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 * Copyright 2017, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. A copy of the License is located at
 * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the License.

var fs = require('fs'),
    _  = require('lodash'),
    GroupMessages = require('../utils/groupMessages');

var SASS_MAP_FORMAT_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS = GroupMessages.GROUP.SassMapFormatDeprecationWarnings;

function fileHeader(options, commentStyle) {
  var to_ret = '';
  // for backward compatibility we need to have the user explicitly hide them
  var showFileHeader = (options) ? options.showFileHeader : true;
  if (showFileHeader) {
    if (commentStyle === 'short') {
      to_ret += '\n';
      to_ret += '// Do not edit directly\n';
      to_ret += '// Generated on ' + new Date().toUTCString() + '\n';
      to_ret += '\n';
    } else {
      to_ret += '/**\n';
      to_ret += ' * Do not edit directly\n';
      to_ret += ' * Generated on ' + new Date().toUTCString() + '\n';
      to_ret += ' */\n\n';

  return to_ret;

function variablesWithPrefix(prefix, properties, commentStyle) {
  return {
      var to_ret_prop = prefix + + ': ' + (prop.attributes.category==='asset' ? '"'+prop.value+'"' : prop.value) + ';';

      if (prop.comment) {
        if (commentStyle === 'short') {
          to_ret_prop = to_ret_prop.concat(' // ' + prop.comment);
        } else {
          to_ret_prop = to_ret_prop.concat(' /* ' + prop.comment + ' */');

      return to_ret_prop;
    .filter(function(strVal) { return !!strVal })

function iconsWithPrefix(prefix, properties, config) {
  return _.chain(properties)
    .filter(function(prop) {
      return prop.attributes.category === 'content' && prop.attributes.type === 'icon';
    .map(function(prop) {
      var varName = prefix + + ': ' + prop.value + ';';
      var className = '.' + config.prefix + '-icon.' + prop.attributes.item + ':before ';
      var declaration = '{ content: ' + prefix + + '; }';
      return varName + '\n' + className + declaration;

function minifyDictionary(obj) {
  var toRet = {};
  if (obj.hasOwnProperty('value')) {
    return obj.value;
  } else {
    for(var name in obj) {
      if(obj.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
        toRet[name] = minifyDictionary(obj[name]);
  return toRet;
 * @namespace Formats

module.exports = {
   * Creates a CSS file with variable definitions based on the style dictionary
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```css
   * :root {
   *   --color-background-base: #f0f0f0;
   *   --color-background-alt: #eeeeee;
   * }
   * ```
  'css/variables': function(dictionary) {
    return fileHeader(this.options) +
      ':root {\n' +
      variablesWithPrefix('  --', dictionary.allProperties) +

   * Creates a SCSS file with a flat map based on the style dictionary
   * Name the map by adding a 'mapName' attribute on the file object in your config.
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```scss
   * $tokens: (
   *   'color-background-base': #f0f0f0;
   *   'color-background-alt': #eeeeee;
   * )
   * ```
  'scss/map-flat': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/scss/map-flat.template')

  // This will soon be removed, is left here only for backwards compatibility
  'sass/map-flat': function(dictionary, config) {
    GroupMessages.add(SASS_MAP_FORMAT_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS, "sass/map-flat");
    const templateMapFlat = _.template(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/scss/map-flat.template'));
    return templateMapFlat({
      showFileHeader: config.showFileHeader,
      allProperties: dictionary.allProperties

