = Song_Preview::get_song_previews($this->mbid);
                if (count($group->releases) > 0) {
                    // Use the first release as reference for track content
                    $release_mbid = $group->releases[0]->id;
                    if (count($this->songs) == 0) {
                         * @var object{
                         *     id: string,
                         *     media: array,
                         *     barcode: string,
                         *     date: string,
                         *     status-id: string,
                         *     asin: ?string,
                         *     quality: string,
                         *     title: string,
                         *     cover-art-archive: object,
                         *     release-events: array,
                         *     packaging: string,
                         *     disambiguation: string,
                         *     text-representation: object,
                         *     country: ?string,
                         *     status: string,
                         *     packaging-id: string,
                         * } $release
                        $release = $mbrainz->lookup('release', $release_mbid, array('recordings'));
                        foreach ($release->media as $media) {
                            foreach ($media->tracks as $track) {
                                $song                = array();
                                $song['disk']        = Album::sanitize_disk($media->position);
                                $song['track']       = $track->number;
                                $song['title']       = $track->title;
                                $song['mbid']        = $track->id;
                                $song['artist']      = $this->artist;
                                $song['artist_mbid'] = $this->artist_mbid;
                                $song['session']     = session_id();
                                $song['album_mbid']  = $this->mbid;

                                if ($this->artist) {
                                    $artist      = new Artist($this->artist);
                                    $artist_name = $artist->name;
                                } elseif ($this->artist_mbid !== null) {
                                    $wartist     = self::getMissingArtistRetriever()->retrieve((string) $this->artist_mbid);
                                    $artist_name = $wartist['name'] ?? '';
                                } else {
                                    $artist_name = '';

                                $song['file'] = null;
                                foreach ($preview_plugins as $plugin_name) {
                                    $plugin = new Plugin($plugin_name);
                                    if ($plugin->_plugin !== null && $plugin->load($user)) {
                                        $song['file'] = $plugin->_plugin->get_song_preview($track->id, $artist_name, $track->title);
                                        if ($song['file'] !== null) {

                                if ($song['file'] !== null) {
                                    $this->songs[] = new Song_Preview(Song_Preview::insert($song));
        } catch (Exception $error) {
            $this->songs = array();

        foreach ($this->songs as $song) {
            $song->f_album = $this->name;

     * Format data.
    public function format(): void
        if ($this->artist) {
            $artist              = new Artist($this->artist);
            $this->f_artist_link = $artist->get_f_link();
        } elseif ($this->artist_mbid !== null) {
            $wartist             = self::getMissingArtistRetriever()->retrieve((string) $this->artist_mbid);
            $this->f_artist_link = $wartist['link'] ?? '';
        } else {
            $this->f_artist_link = '';

        $this->f_link = sprintf(
            '<a href="/albums.php?action=show_missing&mbid=%s&artist=%s&artist_mbid=%s" title="%s">%s</a>',

        if (isset($this->user)) {
            $user         = new User($this->user);
            $this->f_user = $user->get_fullname();

    public function getMusicBrainzId(): ?string
        return $this->mbid;

     * @deprecated Inject dependency
    private static function getAlbumRepository(): AlbumRepositoryInterface
        global $dic;

        return $dic->get(AlbumRepositoryInterface::class);

     * @deprecated Inject dependency
    private static function getWantedRepository(): WantedRepositoryInterface
        global $dic;

        return $dic->get(WantedRepositoryInterface::class);

     * @deprecated Inject dependency
    private static function getMissingArtistRetriever(): MissingArtistRetrieverInterface
        global $dic;

        return $dic->get(MissingArtistRetrieverInterface::class);