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1 wk
Test Coverage

class Park extends Ork3

    public function __construct()
        $this->park = new yapo( $this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'park' );
        $this->parkday = new yapo( $this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'parkday' );

  public function GetParkByAbbreviation($request) {
    if (trimlen($request['Abbreviation']) < 2 || trimlen($request['Abbreviation']) > 3)
      return null;
    $this->park->abbreviation = strtoupper(trim($request['Abbreviation']));
    if ($this->park->find()) {
      return $this->park->park_id; 
    return null;

  public function GetParkInKingdomByAbbreviation($request, $kingdom_id) {
    if (trimlen($request['Abbreviation']) < 2 || trimlen($request['Abbreviation']) > 3)
      return null;
    $this->park->abbreviation = strtoupper(trim($request['Abbreviation']));
    $this->park->kingdom_id = $kingdom_id;
    if ($this->park->find()) {
      return $this->park->park_id; 
    return null;

    public function MergeParks( $request )
        logtrace( "MergeParks", $request );
        if ( ( $mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized( $request[ 'Token' ] ) ) > 0
            && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority( $mundane_id, AUTH_ADMIN, $request[ 'FromParkId' ], AUTH_CREATE )
            && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority( $mundane_id, AUTH_ADMIN, $request[ 'ToParkId' ], AUTH_CREATE )
        ) {
      $to_kingdom_id = $this->GetParkKingdomId( $request[ 'ToParkId' ] );
            $sql = "delete from " . DB_PREFIX . "account where park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
            $sql = "delete from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "' and type = 'Park'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
            $sql = "delete from " . DB_PREFIX . "event where id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "' and type = 'Park'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
      $sql = "delete from `" . DB_PREFIX . "authorization` where authorization_id in (select authorization_id from `" . DB_PREFIX . "officer` where park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "')";
      $this->db->query( $sql );
            $sql = "delete from " . DB_PREFIX . "officer where park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
            $sql = "delete from " . DB_PREFIX . "park where park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
            $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "attendance set park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'ToParkId' ] ) . "' where park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
            $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "authorization set park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'ToParkId' ] ) . "' where park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
            $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "awards set park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'ToParkId' ] ) . "' where park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
            $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "awards set at_park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'ToParkId' ] ) . "' where at_park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
            $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "event_calendardetail set park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'ToParkId' ] ) . "' where park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
            $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "glicko2 set park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'ToParkId' ] ) . "' where park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
            $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "mundane set park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'ToParkId' ] ) . "', kingdom_id = $to_kingdom_id where park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
            $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "parkday set park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'ToParkId' ] ) . "' where park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
            $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "tournament set park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'ToParkId' ] ) . "' where park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'FromParkId' ] ) . "'";
            $this->db->query( $sql );
            logtrace( "Parks Merged", null );
            return Success();
        logtrace( "Parks NOT Merged", null );
        return NoAuthorization();

    public function TransferPark( $request )
        if ( ( $mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized( $request[ 'Token' ] ) ) > 0
            && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority( $mundane_id, AUTH_ADMIN, $request[ 'KingdomId' ], AUTH_CREATE )
        ) {
            $this->park->park_id = $request[ 'ParkId' ];
            if ( $this->park->find() && $this->park->park_id == $request[ 'ParkId' ] ) {
                $this->park->kingdom_id = $request[ 'KingdomId' ];
                $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "mundane set kingdom_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'KingdomId' ] ) . "' where park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'ParkId' ] ) . "'";
                $this->db->query( $sql );
                return Success();
            } else {
                return InvalidParameter( NULL, 'There was an issue accessing the park.' );
        } else {
            return NoAuthorization();

    public function AddParkDay( $request )
        if ( ( $mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized( $request[ 'Token' ] ) ) > 0
            && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority( $mundane_id, AUTH_PARK, $request[ 'ParkId' ], AUTH_EDIT )
        ) {
            $this->parkday->park_id = $request[ 'ParkId' ];
            $this->parkday->recurrence = $request[ 'Recurrence' ];
            $this->parkday->week_of_month = $request[ 'WeekOfMonth' ];
            $this->parkday->week_day = $request[ 'WeekDay' ];
            $this->parkday->month_day = $request[ 'MonthDay' ];
            $this->parkday->time = $request[ 'Time' ];
            $this->parkday->purpose = $request[ 'Purpose' ];
            $this->parkday->description = $request[ 'Description' ];
            $this->parkday->alternate_location = $request[ 'AlternateLocation' ];

