import Joi from 'joi';
import isAlphaNumeric from './is.alphanumeric';
import Util from '../../helpers/util';
const util = new Util();
export default (req, res, next) => {
const {
firstname, lastname, email, password, username
} = req.body;
if (password && !isAlphaNumeric(password)) {
util.setError(400, 'Password should be Alphanumeric');
return util.send(res);
const schema = {
firstname: Joi.string()
lastname: Joi.string()
username: Joi.string()
password: Joi.string()
email: Joi.string()
.email({ minDomainAtoms: 2 })
const { error } = Joi.validate({
firstname, lastname, password, email, username
}, schema);
if (!error) return next();
const errorMessageFromJoi = error.details[0].message;
switch (errorMessageFromJoi) {
case '"password" is not allowed to be empty':
util.setError(400, 'No password was specified');
return util.send(res);
case '"password" is required':
util.setError(400, 'No password was specified');
return util.send(res);
case '"password" length must be at least 8 characters long':
util.setError(400, 'Password length must be at least 8 characters long');
return util.send(res);
case '"email" is not allowed to be empty':
util.setError(400, 'No email was specified');
return util.send(res);
case '"email" must be a valid email':
util.setError(400, 'Email is not valid');
return util.send(res);
case '"email" is required':
util.setError(400, 'No email was specified');
return util.send(res);
case '"firstname" is not allowed to be empty':
util.setError(400, 'No firstname was specified');
return util.send(res);
case '"firstname" is required':
util.setError(400, 'No firstname was specified');
return util.send(res);
case `"firstname" with value "${String(firstname)}" fails to match the required pattern: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/`:
util.setError(400, 'firstname should contain only characters');
return util.send(res);
case '"lastname" is not allowed to be empty':
util.setError(400, 'No lastname was specified');
return util.send(res);
case '"lastname" is required':
util.setError(400, 'No lastname was specified');
return util.send(res);
case `"lastname" with value "${String(lastname)}" fails to match the required pattern: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/`:
util.setError(400, 'lastname should contain only characters');
return util.send(res);
case '"username" is not allowed to be empty':
util.setError(400, 'No username was specified');
return util.send(res);
case '"username" is required':
util.setError(400, 'No username was specified');
return util.send(res);
util.setError(400, errorMessageFromJoi);
return util.send(res);