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Test Coverage
# [0.35.0]( (2023-12-31)

### Bug Fixes

- **deps:** update dependency click to v8.1.7 ([783741d](
- fail when no style is explicitly configured (don't use the default style) ([#606]( ([f309354](
- **style:** better .editorconfig ([0b779d9](
- **style:** comma_separated_values for flake8/isort ([7336dbc](
- **style:** move "build" to readthedocs.toml ([676ac24](
- **style:** remove Radon from the Nitpick preset ([126b1c1](
- **style:** tag markdownlint.toml as a markdown style ([578bfb5](
- **style:** use black mirror that's 2x faster ([67dc163](

### Features

- add Python 3.12 ([#616]( ([90ced4c](
- set CLI options with environment variables ([3575b9a](
- **style:** add toml-sort ([#626]( ([a4aeef7](
- **style:** default Python version on pre-commit ([3557c1f](
- **style:** Poetry (virtualenv in project) ([f002b8b](
- suggest styles based on the file types in the project ([#629]( ([e2bca24](

# [0.34.0]( (2023-08-19)

### Features

- accept all types of GitHub tokens (personal and apps) ([#603]( ([5d23b6c](
- drop support for Python 3.7 ([65178f3](

## [0.33.2]( (2023-05-29)

### Bug Fixes

- changed TOML lists are replaced (same behaviour as in YAML files) ([#577]( ([dbd9ac7](
- **deps:** update dependency attrs to v23 ([07c9bdd](
- **deps:** update dependency dpath to v2.1.6 ([4550476](
- **deps:** update dependency identify to v2.5.23 ([6e66f66](
- **deps:** update dependency identify to v2.5.24 ([2e5cb4b](
- **deps:** update dependency loguru to v0.7.0 ([da24d3a](
- **deps:** update dependency pylint to v2.17.4 ([ba8f68e](
- **deps:** update dependency pytest to v7.3.0 ([c7f71a0](
- **deps:** update dependency pytest to v7.3.1 ([0ca66ec](
- **deps:** update dependency pytest-cov to v4.1.0 ([ae11654](
- **deps:** update dependency pytest-testmon to v2.0.5 ([8548727](
- **deps:** update dependency pytest-testmon to v2.0.6 ([ecc305c](
- **deps:** update dependency pytest-testmon to v2.0.8 ([4a01477](
- **deps:** update dependency requests to v2.29.0 ([6096405](
- **deps:** update dependency requests to v2.30.0 ([f930af7](
- **deps:** update dependency requests to v2.31.0 ([82af708](
- **deps:** update dependency ruamel.yaml to v0.17.22 ([544c264](
- **deps:** update dependency ruamel.yaml to v0.17.23 ([1685e3f](
- **deps:** update dependency ruamel.yaml to v0.17.24 ([bd2e810](
- **deps:** update dependency ruamel.yaml to v0.17.26 ([935328d](
- **deps:** update dependency ruamel.yaml to v0.17.27 ([5f12e41](
- **deps:** update dependency ruamel.yaml to v0.17.28 ([c4fc365](
- **deps:** update dependency sphinx to v7 ([45f9f63](
- **deps:** update dependency sphinx_rtd_theme to v1.2.1 ([a3049cc](
- **deps:** update dependency tomlkit to v0.11.8 ([#579]( ([2292285](
- **deps:** update ruamel.yaml\* to work with Python 3.11 ([c410aeb](

## [0.33.1]( (2023-03-29)

### Bug Fixes

- **deps:** pin requests-cache to >=1.0.0 ([bc72699](
- **deps:** update dependency tomlkit to v0.11.7 ([8dff578](

