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# Transforms

Transforms are functions that transform a property - this enables each platform to consume the property in different ways. A simple example is changing pixel values to point values for iOS and dp or sp for Android. Transforms are applied in a non-destructive way thus each platform can transform the properties. Transforms are performed sequentially, therfore the order you use transforms matters. Transforms are used in your [configuration](, and can be either [pre-defined transforms]( supplied by Style Dictionary or [custom transforms](

## Using Transforms
You use transforms in your config file under platforms > [platform] > transforms

  "source": ["properties/**/*.json"],
  "platforms": {
    "android": {
      "transforms": ["attribute/cti", "name/cti/kebab", "color/hex", "size/rem"]

A transform consists of 4 parts: type, name, matcher, and transformer. Transforms are run on all properties where the matcher returns true. *NOTE: if you don't provide a matcher function, it will match all properties.*

## Transform Types
There are 3 types of transforms: attribute, name, and value.

**Attribute:** An attribute transform adds to the attributes object on a property. This is for including any meta-data about a property such as it's CTI or other information.

**Name:** A name transform transform the name of a property. You should really only be apply one name transformer because they will override each other if you use more than one.

**Value:** The value transform is the most important as this is the one that changes the representation of the value. Colors can be turned into hex values, rgb, hsl, hsv, etc. Value transforms have a matcher function that filter which properties that transform runs on. This allows us to only run a color transform on only the colors and not every property.

## Defining Custom Transforms
You can define custom transforms with the [`registerTransform`](

## Pre-defined Transforms


> All the pre-defined transforms included use the [CTI structure]( for the match properties. If you structure your style properties differently you will need to write [custom transforms]( or make sure the property CTIs are on the attributes of your properties.

### attribute/cti 

Adds: category, type, item, subitem, and state on the attributes object based on the location in the style dictionary.

// Matches: all
// Returns:
  "category": "color",
  "type": "background",
  "item": "button",
  "subitem": "primary",
  "state": "active"

* * *

### attribute/color 

Adds: hex, hsl, hsv, rgb, red, blue, green.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'color'
// Returns
  "hex": "009688",
  "rgb": {"r": 0, "g": 150, "b": 136, "a": 1},
  "hsl": {"h": 174.4, "s": 1, "l": 0.294, "a": 1},
  "hsv": {"h": 174.4, "s": 1, "l": 0.588, "a": 1},

* * *

### name/human 

Creates a human-friendly name

// Matches: All
// Returns:
"button primary"

* * *

### name/cti/camel 

Creates a camel case name. If you define a prefix on the platform in your config, it will prepend with your prefix

// Matches: all
// Returns:

* * *

### name/ti/camel 

Creates a camel case name without the category at the front.  This is most useful when there is a class, struct, enum, etc.
that already has the category in it (e.g., StyleDictionaryColors.baseDarkRed instad of StyleDictionaryColors.colorBaseDarkRed).
If you define a prefix on the platform in your config, it will prepend with your prefix

// Matches: all
// Returns:

* * *

### name/cti/kebab 

Creates a kebab case name. If you define a prefix on the platform in your config, it will prepend with your prefix

// Matches: all
// Returns:

* * *

### name/cti/snake 

Creates a snake case name. If you define a prefix on the platform in your config, it will prepend with your prefix

// Matches: all
// Returns:

* * *

### name/cti/constant 

Creates a constant-style name based on the full CTI of the property. If you define a prefix on the platform in your config, it will prepend with your prefix

// Matches: all
// Returns:

* * *

### name/ti/constant 

Creates a constant-style name on the type and item of the property. This is useful if you want to create different static classes/files for categories like `Color.BACKGROUND_BASE`. If you define a prefix on the platform in your config, it will prepend with your prefix.

// Matches: all
// Returns:

* * *

### name/cti/pascal 

Creates a Pascal case name. If you define a prefix on the platform in your config, it will prepend with your prefix

// Matches: all
// Returns:

* * *

### color/rgb 

Transforms the value into an RGB string

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'color'
// Returns:
"rgb(0, 150, 136)"

* * *

### color/hsl 

Transforms the value into an HSL string or HSLA if alpha is present. Better browser support than color/hsl-4

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'color'
// Returns:
"hsl(174, 100%, 29%)"
"hsl(174, 100%, 29%, .5)"

* * *

### color/hsl-4 

Transforms the value into an HSL string, using fourth argument if alpha is present.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'color'
// Returns:
"hsl(174 100% 29%)"
"hsl(174 100% 29% / .5)"

* * *

### color/hex 

Transforms the value into an 6-digit hex string

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'color'
// Returns:

