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import { EventEmitter } from "node:events";
import type { AuthenticatedLightningArgs } from "lightning";

import { Scheduler } from "./Scheduler.js";

export type Emitters<Names extends string> = Readonly<Record<Names, EventEmitter>>;

 * Provides the base for all {@linkcode IRefresher} implementations.
 * @description Each object implementing the {@linkcode IRefresher} interface offers a {@linkcode}
 * property exposing a readonly copy of data retrieved from a lightning node. Clients requiring continuous update of
 * {@linkcode} and subsequent notification, must subscribe to the {@linkcode Refresher.onChanged} and
 * {@linkcode Refresher.onError} events. Doing so will enable automatic refresh of {@linkcode} and
 * subsequent notification after the server has reported a change.
export abstract class Refresher<Name extends string, Data, ServerEmitters extends Emitters<string>> {
    /** The length of time each refresh and notify operation will be delayed after a change has been detected. */
    public get delayMilliseconds() {
        return this.scheduler.delayMilliseconds;

    /** The current state of the data. */
    public get data(): Readonly<Data> {
        return this.dataImpl;

     * Adds `listener` to the end of the listeners array.
     * @param listener The listener to add. Is called whenever {@linkcode} might have changed.
    public onChanged(listener: (name: Name) => void) {
        this.clientEmitter.on(, listener);

        if (this.clientEmitter.listenerCount( === 1) {
            this.onServerChanged(this.serverEmitters, () => () => {
                if (await this.refresh(this.lndArgs, this.dataImpl)) {

     * Adds `listener` to the `"error"` events of all server emitters and subscribes to any exceptions that are
     * thrown during refresh.
     * @param listener The listener to add. If called, {@linkcode} is no longer up to date.
    public onError(listener: (error: unknown) => void) {
        for (const emitter of Object.values(this.serverEmitters)) {
            emitter.on("error", listener);


    /** Removes all previously added listeners. */
    public removeAllListeners() {

        for (const emitter of Object.values(this.serverEmitters)) {

        this.serverEmittersImpl = undefined;


     * Initializes the passed {@linkcode Refresher} subclass object, see {@linkcode Refresher.constructor} for more
     * information.
     * @param refresher The refresher to initialize.
    protected static async init<
        T extends Refresher<Name, Data, ServerEmitters>,
        Name extends string = T extends Refresher<infer N, unknown, Emitters<string>> ? N : never,
        Data = T extends Refresher<Name, infer D, Emitters<string>> ? D : never,
        ServerEmitters extends Emitters<string> = T extends Refresher<Name, Data, infer E> ? E : never,
    >(refresher: T): Promise<IRefresher<Name, Data>> {
        await refresher.refresh(refresher.lndArgs, refresher.dataImpl);
        return refresher;

     * Initializes a new instance of {@linkcode Refresher}.
     * @description The constructors of all abstract subclasses must be protected. Those of concrete subclasses must be
     * private. All concrete subclasses must offer a static `create` method, which calls {@linkcode Refresher.init} with
     * a freshly created object of the subclass.
     * @param args See properties for details.
     * @param args.lndArgs The {@linkcode AuthenticatedLightningArgs} of the node the data should be retrieved from.
     * @param args.delayMilliseconds The length of time each refresh and notify operation will be delayed after a change
     * has been detected.
     * @param The name that will be passed to any listener added through {@linkcode Refresher.onChanged}.
     * @param args.empty The value {@linkcode} will be initialized with.
    protected constructor(args: {
        readonly lndArgs: AuthenticatedLightningArgs;
        readonly delayMilliseconds?: number;
        readonly name: Name;
        readonly empty: Data;
    }) {
        ({ lndArgs: this.lndArgs, name:, empty: this.dataImpl } = args);
        this.scheduler = new Scheduler(args.delayMilliseconds);

     * Refreshes {@linkcode} to the current state.
     * @param lndArgs The authenticated lightning args.
     * @param current The current state of the data. Overrides must modify this such that it represents the new state
     * after the returned promise fulfills.
     * @returns `true` if the new state is different from the old state, otherwise `false`.
    protected abstract refresh(lndArgs: AuthenticatedLightningArgs, current: Data): Promise<boolean>;

     * Subscribes `listener` to all events of all `serverEmitters` that might indicate {@linkcode} needs
     * to be refreshed.
     * @description Is called when the first listener is installed with a call to {@linkcode Refresher.onChanged}.
     * @param serverEmitters `listener` will be added to one or more events of each of these emitters.
     * @param listener Must be called whenever it has been detected that {@linkcode} might need to
     * be updated. Each call schedules a refresh and notify operation to occur after `delayMilliseconds`, if and only if
     * no other such operation is currently scheduled or in progress. The refresh and notify operation consists of
     * calling {@linkcode Refresher.refresh} which modifies {@linkcode} to represent the new state and
     * finally calling all listeners installed through {@linkcode Refresher.onChanged}.
    protected abstract onServerChanged(serverEmitters: ServerEmitters, listener: () => void): void;

    /** Creates the new emitters which will be passed to {@linkcode Refresher.onServerChanged}. */
    protected abstract createServerEmitters(lndArgs: AuthenticatedLightningArgs): ServerEmitters;


    private get serverEmitters() {
        this.serverEmittersImpl ??= this.createServerEmitters(this.lndArgs);
        return this.serverEmittersImpl;

    private readonly lndArgs: AuthenticatedLightningArgs;
    private readonly scheduler: Scheduler;
    private readonly name: Name;
    private readonly dataImpl: Data;
    // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-event-target
    private readonly clientEmitter = new EventEmitter();
    private serverEmittersImpl: ServerEmitters | undefined;

/** See {@linkcode Refresher}. */
export type IRefresher<Name extends string, Data> = Pick<
    Refresher<Name, Data, Emitters<string>>,
    "data" | "delayMilliseconds" | "onChanged" | "onError" | "removeAllListeners"