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Test Coverage
<header class="center-align">
  <%= link_to "Workdey", dashboard_path, class: "brand-logo" %>

<div class="row">
  <h3 class="center-align">Artisan Questionnaire</h3>
  <h5 class="left-align">To help us get to know you better, please fill out the following questionnaire. </h5>

  <%= form_tag users_responses_path, class: "col s12",
    method: "post", id: "response_form" do %>

    <% if flash["errors"] %>
      <div id="error_explanation">
        <h2><%= pluralize(flash["errors"]["response"].count, "error") %>
          found. Please fill out the following questions:
          <%flash["errors"]["response"].each do |msg| %>
            <li><%= msg %></li>
          <% end %>
    <% end %>

    <% @questions.each do |question| %>
        <% asterix = if question.required? then " *" else "" end %>
        <h5 class="row"><%= question.question %>
          <font color="red">
            <%= asterix %>

        <% if question.options.empty? %>
          <% if question.required? %>
            <%= text_area_tag "response[#{question.question}]", nil, class: "materialize-textarea" %>
          <% else %>
            <%= text_area_tag "response[#{question.question}]", nil, class: "materialize-textarea" %>
          <% end %>
        <% else %>
          <% question.options.each_with_index do |option, index| %>
            <% if option == "Other" %>
              <%= text_field_tag "response[#{question.question}][]", nil,
                placeholder: "Other" %>
            <% else %>
              <%= check_box_tag("response[#{question.question}][]", option, false,
                :id => "#{}_#{index}") %>
              <%= label_tag("#{}_#{index}", option) %>
            <% end %>
          <% end %>
        <% end %>
    <% end %>

    <div class="input-field row">
      <button id="responses" class="btn waves-effect waves-light"submit">Submit
        <i class="material-icons right">send</i>
  <% end %>