# [0.33.0]( (2023-03-27)

### Bug Fixes

- actually show chosen styles in log output ([#477]( ([9a685ac](
- **deps:** update dependency attrs to v22 ([d3ad0e0](
- **deps:** update dependency click to v8.1.3 ([bd54df5](
- **deps:** update dependency configupdater to v3.1.1 ([024fd16](
- **deps:** update dependency dpath to v2.1.5 ([#557]( ([6a4fddd](
- **deps:** update dependency flake8 to v5 ([#559]( ([1bc7b06](
- **deps:** update dependency freezegun to v1.2.2 ([#543]( ([9a67f5a](
- **deps:** update dependency identify to v2.5.22 ([00dbdce](
- **deps:** update dependency importlib-resources to v5.12.0 ([68aae5c](
- **deps:** update dependency jmespath to v1 ([e51c957](
- **deps:** update dependency marshmallow to v3.19.0 ([a314480](
- **deps:** update dependency marshmallow-polyfield to v5.11 ([#545]( ([b05092b](
- **deps:** update dependency more-itertools to v8.14.0 ([#531]( ([139ef6b](
- **deps:** update dependency pytest to v7 ([a080454](
- **deps:** update dependency pytest-cov to v4 ([db278d4](
- **deps:** update dependency pytest-datadir to v1.4.1 ([c6d5cb4](
- **deps:** update dependency pytest-socket to v0.6.0 ([#534]( ([2bdf0d6](
- **deps:** update dependency pytest-testmon to v1.4.5 ([392fce5](
- **deps:** update dependency pytest-testmon to v2.0.1 ([81b300d](
- **deps:** update dependency pytest-testmon to v2.0.2 ([1e58ff2](
- **deps:** update dependency python-slugify to v8 ([77649bd](
- **deps:** update dependency requests to v2.28.2 ([#536]( ([0af1b14](
- **deps:** update dependency requests-cache to v0.9.8 ([#518]( ([2135344](
- **deps:** update dependency requests-cache to v1.0.1 ([2104255](
- **deps:** update dependency responses to v0.23.1 ([#537]( ([796034c](
- **deps:** update dependency sphinx to v4.5.0 ([#538]( ([aee2267](
- **deps:** update dependency sphinx to v5 ([#560]( ([b7fcb67](
- **deps:** update dependency sphinx_rtd_theme to v1.2.0 ([f729818](
- **deps:** update dependency sphobjinv to v2.3.1 ([33bea38](
- **deps:** update dependency strenum to v0.4.10 ([4aed308](
- **deps:** update dependency testfixtures to v6.18.5 ([311a5ca](
- **deps:** update dependency tomlkit to v0.11.6 ([a28e6d7](
- document.add does not work on Linux ([#487]( ([07048bb](
- further improve file path handling ([#479]( ([6cff555](
- pass in token to fetch GH default branch ([#475]( ([46ea598](

### Features

- add MegaLinter plugin ([#476]( ([212a36a](
- add Python 3.11 ([2a7cbea](

# [0.32.0]( (2022-03-27)

### Bug Fixes

- **deps:** update dependency pytest-socket to a commit hash ([#440]( ([61ac278](
- GitHub URL should preserve query args ([#453]( ([a2b97b1](
- use built-in preset as default style ([#450]( ([68fa2ce](

### Features

- add --version cli switch (thanks to [@mjpieters]( ([#468]( ([6a85f79](
- resolve relative URIs in nitpick.styles.include ([#470]( ([ec934dc](
- set initial style url(s) with nitpick init ([#473]( ([0100f2b](
- switch to requests-cache for style caching ([#467]( ([c586d7f](

# [0.31.0]( (2022-01-15)

### Bug Fixes

- keys suggested in the order they are defined ([#442]( ([09c30ab](
- pin attrs to >=20.1.0, change imports ([0696d08](

### Features

- drop support for Python 3.6 ([#439]( ([a02e0ce](

# [0.30.0]( (2022-01-14)

### Bug Fixes

- style override on Windows ([#422]( ([e7d2897](
- use current dir; don't climb dirs to find the project root ([#421]( ([3c82e8c](

### Features

- default pre-commit hook now runs "nitpick fix" ([cb4c242](
- **json:** autofix JSON files ([#429]( ([4b58a03](
- nitpick init adds a [tool.nitpick] table ([36f4065](
- **yaml:** autofix .pre-commit-config.yaml (note: style changed!) ([#434]( ([352b53d](
- **yaml:** autofix GitHub Workflow files ([#437]( ([6af77c4](
- **yaml:** autofix YAML files ([#431]( ([d8cc4b1](

# [0.29.0]( (2021-11-08)

### Bug Fixes

- convert ?token=xx into HTTP Basic creds for github style urls ([9b882a2](

### Features

- add Python 3.10 ([#410]( ([050d2b9](
- add support for private Github repos for style sources ([49dc12d](
- make generic.is_url() accept dollar-quoted userinfo fragments ([ef99acd](