            if ( $request[ 'AlternateLocation' ] > 0 ) {
             logtrace( 'AddParkDay.AlternateLocation', null );
                $this->parkday->address = $request[ 'Address' ];
                $this->parkday->city = $request[ 'City' ];
                $this->parkday->province = $request[ 'Province' ];
                $this->parkday->postal_code = $request[ 'PostalCode' ];
                $this->parkday->map_url = $request[ 'MapUrl' ];
             logtrace( 'AddParkDay', array( $this->parkday, $request ) );
        $this->park_geocode_h(null, $this->parkday);
            } else {
             logtrace( 'AddParkDay.NormalLocation', null );
                $this->park->park_id = $request[ 'ParkId' ];
                $this->parkday->address = $this->park->address;
                $this->parkday->city = $this->park->city;
                $this->parkday->province = $this->park->province;
                $this->parkday->postal_code = $this->park->postal_code;
                $this->parkday->latitude = $this->park->latitude;
                $this->parkday->longitude = $this->park->longitude;
                $this->parkday->google_geocode = $this->park->google_geocode;
                $this->parkday->location = $this->park->location;
                $this->parkday->map_url = $this->park->map_url;
            $this->parkday->location_url = $request[ 'LocationUrl' ];

        } else {
            return NoAuthorization();

    public function RemoveParkDay( $request )
        $this->parkday->parkday_id = $request[ 'ParkDayId' ];
        if ( !valid_id( $request[ 'ParkDayId' ] && $this->parkday->find() ) ) {
            $park_id = $this->parkday->park_id;
        } else {
            return InvalidParameter();
        if ( ( $mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized( $request[ 'Token' ] ) ) > 0
            && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority( $mundane_id, AUTH_PARK, $park_id, AUTH_EDIT )
        ) {
            $this->parkday->parkday_id = $request[ 'ParkDayId' ];
            return Success();
        return NoAuthorization();

    public function GetParks( $request )
        $sql = "select *
                    from " . DB_PREFIX . "park p
                        left join " . DB_PREFIX . "parktitle pt on pt.parktitle_id = p.parktitle_id
                    where p.park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'ParkId' ] ) . "' and p.parent_park_id > 0
                    order by pt.class desc, asc";
        $r = $this->db->query( $sql );
        if ( $r !== false && $r->size() > 0 ) {
            $response = [ 'Status' => Success(), 'Parks' => [ ] ];
            do {
                $response[ 'Parks' ][] = [
                    'ParkId'       => $r->park_id,
                    'KingdomId'    => $r->kingdom_id,
                    'ParentParkId' => $r->parent_park_id,
                    'Name'         => $r->name,
                    'Abbreviation' => $r->abbreviation,
                    'Url'          => $r->url,
                    'Directions'   => stripslashes( nl2br( $r->directions ) ),
                    'Location'     => $r->location,
                    'ParkTitleId'  => $r->parktitle_id,
                    'Active'       => $r->active,
                    'Title'        => $r->title,
                    'Class'        => $r->class,
                    'ParentOf'     => ( $r->is_principality == 1 && !array_search( $r->park_id, $request[ 'Stack' ] ) ) ? $this->GetParks( [ 'ParkId' => $r->park_id, 'Stack' => push_stack( $request[ 'Stack' ], $r->park_id ) ] ) : null,
            } while ( $r->next() );
        } else {
            $response[ 'Status' ] = InvalidParameter();
        return $response;

