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7 hrs
Test Coverage

include_once(Yapo::$DIR_DRIVER . '/core.PostgreSql.php');
include_once(Yapo::$DIR . '/class.YapoDb.php');

class YapoPostgreSql extends YapoDb {
    function __construct($host, $dbname, $user, $password, $err_mode = PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT, $port = 5432) {
        $this->DBH = new PDO("pgsql:host=$host;port=$port;dbname=$dbname", $user, $password);
        $this->DBH->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, $err_mode);
    public function TableExists($table) {
        $table = $this->DataSet("SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables where tablename = '$table';");
        return $table->Size() == 1;
    function TableDescription($table) {
        $Keys = $this->DataSet("SELECT a.attnotnull as unique, i.indkey as key_name, a.attname as column_name, 
                                        format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS type, i.indisprimary as key
                                    FROM   pg_index i
                                    JOIN   pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = i.indrelid
                                                         AND a.attnum = ANY(i.indkey)
                                    WHERE  i.indrelid = '$table'::regclass");
        $Fields = $this->DataSet("select pg_get_serial_sequence('$table',column_name) as sequence, column_name as field, column_default as default, is_nullable as null, data_type as type, udt_name as udttype
                                    from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name = '$table';");
        $keys = array();
        while ($Keys->Next()) {
            $keys[$Keys->column_name] = $Keys->key == '1';
        $fields = array();
        $primary_key = false;
        $tableSequence = false;
        while ($Fields->Next()) {
            $fields[$Fields->field] = array(
                    'MajorType' => $Fields->type,
                    'MinorType' => $Fields->udttype,
                    'Type' => $Fields->type,
                    'Null' => $Fields->null=="NO"?false:true,
                    'Key' => isset($keys[$Fields->field]),
                    'Extra' => null
            if (isset($keys[$Fields->field]) && $keys[$Fields->field] === true) {
                $primary_key = $Fields->field;
                if (strstr($Fields->sequence, ".") === false)
                    throw new Exception("Yapo requires a sequence, which should be on the primary key.  If you created a sequence on the primary key, you may have to set the ownership of the sequence to the table field.  Try: alter sequence <sequence> owned by $table.$primary_key;");
                $seq = explode('.', trim($Fields->sequence));
                if (is_array($seq) && count($seq) > 0)
                    $tableSequence = $seq[count($seq) - 1];
        if ($primary_key === false)
            throw new Exception("Yapo requires a primary key.");
        if ($tableSequence === false)
            throw new Exception("Yapo requires a sequence, which should be on the primary key.");
        $this->__definition = array("Keys" => $keys, "Fields" => $fields, "PrimaryKey" => $primary_key, "TableSequence" => $tableSequence);
        return $this->__definition;

    function GetCore($table) {
        return new YapoCorePostgreSql($this, $table);
    function handle_errors($cnt, $Query) {
        if ($cnt==0) return true;
        switch ($Query->errorCode()) {
            case '00000': return true;
                throw new Exception($Query->errorCode() . "\n" . 
                                        print_r($Query->errorInfo(), true) . "\n" .
                                        $this->__lastsql . "\n" .
                                        print_r($this->Data, true)
                return false;
    function ValidateField($field_def, $value) {
        if (stristr($field_def['MajorType'], 'int') || 
            stristr($field_def['MajorType'], 'float') || 
            stristr($field_def['MajorType'], 'double') || 
            stristr($field_def['MajorType'], 'real') ||
            stristr($field_def['MajorType'], 'decimal') ||
            stristr($field_def['MajorType'], 'numeric')) {
            return $value;
        } else if (stristr($field_def['MajorType'], 'timestamp')) {
            return "'" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($value)) . "'";
        } else if (stristr($field_def['MajorType'], 'time')) {
            return "'" . date("H:i:s", strtotime($value)) . "'";

    function FixPrimarySequence($table, $sequence, $primaryKey) {
        $this->Execute("SELECT setval('$sequence', COALESCE((SELECT MAX($table)+1 FROM $primaryKey), 1), false)");
    function GetStructureDriver($structure, $factory, $values) {
        if (!file_exists(Yapo::$DIR_DRIVER . '/structure.PostgreSql.' . $structure . '.php')) {
            throw new Exception("Required driver $structure does not exist.");
        include_once(Yapo::$DIR_DRIVER . '/structure.PostgreSql.' . $structure . '.php');
        $driver_class = 'Postgresql' . $structure;
        $params = array_merge((array)$driver_class, $values);
        return call_user_func_array($factory, $params);