   * Creates a SCSS file with a deep map based on the style dictionary.
   * Name the map by adding a 'mapName' attribute on the file object in your config.
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```scss
   * $color-background-base: #f0f0f0 !default;
   * $color-background-alt: #eeeeee !default;
   * $tokens: {
   *   'color': (
   *     'background': (
   *       'base': $color-background-base,
   *       'alt': $color-background-alt
   *     )
   *   )
   * )
   * ```
  'scss/map-deep': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/scss/map-deep.template')

  // This will soon be removed, is left here only for backwards compatibility
  'sass/map-deep': function(dictionary, config) {
    GroupMessages.add(SASS_MAP_FORMAT_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS, "sass/map-deep");
    const templateMapDeep = _.template(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/scss/map-deep.template'));
    return templateMapDeep({
      showFileHeader: config.showFileHeader,
      allProperties: dictionary.allProperties

   * Creates a SCSS file with variable definitions based on the style dictionary
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```scss
   * $color-background-base: #f0f0f0;
   * $color-background-alt: #eeeeee;
   * ```
  'scss/variables': function(dictionary) {
    return fileHeader(this.options, 'short') + variablesWithPrefix('$', dictionary.allProperties, 'short');

   * Creates a SCSS file with variable definitions and helper classes for icons
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```scss
   * $content-icon-email: '\E001';
   * { content:$content-icon-email; }
   * ```
  'scss/icons': function(dictionary, config) {
    return fileHeader(this.options, 'short') + iconsWithPrefix('$', dictionary.allProperties, config, 'short');

   * Creates a LESS file with variable definitions based on the style dictionary
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```less
   * \@color-background-base: #f0f0f0;
   * \@color-background-alt: #eeeeee;
   * ```
  'less/variables': function(dictionary) {
    return fileHeader(this.options, 'short') + variablesWithPrefix('@', dictionary.allProperties, 'short');

   * Creates a LESS file with variable definitions and helper classes for icons
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```less
   * \@content-icon-email: '\E001';
   * { content:\@content-icon-email; }
   * ```
  'less/icons': function(dictionary, config) {
    return fileHeader(this.options, 'short') + iconsWithPrefix('@', dictionary.allProperties, config, 'short');

   * Creates a CommonJS module with the whole style dictionary
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```js
   * module.exports = {
   *   color: {
   *     base: {
   *        red: {
   *          value: '#ff000'
   *        }
   *     }
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
  'javascript/module': function(dictionary) {
    return fileHeader(this.options) +
    'module.exports = ' +
      JSON.stringify(, null, 2) + ';';

   * Creates a JS file a global var that is a plain javascript object of the style dictionary.
   * Name the variable by adding a 'name' attribute on the file object in your config.
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```js
   * var StyleDictionary = {
   *   color: {
   *     base: {
   *        red: {
   *          value: '#ff000'
   *        }
   *     }
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
  'javascript/object': function(dictionary) {
    return  fileHeader(this.options) +
      'var ' +
      ( || '_styleDictionary') +
      ' = ' +
      JSON.stringify(, null, 2) +

   * Creates a [UMD]( module of the style
   * dictionary. Name the module by adding a 'name' attribute on the file object
   * in your config.
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```js
   * (function(root, factory) {
   *   if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
   *     module.exports = factory();
   *   } else if (typeof exports === "object") {
   *     exports["_styleDictionary"] = factory();
   *   } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
   *     define([], factory);
   *   } else {
   *     root["_styleDictionary"] = factory();
   *   }
   * }(this, function() {
   *   return {
   *     "color": {
   *       "red": {
   *         "value": "#FF0000"
   *       }
   *     }
   *   };
   * }))
   * ```
  'javascript/umd': function(dictionary) {
    var name = || '_styleDictionary'
    return fileHeader(this.options) +
      '(function(root, factory) {\n' +
      '  if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {\n' +
      '    module.exports = factory();\n' +
      '  } else if (typeof exports === "object") {\n' +
      '    exports["' + name + '"] = factory();\n' +
      '  } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {\n' +
      '    define([], factory);\n' +
      '  } else {\n' +
      '    root["' + name + '"] = factory();\n' +
      '  }\n' +
      '}(this, function() {\n' +
      '  return ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2) + ';\n' +