    public function GetOfficers( $request )
        $sql = "select a.*, as park_name, as kingdom_name, as event_name, as unit_name, m.mundane_id as m_mundane_id, m.username, m.given_name, m.surname, m.persona, m.restricted, o.role as officer_role, o.officer_id
                    from " . DB_PREFIX . "officer o
                        left join " . DB_PREFIX . "mundane m on o.mundane_id = m.mundane_id
                        left join " . DB_PREFIX . "authorization a on a.authorization_id = o.authorization_id
                            left join " . DB_PREFIX . "park p on a.park_id = p.park_id
                            left join " . DB_PREFIX . "kingdom k on a.kingdom_id = k.kingdom_id
                            left join " . DB_PREFIX . "event e on a.event_id = e.event_id
                            left join " . DB_PREFIX . "unit u on a.unit_id = u.unit_id
                where o.park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'ParkId' ] ) . "' and o.kingdom_id > 0
        $r = $this->db->query( $sql );
        $response = [ ];
        $response[ 'Officers' ] = [ ];
        if ( $r !== false && $r->size() > 0 ) {
            $response[ 'Status' ] = Success();
            do {
                $response[ 'Officers' ][] = [
                    'AuthorizationId' => $r->authorization_id,
                    'MundaneId'       => $r->m_mundane_id,
                    'ParkId'          => $r->park_id,
                    'KingdomId'       => $r->kingdom_id,
                    'EventId'         => $r->event_id,
                    'UnitId'          => $r->unit_id,
                    'Role'            => $r->role,
                    'ParkName'        => $r->park_name,
                    'KingdomName'     => $r->kingdom_name,
                    'EventName'       => $r->event_name,
                    'UnitName'        => $r->unit_name,
                    'Restricted'      => $r->restricted,
                    'UserName'        => $r->username,
                    'GivenName'       => $r->restricted == 0 ? $r->given_name : '',
                    'Surname'         => $r->restricted == 0 ? $r->surname : '',
                    'Persona'         => $r->persona,
                    'OfficerId'       => $r->officer_id,
                    'OfficerRole'     => $r->officer_role,
            } while ( $r->next() );
            $response[ 'Status' ] = Success();
        } else {
            $response[ 'Status' ] = InvalidParameter();
        return $response;

    public function GetParkKingdomId( $pid )
        $this->park->park_id = $pid;
        if ( $this->park->find() ) {
            return $this->park->kingdom_id;

        return false;
    public function GetParkShortInfo( $request )
        $this->park->park_id = $request[ 'ParkId' ];
        $response = [ ];
        if ( $this->park->find() ) {
            $response[ 'Status' ] = Success();
            $response[ 'ParkInfo' ] = [ ];
            $response[ 'ParkInfo' ][ 'KingdomId' ] = $this->park->kingdom_id;
            $response[ 'ParkInfo' ][ 'ParkId' ] = $this->park->park_id;
            $response[ 'ParkInfo' ][ 'ParkName' ] = $this->park->name;
            $response[ 'ParkInfo' ][ 'Abbreviation' ] = $this->park->abbreviation;
            $response[ 'ParkInfo' ][ 'HasHeraldry' ] = $this->park->has_heraldry;
            $response[ 'ParkInfo' ][ 'Url' ] = $this->park->url;
            $response[ 'ParkInfo' ][ 'Location' ] = $this->park->location;
            $response[ 'ParkInfo' ][ 'Active' ] = $this->park->active;
            $k = Ork3::$Lib->kingdom->GetKingdomShortInfo( [ 'KingdomId' => $this->park->kingdom_id ] );
            if ( 0 == $k[ 'Status' ][ 'Status' ] ) {
                $response[ 'KingdomInfo' ] = $k[ 'KingdomInfo' ];
        } else {
            $response[ 'Status' ] = InvalidParameter();
        return $response;

    public function GetParkDetails( $request )
        $this->park->park_id = $request[ 'ParkId' ];
        $response = [ ];
        if ( $this->park->find() ) {
            $response[ 'Status' ] = Success();
            $response[ 'KingdomId' ] = $this->park->kingdom_id;
            $response[ 'ParkId' ] = $this->park->park_id;
            $response[ 'ParkName' ] = $this->park->name;
            $response[ 'Abbreviation' ] = $this->park->abbreviation;
            $response[ 'HasHeraldry' ] = $this->park->has_heraldry;
            $response[ 'ParkTitleId' ] = $this->park->parktitle_id;
            $parktitle = new yapo( $this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'parktitle' );
            $parktitle->parktitle_id = $this->park->parktitle_id;
            $response[ 'ParkTitle' ] = $parktitle->title;
            $response[ 'Active' ] = $this->park->active;
            $response[ 'Address' ] = $this->park->address;
            $response[ 'City' ] = $this->park->city;
            $response[ 'Province' ] = $this->park->province;
            $response[ 'PostalCode' ] = $this->park->postal_code;
            $response[ 'Url' ] = $this->park->url;
            $response[ 'MapUrl' ] = $this->park->map_url;
            $response[ 'Directions' ] = stripslashes( nl2br( $this->park->directions ) );
            $response[ 'Description' ] = stripslashes( nl2br( $this->park->description ) );
            $response[ 'GoogleGeocode' ] = $this->park->google_geocode;
            $response[ 'Location' ] = $this->park->location;
        } else {
            $response[ 'Status' ] = InvalidParameter();
        return $response;

