package insulator.integrationtest.helpers
import javafx.scene.Node
import javafx.stage.Stage
import javafx.stage.Window
import org.testfx.api.FxAssert
import tornadofx.Rendered
import kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime
private val nodeFinder = FxAssert.assertContext().nodeFinder
fun getPrimaryWindow(): Node = nodeFinder.rootNode(Window.getWindows().first())
suspend fun waitWindowWithTitle(title: String): Node = eventually {
val windows = Window.getWindows().map { (it as? Stage) }
windows.firstOrNull { it?.title == title }
?: throw AssertionError("There is no window in the scene-graph matching the title $title. Other windows are: ${ { it?.title }} ")
fun <T : Node> Node.lookupAny(cssRule: Rendered): MutableSet<T> = lookupAny(cssRule.render())
fun <T : Node> Node.lookupAny(cssSelector: String): MutableSet<T> =
FxAssert.assertContext().nodeFinder.runCatching {
}.fold({ it }, { throw AssertionError("There is no node in the scene-graph matching: $cssSelector") })
suspend fun <T : Node> Node.lookupFirst(cssRule: Rendered): T = lookupFirst(cssRule.render())
suspend fun <T : Node> Node.lookupFirst(cssSelector: String): T = eventually {
?: throw AssertionError("There is no node in the scene-graph matching: $cssSelector")