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# Formats

Formats define the output of your created files. For example, to use your styles in CSS
you use the `css/variables` format. This will create a CSS file containing the variables from
your style dictionary.

### Using formats

You use formats in your config file under platforms > [platform] > files > [file] > format

  "source": ["properties/**/*.json"],
  "platforms": {
    "css": {
      "transformGroup": "css",
      "files": [
          "format": "css/variables",
          "destination": "variables.css"

There is an extensive (but not exhaustive) list of [included formats](#pre-defined-formats) available in Style Dictionary.

### Format configuration

Formats can take configuration to make them more flexible. This allows you to re-use the same format multiple times with different configurations or to allow the format to use data not defined in the tokens themselves. To configure a format, add extra attributes on the file object in your configuration like the following:

  "source": ["properties/**/*.json"],
  "platforms": {
    "scss": {
      "transformGroup": "scss",
      "files": [{
        "destination": "map.scss",
        "format": "scss/map-deep",
        "mapName": "my-tokens"

In this example we are adding the `mapName` configuration to the `scss/map-deep` format. This will change the name of the SCSS map in the output. Not all formats have the configuration options; format configuration is defined by the format itself. To see the configurtion options of a format, take a look at the documentation of the [specific format](#pre-defined-formats)

### Filtering tokens

A special file configuration is `filter`, which will filter the tokens before they get to the format. This allows you to re-use the same format to generate multiple files with different sets of tokens. Filtering tokens works by adding a `filter` attribute on the file object, where `filter` is:

* An object which gets passed to [Lodash's filter method](
* A string that references the name of a registered filter, using the [`registerFilter`]( method
* A function if you are defining your configuration in Javascript rather than JSON. The filter function takes a token as the property and should return a boolean if the token should be included (true) or excluded (false).

  "destination": "destination",
  "format": "myCustomFormat",
  "filter": "myCustomFilter", // a named filter defined with .registerFilter
  "filter": function(token) {}, // an inline function
  "filter": {} // an object pass to lodash's filter method

### Creating formats

You can create custom formats using the [`registerFormat`]( function. If you want to add configuration to your custom format, `this` is bound to the file object. Using this, you can access attributes on the file object with `this.myCustomAttribute` if the file object looks like:

  "destination": "destination",
  "format": "myCustomFormat",
  "myCustomAttribute": "Hello world"

### Using a template / templating engine to create a format

Formatters are functions and created easily with most templating engines. Formats can be built using templates if there is a lot of boilerplate code to insert (e.g. ObjectiveC files). If the output consists of only the values (e.g. a flat SCSS variables file), writing a formatter function directly may be easier.

Any templating language can work as there is a node module for it. All you need to do is register a format that calls your template and returns a string.

Here is a quick example for Lodash.

const styleDictionary = require('style-dictionary').extend('config.json');
const _ = require('lodash');

const template = _.template( fs.readFileSync('templates/myFormat.template') );

  name: 'my/format',
  formatter: template

// format: 'my/format' is now available for use...

And another example for Handlebars.

const styleDictionary = require('style-dictionary').extend('config.json');
const Handlebars = require('handlebars');

const template = Handlebars.compile( fs.readFileSync('templates/MyTemplate.hbs').toString() );

  name: 'my/format',
  formatter: function(dictionary, platform) {
    return template({
      options: platform

// format: 'my/format' is now available for use...


## Pre-defined Formats

These are the formats included in Style Dictionary by default, pulled from [lib/common/formats.js](

Want a format? [You can request it here](

You created a format and think it should be included? [Send us a PR](

### css/variables 

Creates a CSS file with variable definitions based on the style dictionary

:root {
  --color-background-base: #f0f0f0;
  --color-background-alt: #eeeeee;

* * *

### scss/map-flat 

Creates a SCSS file with a flat map based on the style dictionary

Name the map by adding a 'mapName' attribute on the file object in your config.

$tokens: (
  'color-background-base': #f0f0f0;
  'color-background-alt': #eeeeee;

* * *

### scss/map-deep 

Creates a SCSS file with a deep map based on the style dictionary.

Name the map by adding a 'mapName' attribute on the file object in your config.

$color-background-base: #f0f0f0 !default;
$color-background-alt: #eeeeee !default;

$tokens: {
  'color': (
    'background': (
      'base': $color-background-base,
      'alt': $color-background-alt

* * *

### scss/variables 

Creates a SCSS file with variable definitions based on the style dictionary

$color-background-base: #f0f0f0;
$color-background-alt: #eeeeee;

* * *

### scss/icons 

Creates a SCSS file with variable definitions and helper classes for icons

$content-icon-email: '\E001'; { content:$content-icon-email; }

* * *

### less/variables 

Creates a LESS file with variable definitions based on the style dictionary

@color-background-base: #f0f0f0;
@color-background-alt: #eeeeee;

* * *

### less/icons 

Creates a LESS file with variable definitions and helper classes for icons

@content-icon-email: '\E001'; { content:@content-icon-email; }

* * *

### javascript/module 

Creates a CommonJS module with the whole style dictionary

module.exports = {
  color: {
    base: {
       red: {
         value: '#ff000'

* * *

### javascript/object 

Creates a JS file a global var that is a plain javascript object of the style dictionary.
Name the variable by adding a 'name' attribute on the file object in your config.

var StyleDictionary = {
  color: {
    base: {
       red: {
         value: '#ff000'

* * *

### javascript/umd 

Creates a [UMD]( module of the style
dictionary. Name the module by adding a 'name' attribute on the file object
in your config.