# [0.28.0]( (2021-10-27)

### Bug Fixes

- remove() has changed to detach() on the ConfigUpdater API ([93c6c52](

### Features

- read style from Python package (thanks to [@isac322]( ([#407]( ([0a3c95d](

# [0.27.0]( (2021-07-20)

### Bug Fixes

- **cli:** print "no violations" message ([2fedd0a](
- **cli:** replace the "run" command by "fix" and "check" ([#359]( ([34d2499](
- don't fail when there is no config/root file ([#350]( ([cca099a](
- include of remote style when there is only a local style ([#349]( ([032855d](
- run pre-commit hooks only on passed files ([#356]( ([3db024a](

### Features

- accept a regular GitHub URL as a style ([#361]( ([8fc34cb](
- enforce settings on any TOML file ([#352]( ([8fd6324](
- fetch GitHub URLs directly ([#341]( ([d3e6811](
- install on macOS with Homebrew ([c679adf](
- pre-commit hook to apply changes ([#322]( ([5e98e5f](
- quick setup with `nitpick init` command ([#347]( ([3156afe](
- read configuration from `.nitpick.toml` or `pyproject.toml` ([#332]( ([612ae41](
- root files for other programming languages ([#321]( ([09a0e83](
- support custom protocols for styles ([#333]( ([9baef63](

# [0.26.0]( (2021-03-16)

### Features

- cache remote styles to avoid HTTP requests ([#312]( ([08104d8](

# [0.25.0]( (2021-03-09)

### Features

- enforce configs for any INI file ([#304]( ([80c840b](
- enforce settings on .editorconfig ([#305]( ([e8b43d9](
- enforce settings on .pylintrc ([#310]( ([6aee663](
- enforce settings on tox.ini ([#309]( ([44d6cf4](

## [0.24.1]( (2021-02-28)

### Bug Fixes

- display parsing errors as violations ([#299]( ([4e189eb](

# [0.24.0]( (2021-02-23)

### Bug Fixes

- check a YAML file with the text plugin ([#249]( ([1821962](
- override a remote style with "./your-local-style.toml" ([#295]( ([fe5f085](
- toml module now accepts keys beginning with dot (fix [#183]( ([b086a24](
- validate sections in comma_separated_values (fix [#227]( ([f1be98f](

### Features

- fix pyproject.toml directly ([#287]( ([4b79f81](
- fix setup.cfg directly ([#288]( ([f878630](
- **cli:** add 'ls' command to list configured files ([cfc031b](
- **cli:** add 'run' command to display violations ([a67bfa8](
- **cli:** experimental CLI interface (alpha version) ([#255]( ([c9ca5dc](
- **cli:** filter only the desired files on ls/run commands ([#265]( ([f5e4a9c](
- drop support for Python 3.5 ([#251]( ([9f84a60](, closes [#250](

## [0.23.1]( (2020-11-02)

### Bug Fixes

- upgrade toml to 0.10.2 (fixes [#200]( ([3331e76](

# [0.23.0]( (2020-09-18)

### Bug Fixes

- get uiri/toml@9be6458 to fix conflict with black@20.8b1 ([fd2a44a](, closes [#200](

### Features

- check if a text file contains lines ([#182]( ([3173bf7](
- detect JSON files by extension, no need to declare them first ([6f54480](
- use a plugin system (experimental) ([#180]( ([6d2df4f](

## [0.22.2]( (2020-05-15)

### Bug Fixes

- toml 0.10.1 is now raising ValueError: Circular reference ([ed1174f](, closes [#159](
- **json:** warn about different values ([4f9a891](, closes [#155](

## [0.22.1]( (2020-03-26)

### Bug Fixes

- broken build that didn't upload v0.22.0 to PyPI ([aaf2f06](

# [0.22.0]( (2020-03-26)

### Bug Fixes

- consider any Python file (thanks [@tolusonaike]( ([55c0965](, closes [#138](
- remove (thanks [@sobolevn]( and [@bibz]( ([5d03744](

