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# GridAI
>Full featured AI grid environment

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This is a playground for exploring AIs and search algorithms in grid environments. It has a web interface built with Python Flask and some cool modes to play around with. Enjoy!


## Setup

### Prerequisites

1. Install the relevant Python dependencies (Flask and related). I recommend installing these in a virtual environment. For more information on virtual environments in Python, see [Virtualenv](

       pip install -r requirements.txt

    If working with Virtualenv, first activate the virtual environment by using
    * OSX/Linux:

          source <name-of-the-environment-folder>/bin/activate

    * Windows (with some sort of bash client):

          source <name-of-the-environment-folder>/Scripts/activate

2. Install the relevant node dependencies for the frontend build workflow. As simple as:

       npm i
   And now you can just sit back and watch

### Running the Project and Seeing Pretty Things

The server can be run from within the current directory using:

Before viewing in the browser, the webpack build process also needs to be run at least once to build the client-side assets. There are already npm scripts set up for this:

* For running in dev (watch) mode - so that any changes to source code rebuilds new assets:

      npm run dev

* For running in production mode - if you just want to see how it is when it's ready for publishing:

      npm run prod

Fire it up and see how you like it.

## Implementation
The maze is generated using a variation of Kruskal's Algorithm for generating minimum weight spanning trees of a graph.

The search algorithms are common graph search algorithms, outlined below:

* Depth first search - a search method that prioritizes fully exploring a given branch before trying a different branch.

    *Implemented here using a stack to store the fringe (and by extension the parental heirarchy of a given branch)*

* Breadth first search - a search method that extends radially outward from a starting point and successively explores each level fully before searching along the next level, where levels are defined by distance from the starting node (could be thought of as a kind of cost function, for those who know what's coming next :wink:)

    *Implemented here using a queue to store the fringe*

* Best first search - a search method that uses a heuristic to evaulate the worth of each cell at the edge of the fringe and selects the best cell to explore next

    *Implemented using Euclidean distance from goal as heuristic and using a sorted list (though ideal would be a heap)*

* A\* search - an enhancement on best first search that uses a combination of heuristic and cost function to decide the best cell to explore next

    *Implemented using Euclidean distance from goal as heuristic (as in best first search above) and level (as in breadth first search) as cost function, using a sorted list for the fringe (as with best first search, ideal would be min heap)*

## Authors

* **Ananth Rao** (@ananthamapod)

## License

GPL, for more information, see [LICENSE](LICENSE)