   * Creates a ES6 module of the style dictionary.
   * ```json
   * {
   *   "platforms": {
   *     "js": {
   *       "transformGroup": "js",
   *       "files": [
   *         {
   *           "format": "javascript/es6",
   *           "destination": "colors.js",
   *           "filter": {
   *             "attributes": {
   *               "category": "color"
   *             }
   *           }
   *         }
   *       ]
   *     }
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```js
   * export const ColorBackgroundBase = '#ffffff';
   * export const ColorBackgroundAlt = '#fcfcfcfc';
   * ```
  'javascript/es6': function(dictionary) {
    return fileHeader(this.options) + {
        var to_ret_prop = 'export const ' + + ' = ' + JSON.stringify(prop.value) + ';';
        if (prop.comment)
          to_ret_prop = to_ret_prop.concat(' // ' + prop.comment);
        return to_ret_prop;

  // Android templates
   * Creates a color resource xml file with all the colors in your style dictionary.
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```xml
   * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   * <resources>
   *  <color name="color_base_red_5">#fffaf3f2</color>
   *  <color name="color_base_red_30">#fff0cccc</color>
   *  <color name="color_base_red_60">#ffe19d9c</color>
   * ```
  'android/colors': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/android/colors.template')

   * Creates a dimen resource xml file with all the sizes in your style dictionary.
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```xml
   * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   * <resources>
   *  <dimen name="size_padding_tiny">5.00dp</dimen>
   *  <dimen name="size_padding_small">10.00dp</dimen>
   *  <dimen name="size_padding_medium">15.00dp</dimen>
   * ```
  'android/dimens': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/android/dimens.template')

   * Creates a dimen resource xml file with all the font sizes in your style dictionary.
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```xml
   * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   * <resources>
   *  <dimen name="size_font_tiny">10.00sp</dimen>
   *  <dimen name="size_font_small">13.00sp</dimen>
   *  <dimen name="size_font_medium">15.00sp</dimen>
   * ```
  'android/fontDimens': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/android/fontDimens.template')

   * Creates a resource xml file with all the integers in your style dictionary. It filters your
   * style properties by `prop.attributes.category === 'time'`
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @todo Update the filter on this.
   * @example
   * ```xml
   * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   * <resources>
   *   <integer name="time_duration_short">1000</string>
   *   <integer name="time_duration_medium">2000</string>
   *   <integer name="time_duration_long">4000</string>
   * ```
  'android/integers': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/android/integers.template')

   * Creates a resource xml file with all the strings in your style dictionary. Filters your
   * style properties by `prop.attributes.category === 'content'`
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```xml
   * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   * <resources>
   *   <string name="content_icon_email">&#xE001;</string>
   *   <string name="content_icon_chevron_down">&#xE002;</string>
   *   <string name="content_icon_chevron_up">&#xE003;</string>
   * ```
  'android/strings': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/android/strings.template')

