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Laravel-etextmail is built on etextmail api ( which is an SMS gateway to send sms messages to cell phones on GSM and CDMA networks, Glo, MTN, Zain, Etisalat, Starcomms, Visafone in Nigeria and Globally.

To get the latest version of laravel-etextmail, simply 

composer require ibonly\laravel-etextmail
Or include 
"ibonly/laravel-etextmail: 1.0.*"
to your composer.json file and run `composer update` or `composer install`

Once Laravel EtextMail is installed, you need to register the service provider. Open up `config/app.php` and add the following to the `providers` key.

Also, register the Facade like so:

'aliases' => [
    'EtextMail' => Ibonly\EtextMail\Facades\EtextMail::class,

#configuration (step 1)
Publish configuration file using the command bellow:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ibonly\EtextMail\EtextMailServiceProvider"
A file `etextmail.php` containing default configuration settings will be added to `config/` directory.
return [
    'senderid' => getenv('ETEXTMAIL_SENDER'),

    'username' => getenv('ETEXTMAIL_EMAIL'),

    'password' => getenv('EXTEXTMAIL_PASSWORD'),

    'url'      => getenv('ETEXTMAIL_URL'),
##configuration (step 2)
Open your .env file and add your `SMS Sender Id`, `etextmail email`, `etextmail password` and `etextmail url`:
Note that resellers are to use their own url.


use EtextMail;

class SMS
     * @return float
    public function getSMSBalance()

     * @param  $message [the message to be processed]
     * @return int
    public function    messageCount($message)

     * @param  $message [the message to be processed]
     * @return int
    public function characterCount($message)

     * @param  $destination [reciever's mobile number]
     * @param  message      [the message to be processed]
     * @return boolean
    public function sendSMS($destination, $message)
        dd(EtextMail::sendMessage($destination, $message));

     * @param  $destination [reciever's mobile number]
     * @param  $message     [the message to be processed]
     * @param  $longSMS     [number of pages]
     * @return boolean
    public function sendLongSMS($destination, $message, $longSMS)
        dd(EtextMail::sendMessage($destination, $message, $longSMS))

## Testing

$ vendor/bin/phpunit test

## Contributing

To contribute and extend the scope of this package,
Please check out [CONTRIBUTING]( file for detailed contribution guidelines.
Feel free to raise any issue or concern.

## Credits

Laravel-etextmail is created and maintained by `Ibraheem ADENIYI`.