    public function GetParkConfiguration( $request )
        return Common::get_configs( $request[ 'ParkId' ], CFG_PARK );

    public static function CalculateNextParkDay( $recurrence, $week_of_month, $month_day, $week_day, $from_date = null )
        if ( is_null( $from_date ) )
            $from_date = strtotime( date( "Y-m-d" ) );
        switch ( $recurrence ) {
            case 'weekly':
                return date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( "next $week_day", $from_date ) );
            case 'week-of-month':
                switch ( $week_of_month ) {
                    case 1:
                        return date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( "first $week_day of " . date( "F Y", $from_date ), $from_date ) );
                    case 2:
                        return date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( "second $week_day of " . date( "F Y", $from_date ), $from_date ) );
                    case 3:
                        return date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( "third $week_day of " . date( "F Y", $from_date ), $from_date ) );
                    case 4:
                        return date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( "fourth $week_day of " . date( "F Y", $from_date ), $from_date ) );
                    case 5:
                        return date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( "fifth $week_day of " . date( "F Y", $from_date ), $from_date ) );
            case 'monthly':
                return date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( date( "F $month_day, Y", $from_date ), $from_date ) );

    public function GetParkDays( $request )
        $parkday = new yapo( $this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'parkday' );
        $parkday->park_id = $request[ 'ParkId' ];
        $response = [ 'Status' => Success(), 'ParkDays' => [ ] ];
        if ( valid_id( $request[ 'ParkId' ] ) && $parkday->find() ) {
            do {
                $response[ 'ParkDays' ][] = [
                    'ParkDayId'         => $parkday->parkday_id,
                    'ParkId'            => $parkday->park_id,
                    'Recurrence'        => $parkday->recurrence,
                    'WeekOfMonth'       => $parkday->week_of_month,
                    'WeekDay'           => $parkday->week_day,
                    'MonthDay'          => $parkday->month_day,
                    'Time'              => $parkday->time,
                    'Purpose'           => $parkday->purpose,
                    'Description'       => $parkday->description,
                    'AlternateLocation' => $parkday->alternate_location,
                    'Address'           => $parkday->address,
                    'City'              => $parkday->city,
                    'Province'          => $parkday->province,
                    'PostalCode'        => $parkday->postal_code,
                    'GoogleGeocode'     => $parkday->google_geocode,
                    'Location'          => $parkday->location,
                    'MapUrl'            => $parkday->map_url,
                    'LocationUrl'       => $parkday->location_url,
            } while ( $parkday->next() );
        } else {
            $response[ 'Status' ] = InvalidParameter();
        return $response;

  public function PlayAmtgard($request) {
        $key = Ork3::$Lib->ghettocache->key($request);
        if (false && ($cache = Ork3::$Lib->ghettocache->get(__CLASS__ . '.' . __FUNCTION__, $key, 60)) !== false)
            return $cache;