### Features

- add flag for offline mode ([#129]( ([3650575](

## [0.21.4]( (2020-03-10)

### Bug Fixes

- display the current revision of the hook ([ee09be0](

## [0.21.3]( (2019-12-08)

### Bug Fixes

- concatenate URL manually instead of using Path ([5491b39](, closes [#115](

## [0.21.2]( (2019-10-31)

### Bug Fixes

- infinite loop when climbing directories on Windows ([9915c74](, closes [#108](

## [0.21.1]( (2019-09-23)

### Bug Fixes

- only check files if they have configured styles ([2cac863](

# [0.21.0]( (2019-08-26)

### Bug Fixes

- use green color to be compatible with click 6.7 ([54a6f4e](, closes [#81](
- **json:** show original JSON key suggestion, without flattening ([d01cd05](

### Features

- **style:** validate the [nitpick.files] table ([96c1c31](
- show help with the documentation URL on validation errors ([83a8f89](
- validate [nitpick.files.present] and [nitpick.files.absent] ([ab068b5](
- validate configuration of JSON files ([e1192a4](

# [0.20.0]( (2019-08-13)

### Bug Fixes

- report errors on line 0 instead of 1 ([31b13ea](, closes [#73](

### Features

- add config to check files that should be present ([408440f](, closes [#74](

# [0.19.0]( (2019-08-13)

### Bug Fixes

- emit warning when TOML is invalid in a style file (closes [#68]( ([b48e0a4](
- files should not be deleted unless explicitly set in the style ([b5953ff](, closes [#71](
- improve the way to find the root dir of the project ([fa3460a](, closes [#72](

### Features

- validate the merged style file schema ([1e31d0a](, closes [#69](

# [0.18.0]( (2019-08-09)

### Bug Fixes

- broken link on README (fixes [#70](, thanks [@sobolevn]( ([b35bbdb](

### Features

- **pyproject.toml:** validate [tool.nitpick] table ([765562a](

# [0.17.0]( (2019-08-08)

### Bug Fixes

- **setup.cfg:** silently ignore invalid sections to avoid exceptions ([79cb441](, closes [#69](

### Features

- highlight suggested changes with color ([f49f456](
- **json:** check if a JSON file contains the specified JSON data ([47fa133](
- **json:** check if a JSON file contains the specified keys ([0f8a53c](
- **json:** suggest content when file doesn't exist ([502eb3d](
- **pre-commit:** add commitlint hook to the default recommended style ([61f467c](

## [0.16.1]( (2019-06-19)

### Bug Fixes

- don't try to remove the .cache root dir, it leads to errors sometimes ([856d8e7](
- move flake8 plugins from nitpick to pre-commit ([7913e19](

# [0.16.0]( (2019-06-19)

### Features

- **pre-commit:** add nitpick hooks to use on .pre-commit-config.yaml ([92c13ae](

# [0.15.0]( (2019-06-17)

### Features

- merge all styles into a single TOML file on the cache dir ([d803f64](
- **pre-commit:** compare missing and different keys on hooks ([#57]( ([a8e2958](

# [0.14.0]( (2019-06-07)

### Features

- rename project from "flake8-nitpick" to "nitpick" ([75be3b8](

## [0.13.1]( (2019-06-07)

### Bug Fixes

- show warning about project being renamed to "nitpick" ([fda30fd](

# [0.13.0]( (2019-06-06)

### Features

- run on Python 3.5 ([185e121](

# [0.12.0]( (2019-06-03)

### Features

- get default style file from current version, not from master ([e0dccb8](

# [0.11.0]( (2019-03-31)

### Features

- allow pyproject.toml to be located in root dir's parents (thanks [@michael-k]( ([#21]( ([d3c4d74](

<a name="0.10.3"></a>

## [0.10.3]( (2019-03-13)

### Bug Fixes

- ignore FileNotFoundError when removing cache dir ([837bddf](

<a name="0.10.2"></a>

## [0.10.2]( (2019-03-13)

### Bug Fixes

- don't remove cache dir if it doesn't exist (FileNotFoundError) ([d5b6ec9](

<a name="0.10.1"></a>

## [0.10.1]( (2019-03-11)

### Bug Fixes

- fetch private GitHub URLs with a token on the query string ([4cfc118](

<a name="0.10.0"></a>

# [0.10.0]( (2019-03-11)

### Features

- assume style has a .toml extension when it's missing ([5a584ac](
- read local style files from relative and other root dirs ([82d3675](
- read relative styles in subdirectories of a symlink dir ([55634e1](
- read styles from relative paths on URLs ([46d1b84](