* * *

### color/hex8 

Transforms the value into an 8-digit hex string

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'color'
// Returns:

* * *

### color/hex8android 

Transforms the value into an 8-digit hex string for Android because they put the alpha channel first

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'color'
// Returns:

* * *

### color/UIColor 

Transforms the value into an UIColor class for iOS

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'color'
// Returns:
[UIColor colorWithRed:0.114f green:0.114f blue:0.114f alpha:1.000f]

* * *

### color/UIColorSwift 

Transforms the value into an UIColor swift class for iOS

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'color'
// Returns:
UIColor(red: 0.667, green: 0.667, blue: 0.667, alpha:0.6)

* * *

### color/css 

Transforms the value into a hex or rgb string depending on if it has transparency

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'color'
// Returns:

* * *

### color/sketch 

Transforms a color into an object with red, green, blue, and alpha
attributes that are floats from 0 - 1. This object is how Sketch stores

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'color'
// Returns:
  red: 0.5,
  green: 0.5,
  blue: 0.5,
  alpha: 1

* * *

### size/sp 

Transforms the value into a scale-independent pixel (sp) value for font sizes on Android. It will not scale the number.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'size' && prop.attributes.type === 'font'
// Returns:

* * *

### size/dp 

Transforms the value into a density-independent pixel (dp) value for non-font sizes on Android. It will not scale the number.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'size' && prop.attributes.type !== 'font'
// Returns:

* * *

### size/remToSp 

Transforms the value from a REM size on web into a scale-independent pixel (sp) value for font sizes on Android. It WILL scale the number by a factor of 16 (common base font size on web).

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'size' && prop.attributes.type === 'font'
// Returns:

* * *

### size/remToDp 

Transforms the value from a REM size on web into a density-independent pixel (dp) value for font sizes on Android. It WILL scale the number by a factor of 16 (common base font size on web).

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'size' && prop.attributes.type !== 'font'
// Returns:

* * *

### size/px 

Adds 'px' to the end of the number. Does not scale the number

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'size'
// Returns:

* * *

### size/rem 

Adds 'rem' to the end of the number. Does not scale the number

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'size'
// Returns:

* * *

### size/remToPt 

Scales the number by 16 (default web font size) and adds 'pt' to the end.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'size'
// Returns:

* * *

### size/swift/remToCGFloat 

Scales the number by 16 to get to points for Swift and initializes a CGFloat

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'size'
// Returns: "CGFloat(16.00)""

* * *

### size/remToPx 

Scales the number by 16 (default web font size) and adds 'px' to the end.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'size'
// Returns:

* * *

### content/icon 

Takes a unicode point and transforms it into a form CSS can use.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'content' && prop.attributes.type === 'icon'
// Returns:

* * *

### content/quote 

Wraps the value in a single quoted string

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'content'
// Returns:

* * *

### content/objC/literal 

Wraps the value in a double-quoted string and prepends an '@' to make a string literal.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'content'
// Returns:

**&quot;string&quot;**: ```  

* * *

### content/swift/literal 

Wraps the value in a double-quoted string to make a string literal.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'content'
// Returns:

* * *

### font/objC/literal 

Wraps the value in a double-quoted string and prepends an '@' to make a string literal.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'font'
// Returns: @"string"

* * *

### font/swift/literal 

Wraps the value in a double-quoted string to make a string literal.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'font'
// Returns: "string"

* * *

### time/seconds 

Assumes a time in miliseconds and transforms it into a decimal

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'time'
// Returns:

* * *

### asset/base64 

Wraps the value in a double-quoted string and prepends an '@' to make a string literal.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'asset'
// Returns:

* * *

### asset/path 

Prepends the local file path

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'asset'
// Returns:

* * *

### asset/objC/literal 

Wraps the value in a double-quoted string and prepends an '@' to make a string literal.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'asset'
// Returns: @"string"

* * *

### asset/swift/literal 

Wraps the value in a double-quoted string to make a string literal.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'asset'
// Returns: "string"

* * *

### color/hex8flutter 

Transforms the value into a Flutter Color object using 8-digit hex with the alpha chanel on start
 // Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'color'
 // Returns:

* * *

### content/flutter/literal 

Wraps the value in a double-quoted string to make a string literal.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'content'
// Returns: "string"

* * *

### asset/flutter/literal 

Wraps the value in a double-quoted string to make a string literal.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'asset'
// Returns: "string"

* * *

### font/flutter/literal 

Wraps the value in a double-quoted string to make a string literal.

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'font'
// Returns: "string"

* * *

### size/flutter/remToDouble 

Scales the number by 16 to get to points for Flutter

// Matches: prop.attributes.category === 'size'
// Returns: 16.00

* * *