    $latitude = $request['latitude'];
    $longitude = $request['longitude'];
    $start = isset($request['start']) ? date("Y-m-d", strtotime($request['start'])) : date("Y-m-d");
    $end = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($request['end']));
    $distance = isset($request['distance']) ? $request['distance'] : 25;
    $limit = isset($request['limit']) ? $request['limit'] : 12;
    $sql = "select * 
              from (
                  d.*, p.kingdom_id, park_name, kingdom_name,
                  '$start' + interval mod((( - weekday('$start')) + 7), 7) day next_day,
                  ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians($latitude) ) * cos( radians( d.latitude_d ) ) * cos( radians( d.longitude_d ) - radians($longitude) ) + sin( radians($latitude) ) * sin(radians(d.latitude_d)) ) ) AS distance 
                  ( select 
                      case sd.latitude when 0 then sp.latitude else sd.latitude end latitude_d,
                      case sd.longitude when 0 then sp.longitude else sd.longitude end longitude_d,
                    from ork_parkday sd left join ork_park sp on sd.park_id = sp.park_id ) d
                  left join ork_day_convert c on d.week_day = c.dayname 
                  left join ork_park p on d.park_id = p.park_id
                    left join ork_kingdom k on p.kingdom_id = k.kingdom_id
         = 'Active'
                  next_day < '$end' and distance < $distance
                order by next_day asc, distance asc limit $limit) date_src";

    $r = $this->db->query($sql);
        $response = array();
        if ($r !== false && $r->size() > 0) {
            $response['ParkDays'] = array();
            do {
                $response['ParkDays'][] = array(
                        'ParkdayId' => $r->parkday_id,
                        'KingdomId' => $r->kingdom_id,
                        'ParkId' => $r->park_id,
                        'ParkName' => $r->park_name,
                        'KingdomName' => $r->kingdom_name,
                        'Recurrence' => $r->recurrence,
                        'WeekOfMonth' => $r->week_of_month,
                        'WeekDay' => $r->week_day,
                        'MonthDay' => $r->month_day,
                        'Time' => $r->time,
                        'Purpose' => $r->purpose,
                        'Description' => $r->description,
                        'AlternateLocation' => $r->alternate_location,
                        'Address' => $r->address,
                        'City' => $r->city,
                        'Province' => $r->province,
                        'PostalCode' => $r->postal_code,
                        'GoogleGeocode' => $r->google_geocode,
                        'Latitude' => $r->latitude_d,
                        'Longitude' => $r->longitude_d,
                        'Location' => $r->location,
                        'MapUrl' => $r->map_url,
                        'LocationUrl' => $r->location_url,
            'Distance' => $r->distance,
            'NextDay' => $r->next_day
            } while ($r->next());
            $response['Status'] = Success();
        } else {
            $response['Status'] = InvalidParameter();
        return Ork3::$Lib->ghettocache->cache(__CLASS__ . '.' . __FUNCTION__, $key, $response);
    public function GetParkAuthorizations( $request )
        $sql = "select authorization_id, username, a.mundane_id, role from " . DB_PREFIX . "authorization a left join " . DB_PREFIX . "mundane m on a.mundane_id = m.mundane_id where a.park_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $request[ 'ParkId' ] ) . "' and system=0";
        $r = $this->db->query( $sql );
        $response = [ ];
        $response[ 'Authorizations' ] = [ ];
        if ( $r !== false && $r->size() > 0 ) {
            $response[ 'Status' ] = Success();
            do {
                $response[ 'Authorizations' ][] = [
                    'AuthorizationId' => $r->authorization_id,
                    'UserName'        => $r->username,
                    'MundaneId'       => $r->mundane_id,
                    'Role'            => $r->role,
            } while ( $r->next() );
        } else {
            $response[ 'Status' ] = InvalidParameter( NULL, 'Problem processing request.' );
        return $response;

    public function park_geocode_h( $geocode = null, & $parkobject = null )
    $parkobject = is_null($parkobject) ? $this->park : $parkobject;
         logtrace( 'park_geocode_h', $parkobject );

        if ( trimlen( $geocode ) > 0 ) {
            $details = Common::Geocode( null, null, null, null, $geocode );
        } else {
            $details = Common::Geocode( $parkobject->address, $parkobject->city, $parkobject->province, $parkobject->postal_code );
        if ( $details[ 'status' ] == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT' )
        $geocode = json_decode( $details[ 'Geocode' ] );
        $parkobject->latitude = $geocode->results[ 0 ]->geometry->location->lat;
        $parkobject->longitude = $geocode->results[ 0 ]->geometry->location->lng;
        $parkobject->google_geocode = $details[ 'Geocode' ];
        $parkobject->location = $details[ 'Location' ];
        $parkobject->address = $details[ 'Address' ];
        if ( isset( $details[ 'City' ] ) ) $parkobject->city = $details[ 'City' ];
        if ( isset( $details[ 'Province' ] ) ) $parkobject->province = $details[ 'Province' ];
        if ( isset( $details[ 'PostalCode' ] ) ) $parkobject->postal_code = $details[ 'PostalCode' ];