<a name="0.9.0"></a>

# [0.9.0]( (2019-03-06)

### Features

- improve error messages ([8a1ea4e](
- minimum required version on style file ([4090cdc](
- one style file can include another (also recursively) ([d963a8d](

<a name="0.8.1"></a>

## [0.8.1]( (2019-03-04)

### Bug Fixes

- **setup.cfg:** comma separated values check failing on pre-commit ([27a37b6](
- **setup.cfg:** comma separated values still failing on pre-commit, only on the first run ([36ea6f0](

<a name="0.8.0"></a>

# [0.8.0]( (2019-03-04)

### Bug Fixes

- keep showing other errors when pyproject.toml doesn't exist ([dc7f02f](
- move nitpick config to an exclusive table on the style file ([cd64361](
- use only yield to return values ([af7d8d2](
- use yaml.safe_load() ([b1df589](

### Features

- allow configuration of a missing message for each file ([fd053aa](
- allow multiple style files ([22505ce](
- check root keys on pre-commit file (e.g.: fail_fast) ([9470aed](
- invalidate cache on every run ([e985a0a](
- suggest initial contents for missing setup.cfg ([8d33b18](
- suggest installing poetry ([5b6038c](
- **pre-commit:** suggest pre-commit install ([76b980f](


- Comma separated values was moved to a different table in the TOML file:

comma_separated_values = [""]

comma_separated_values = [""]

- The format of the absent files has changed in the style TOML file.

file = "remove-this.txt"
message = "This file should be removed because of some reason"
file = "another-useless-file-without-message.cfg"

"remove-this.txt" = "This file should be removed because of some reason"
"another-useless-file-without-message.cfg" = ""

<a name="0.7.1"></a>

## [0.7.1]( (2019-02-14)

### Bug Fixes

- Missing flake8 entry point on pyproject.toml ([a416007](

<a name="0.7.0"></a>

# [0.7.0]( (2019-02-14)

### Features

- Suggest initial contents for missing .pre-commit-config.yaml ([16a6256](

<a name="0.6.0"></a>

# [0.6.0]( (2019-01-28)

### Features

- Configure comma separated values on the style file ([7ae6622](
- Suggest poetry init when pyproject.toml does not exist ([366c2b6](

### Bug Fixes

- DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' in ([80f7e24](

<a name="0.5.0"></a>

# [0.5.0]( (2019-01-09)

### Features

- Add .venv to the absent files list ([153a7ca](
- Add flake8-quotes to the default style ([60b3726](

<a name="0.4.0"></a>

# [0.4.0]( (2019-01-07)

### Features

- Check files that should not exist (like .isort.cfg) ([1901bb8](
- Check pre-commit config file and the presence of hooks ([b1333db](
- Warn about replacing requirements.txt by pyproject.toml ([dacb091](

### Bug Fixes

- Don't break when pyproject.toml or setup.cfg don't exist ([6a546c1](
- Only check rules if the file exists ([66e42d2](

<a name="0.3.0"></a>

# [0.3.0]( (2019-01-03)

### Features

- Show different key/value pairs on pyproject.toml, case insensitive boolean values ([30e03eb](

### Bug Fixes

- KeyError when section does not exist on setup.cfg ([e652604](

<a name="0.2.0"></a>

# [0.2.0]( (2018-12-23)

### Features

- Check missing key/value pairs in pyproject.toml ([190aa6c](
- Compare setup.cfg configuration ([2bf144a](
- First warning, only on the main Python file ([0b30506](
- Read config from pyproject.toml, cache data, run only on one Python ([265daa5](
- Read style from TOML file/URL (or climb directory tree) ([84f19d6](
- Respect the files table on nitpick.toml ([9e36a02](
- Use nitpick's own default style file if none is provided ([4701b86](

<a name="0.1.1"></a>

## [0.1.1]( (2018-03-23)

README badges.

<a name="0.1.0"></a>

## 0.1.0 (2018-03-23)

First release.