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# Templates

Templates are deprecated in favor of [Formats]( and will be removed in the future. If you want to use a template, create a [Format that uses templating](

>*__Why are Templates being deprecated in favor of Formats?__*

>It is a simplification for users, no power is being removed. Anything you could do in a Template you can do in a Format. Since they both did the same thing people became confused on which method they were supposed to use for output. Even worse, we actually required you to specify if the output you wanted was defined as a format or as a template, even for those formats and templates included in Style Dictionary by default. This was a bad plan and caused problems for many users. Lastly, Style Dictionary aims to provide power and flexibility without forcing you to use any particular system, but only Lodash Templates were supported under the old template system. Using formats, you can use any templating engine you would like.