    public function ParkGeocode( $park_id )
    $parkobject = is_null($parkobject) ? $this->park : $parkobject;
        $parkobject->park_id = $park_id;
        if ( $parkobject->find()) do {
            if ( $parkobject->park_id == $park_id && $this->park_geocode_h(null, $parkobject) ) {
        } while ($parkobject->next());

    public function unique_username( $name )
        $srcname = $name;
        $found = false;
        do {
            $this->park->name = $name;
            if ( $this->park->find() ) {
                $name = $srcname . '-' . substr( md5( microtime() ), 0, 3 );
            } else {
                $found = true;
        } while ( !$found );
        return $name;

    public function CreatePark( $request )
        if ( ( $mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized( $request[ 'Token' ] ) ) > 0
            && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority( $mundane_id, AUTH_ADMIN, $request[ 'KingdomId' ], AUTH_CREATE )
        ) {
            $this->log->Write( 'Park', $mundane_id, LOG_ADD, $request );
            $request[ 'Name' ] = $this->unique_username( trim( $request[ 'Name' ] ) );
            $this->park->kingdom_id = $request[ 'KingdomId' ];
            $this->park->name = $request[ 'Name' ];
            $this->park->abbreviation = strtoupper($request[ 'Abbreviation' ]);
            $this->park->active = 'Active';
            $this->park->modified = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time() );
            $this->park->parktitle_id = $request[ 'ParkTitleId' ];
            $t = new Treasury();
            $t->create_accounts( $mundane_id, 'park', $this->park->park_id, $this->park->kingdom_id );
            $c = new Common();
            // Auths for a pricipality's officers travel with the mundane record, so we have to handle that @ the SetOfficer level
            $c->create_officers( $this->park->kingdom_id, $this->park->park_id, 0 );
            $c->create_events( $this->park->kingdom_id, $this->park->park_id );
            if ( strlen( $request[ 'Heraldry' ] ) ) {
                Ork3::$Lib->heraldry->SetParkHeraldry( $request );
            $response = Success( $this->park->park_id );
        } else {
            $response = NoAuthorization();
        return $response;

    public function SetParkDetails( $request )
        logtrace( "SetParkDetails", $request );
        if ( trimlen( $request[ 'Name' ] ) > 0 ) {
            $this->park->name = trim( $request[ 'Name' ] );
            if ( $this->park->find() ) {
                if ( $this->park->park_id != $request[ 'ParkId' ] ) {
                    return InvalidParameter( 'This park name already exists.' );
        $this->park->park_id = $request[ 'ParkId' ];
        if ( $this->park->find() ) {
            if ( ( $mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized( $request[ 'Token' ] ) ) > 0
                && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority( $mundane_id, AUTH_PARK, $request[ 'ParkId' ], AUTH_EDIT )
            ) {
                $this->log->Write( 'Park', $mundane_id, LOG_EDIT, $request );
                $this->park->modified = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time() );

                if ( Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority( $mundane_id, AUTH_KINGDOM, $this->park->kingdom_id, AUTH_EDIT ) ) {
                    $this->park->name = trimlen( $request[ 'Name' ] ) == 0 ? $this->park->name : $request[ 'Name' ];
                    $this->park->abbreviation = trimlen( $request[ 'Abbreviation' ] ) == 0 ? strtoupper($this->park->abbreviation) : strtoupper($request[ 'Abbreviation' ]);
                    $parktitle = new yapo( $this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'parktitle' );
                    if ( isset( $request[ 'ParkTitleId' ] ) && $request[ 'ParkTitleId' ] != $this->park->parktitle_id ) {
                        $parktitle->parktitle_id = $request[ 'ParkTitleId' ];
                        if ( $parktitle->find() ) {
                            $this->park->parktitle_id = $request[ 'ParkTitleId' ];
                    $this->park->active = trimlen( $request[ 'Active' ] ) == 0 ? $this->park->active : $request[ 'Active' ];

