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<h1 align='center'>
  <a align='center' href=''>
    <img src='' alt='LinkedIn Logo' width='75' align='center' />
  <p align='center'>LinkedIn auth client</p>

<h4 align='center'>A simple client for authentication using LinkedIn.</h4>

<p align='center'>
    <a href=''>
        <img alt='npm latest version' src='' />
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        <img alt='npm weekly downloads' src='' />
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        <img alt='Maintainability' src='' />
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        <img alt='code style: prettier' src='' />
    <a href=''>
        <img alt='License: CC BY-NC 4.0' src='' />

<p align='center'>
  <a href='#installation'>Installation</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;●&nbsp;
  <a href='#usage'>Usage</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;●&nbsp;
  <a href='#contributing'>Contributing</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;●&nbsp;
  <a href='#versioning'>Versioning</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;●&nbsp;
  <a href='#authors'>Authors</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;●&nbsp;
  <a href='#license'>License</a>

## Installation

$ npm install @and-end/linkedin-auth-client

## Usage

import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import LinkedInAuthClient from '@and-end/linkedin-auth-client';

const config = { fetchProvider: fetch };
const params = {
  client_id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  client_secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  redirect_uri: '',
  scope: ['r_liteprofile', 'r_emailaddress'],
  response_type: 'code',
  grant_type: 'authorization_code'

const linkedInAuthClient = new LinkedInAuthClient(config);


const authorizationCode = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
const data = await linkedInAuthClient.getAccessToken(authorizationCode);

console.log(data); // => { access_token: 'xxxxxxx', expires_in: '5184000' }

See how to request an authorization code in [`test/devServer.ts`](test/devServer.ts)

Api reference:

## Contributing

Please read []( for details on the process for submitting pull requests to us.

## Versioning

We use [SemVer]( for versioning. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](

## Authors

- **Kacper Ochmański** - _Initial work, development_ - [ochmanski](

See also the list of [contributors]( who participated in this project.

## License

This project is licensed under the [CC BY-NC 4.0 License]( - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details