  // iOS templates
   * Creates an Objective-C header file with macros for style properties
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```objectivec
   * #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
   * #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
   * #define ColorFontLink [UIColor colorWithRed:0.00f green:0.47f blue:0.80f alpha:1.00f]
   * #define SizeFontTiny 176.00f
   * ```
  'ios/macros': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/ios/macros.template')

   * Creates an Objective-C plist file
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @todo Fix this template and add example and usage
  'ios/plist': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/ios/plist.template')

   * Creates an Objective-C implementation file of a style dictionary singleton class
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @todo Add example and usage
  'ios/singleton.m': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/ios/singleton.m.template')

   * Creates an Objective-C header file of a style dictionary singleton class
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @todo Add example and usage
  'ios/singleton.h': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/ios/singleton.h.template')

   * Creates an Objective-C header file of a static style dictionary class
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @todo Add example and usage
  'ios/static.h': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/ios/static.h.template')

   * Creates an Objective-C implementation file of a static style dictionary class
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @todo Add example and usage
  'ios/static.m': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/ios/static.m.template')

   * Creates an Objective-C header file of a color class
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @todo Add example and usage
  'ios/colors.h': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/ios/colors.h.template')

   * Creates an Objective-C implementation file of a color class
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @todo Add example and usage
  'ios/colors.m': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/ios/colors.m.template')

   * Creates an Objective-C header file of strings
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @todo Add example and usage
  'ios/strings.h': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/ios/strings.h.template')

   * Creates an Objective-C implementation file of strings
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @todo Add example and usage
  'ios/strings.m': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/ios/strings.m.template')

   * Creates a Swift implementation file of a class with values
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @todo Add example and usage
  'ios-swift/class.swift': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/ios-swift/class.swift.template')

   * Creates a Swift implementation file of an enum with values
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @todo Add example and usage
  'ios-swift/enum.swift': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/ios-swift/enum.swift.template')
  // Css templates

   * Creates CSS file with @font-face declarations
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @todo Add example and usage
  'css/fonts.css': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/css/fonts.css.template')

  // Web templates

   * Creates a JSON file of the style dictionary.
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```json
   * {
   *   "color": {
   *     "base": {
   *        "red": {
   *          "value": "#ff000"
   *        }
   *     }
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
  'json': function(dictionary) {
    return JSON.stringify(, null, 2);

   * Creates a JSON file of the assets defined in the style dictionary.
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```js
   * {
   *   "asset": {
   *     "image": {
   *        "logo": {
   *          "value": "assets/logo.png"
   *        }
   *     }
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
  'json/asset': function(dictionary) {
    return JSON.stringify({asset:}, null, 2);

   * Creates a JSON nested file of the style dictionary.
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```json
   * {
   *   "color": {
   *     "base": {
   *        "red": "#ff000"
   *     }
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
  'json/nested': function(dictionary) {
    return JSON.stringify(minifyDictionary(, null, 2);

   * Creates a JSON flat file of the style dictionary.
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```json
   * {
   *   "color-base-red": "#ff000"
   * }
   * ```
  'json/flat': function(dictionary) {
    return '{\n' + {
        return `  "${}": ${JSON.stringify(prop.value)}`;
      }).join(',\n') + '\n}';

   * Creates a sketchpalette file of all the base colors
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```json
   * {
   *   "compatibleVersion": "1.0",
   *   "pluginVersion": "1.1",
   *   "colors": [
   *     "#ffffff",
   *     "#ff0000",
   *     "#fcfcfc"
   *   ]
   * }
   * ```
  'sketch/palette': function(dictionary) {
    var to_ret = {
    to_ret.colors = _.chain(dictionary.allProperties)
      .filter(function(prop) {
        return prop.attributes.category === 'color' && prop.attributes.type === 'base';
      .map(function(prop) {
        return prop.value;
    return JSON.stringify(to_ret, null, 2);

   * Creates a sketchpalette file compatible with version 2 of
   * the sketchpalette plugin. To use this you should use the
   * 'color/sketch' transform to get the correct value for the colors.
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```json
   * {
   *   "compatibleVersion": "2.0",
   *   "pluginVersion": "2.2",
   *   "colors": [
   *     {name: "red", r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0},
   *     {name: "green", r: 0.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0},
   *     {name: "blue", r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0}
   *   ]
   * }
   * ```
  'sketch/palette/v2': function(dictionary) {
    var to_ret = {
      compatibleVersion: '2.0',
      pluginVersion: '2.2',
      colors: {
        // Merging the token's value, which should be an object with r,g,b,a channels
        return Object.assign({
        }, prop.value)
    return JSON.stringify(to_ret, null, 2);

  // Flutter templates
   *  Creates a Dart implementation file of a class with values
   * @memberof Formats
   * @kind member
   * @example
   * ```dart
   * import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
   * class StyleDictionary {
   *   StyleDictionary._();
   *     static const colorBrandPrimary = Color(0x00ff5fff);
   *     static const sizeFontSizeMedium = 16.00;
   *     static const contentFontFamily1 = "NewJune";
   * ```   
  'flutter/class.dart': _.template(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/flutter/class.dart.template')