                $address_change = false;

                if ( isset( $request[ 'Address' ] ) && ( $this->park->address != $request[ 'Address' ] || trimlen( $this->park->location ) == 0 ) )
                    $address_change = true;

                $this->park->url = isset( $request[ 'Url' ] ) ? ( $request[ 'Url' ] ) : $this->park->url;
                $this->park->address = isset( $request[ 'Address' ] ) ? ( $request[ 'Address' ] ) : $this->park->address;
                $this->park->city = isset( $request[ 'City' ] ) ? ( $request[ 'City' ] ) : $this->park->city;
                $this->park->province = isset( $request[ 'Province' ] ) ? ( $request[ 'Province' ] ) : $this->park->province;
                $this->park->postal_code = isset( $request[ 'PostalCode' ] ) ? ( $request[ 'PostalCode' ] ) : $this->park->postal_code;
                $this->park->directions = isset( $request[ 'Directions' ] ) ? ( $request[ 'Directions' ] ) : $this->park->directions;
                $this->park->description = isset( $request[ 'Description' ] ) ? ( $request[ 'Description' ] ) : $this->park->description;
                $this->park->map_url = isset( $request[ 'MapUrl' ] ) ? ( $request[ 'MapUrl' ] ) : $this->park->map_url;

                $this->park->park_id = $request[ 'ParkId' ];
                if ( $this->park->find() ) {

                    if ( $address_change )
                        if ( isset( $request[ 'GeoCode' ] ) && trimlen( $request[ 'GeoCode' ] ) > 0 )
                            $this->park_geocode_h( $request[ 'GeoCode' ] );

                    if ( $request[ 'KingdomId' ] > 0 && $this->park->kingdom_id != $request[ 'KingdomId' ] ) {
                        // Seriously? You couldn't work it out somehow?
                        // AKA Blackspire Code, AKA Golden Plains Exception
                        if ( Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority( $mundane_id, AUTH_ADMIN, $request[ 'KingdomId' ], AUTH_ADMIN ) ) {
                            $this->park->kingdom_id = $request[ 'KingdomId' ];
                        } else {
                            $response = Warning( 'You do not have permissions to move this Park [' . $this->park->park_id . ', ' . $this->park->kingdom_id . '] to another Kingdom [' . $request[ 'KingdomId' ] . '].' );

                    if ( strlen( $request[ 'Heraldry' ] ) ) {
                        Ork3::$Lib->heraldry->SetParkHeraldry( $request );

                    $response = Success( $this->park->park_id );
                } else {
                    $response = InvalidParameter( 'ParkId could not be found.' );
            } else {
                $response = NoAuthorization( 'You do not have permissions to perform this action: ' . $mundane_id );
        } else {
            $response = InvalidParameter( 'ParkId could not be found.' );
        return $response;

    public function SetOfficer( $request )
        // Check for Principality Details, and create auths for Principality concurrently
        $response = [ ];
        if ( ( $mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized( $request[ 'Token' ] ) ) > 0
            && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority( $mundane_id, AUTH_PARK, $request[ 'ParkId' ], AUTH_EDIT )
        ) {
            $officer = new yapo( $this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'officer' );
            $c = new Common();
            $c->set_officer( $request[ 'KingdomId' ], $request[ 'ParkId' ], $request[ 'MundaneId' ], $request[ 'Role' ] );
        } else {
            $response = NoAuthorization();
        return $response;

    public function RetirePark( $request )
        return $this->WafflePark( $request, 'Retired' );

    public function RestorePark( $request )
        return $this->WafflePark( $request, 'Active' );

    public function WafflePark( $request, $waffle )
        $response = [ ];
        $this->park->park_id = $request[ 'ParkId' ];
        if ( $this->park->find() ) {
            if ( ( $mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized( $request[ 'Token' ] ) ) > 0
                && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority( $mundane_id, AUTH_KINGDOM, $this->park->kingdom_id, AUTH_EDIT )
            ) {
                $this->log->Write( 'Park', $mundane_id, 'Active' == $waffle ? LOG_RESTORE : LOG_RETIRE, $request );
                $this->park->active = $waffle;
                $response = Success();
            } else {
                $response = NoAuthorization();
        } else {
            $response = InvalidParameter( NULL, 'Problem processing request.' );
        return $response;