(function(root, factory) {
  if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
    module.exports = factory();
  } else if (typeof exports === "object") {
    exports["_styleDictionary"] = factory();
  } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
    define([], factory);
  } else {
    root["_styleDictionary"] = factory();
}(this, function() {
  return {
    "color": {
      "red": {
        "value": "#FF0000"

* * *

### javascript/es6 

Creates a ES6 module of the style dictionary.

  "platforms": {
    "js": {
      "transformGroup": "js",
      "files": [
          "format": "javascript/es6",
          "destination": "colors.js",
          "filter": {
            "attributes": {
              "category": "color"

export const ColorBackgroundBase = '#ffffff';
export const ColorBackgroundAlt = '#fcfcfcfc';

* * *

### android/colors 

Creates a color resource xml file with all the colors in your style dictionary.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <color name="color_base_red_5">#fffaf3f2</color>
 <color name="color_base_red_30">#fff0cccc</color>
 <color name="color_base_red_60">#ffe19d9c</color>

* * *

### android/dimens 

Creates a dimen resource xml file with all the sizes in your style dictionary.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <dimen name="size_padding_tiny">5.00dp</dimen>
 <dimen name="size_padding_small">10.00dp</dimen>
 <dimen name="size_padding_medium">15.00dp</dimen>

* * *

### android/fontDimens 

Creates a dimen resource xml file with all the font sizes in your style dictionary.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <dimen name="size_font_tiny">10.00sp</dimen>
 <dimen name="size_font_small">13.00sp</dimen>
 <dimen name="size_font_medium">15.00sp</dimen>

* * *

### android/integers 

Creates a resource xml file with all the integers in your style dictionary. It filters your
style properties by `prop.attributes.category === 'time'`


- Update the filter on this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <integer name="time_duration_short">1000</string>
  <integer name="time_duration_medium">2000</string>
  <integer name="time_duration_long">4000</string>

* * *

### android/strings 

Creates a resource xml file with all the strings in your style dictionary. Filters your
style properties by `prop.attributes.category === 'content'`

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <string name="content_icon_email">&#xE001;</string>
  <string name="content_icon_chevron_down">&#xE002;</string>
  <string name="content_icon_chevron_up">&#xE003;</string>

* * *

### ios/macros 

Creates an Objective-C header file with macros for style properties

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#define ColorFontLink [UIColor colorWithRed:0.00f green:0.47f blue:0.80f alpha:1.00f]
#define SizeFontTiny 176.00f

* * *

### ios/plist 

Creates an Objective-C plist file


- Fix this template and add example and usage

* * *

### ios/singleton.m 

Creates an Objective-C implementation file of a style dictionary singleton class


- Add example and usage

* * *

### ios/singleton.h 

Creates an Objective-C header file of a style dictionary singleton class


- Add example and usage

* * *

### ios/static.h 

Creates an Objective-C header file of a static style dictionary class


- Add example and usage

* * *

### ios/static.m 

Creates an Objective-C implementation file of a static style dictionary class


- Add example and usage

* * *

### ios/colors.h 

Creates an Objective-C header file of a color class


- Add example and usage

* * *

### ios/colors.m 

Creates an Objective-C implementation file of a color class


- Add example and usage

* * *

### ios/strings.h 

Creates an Objective-C header file of strings


- Add example and usage

* * *

### ios/strings.m 

Creates an Objective-C implementation file of strings


- Add example and usage

* * *

### ios-swift/class.swift 

Creates a Swift implementation file of a class with values


- Add example and usage

* * *

### ios-swift/enum.swift 

Creates a Swift implementation file of an enum with values


- Add example and usage

* * *

### css/fonts.css 

Creates CSS file with @font-face declarations


- Add example and usage

* * *

### json 

Creates a JSON file of the style dictionary.

  "color": {
    "base": {
       "red": {
         "value": "#ff000"

* * *

### json/asset 

Creates a JSON file of the assets defined in the style dictionary.

  "asset": {
    "image": {
       "logo": {
         "value": "assets/logo.png"

* * *

### json/nested 

Creates a JSON nested file of the style dictionary.

  "color": {
    "base": {
       "red": "#ff000"

* * *

### json/flat 

Creates a JSON flat file of the style dictionary.

  "color-base-red": "#ff000"

* * *

### sketch/palette 

Creates a sketchpalette file of all the base colors

  "compatibleVersion": "1.0",
  "pluginVersion": "1.1",
  "colors": [

* * *

### sketch/palette/v2 

Creates a sketchpalette file compatible with version 2 of
the sketchpalette plugin. To use this you should use the
'color/sketch' transform to get the correct value for the colors.

  "compatibleVersion": "2.0",
  "pluginVersion": "2.2",
  "colors": [
    {name: "red", r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0},
    {name: "green", r: 0.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0},
    {name: "blue", r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0}

* * *

### flutter/class.dart 

Creates a Dart implementation file of a class with values

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class StyleDictionary {
    static const colorBrandPrimary = Color(0x00ff5fff);
    static const sizeFontSizeMedium = 16.00;
    static const contentFontFamily1 = "NewJune";

* * *