.DEFAULT_GOAL := build
.PHONY: Makefile
SRC := $(shell find docs src -type f -a -iname '*.py')
DOCS := docs/* *.rst *.md
STYLES := $(shell find src/nitpick/resources -type f)
TESTS := $(shell find tests -type f -iname '*.py')
GITHUB = $(shell find .github -type f)
# Create the cache dir if it doesn't exist
$(shell mkdir -p .cache/make)
@echo "Make targets (run 'make -B' or 'make --always-make' to force):"
@cat Makefile | egrep '^[a-z0-9 ./-]*:.*#' | sed -E -e 's/:.+# */@ /g' -e 's/ .+@/@/g' | sort | awk -F@ '{printf " \033[1;34m%-18s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
@echo 'Use invoke to run other tasks that were previously make targets:'
invoke --list
.PHONY: help
build: .cache/make/doc .cache/make/pytest .cache/make/pre-commit # Quick build for local development
.PHONY: build
# Force a cache update before running "nitpick fix" in pre-commit
# TODO: fix: the cache doesn't detect changes in TOML style files
rm -rf .cache/nitpick
.PHONY: .delete-cache
.cache/make/pytest: .delete-cache $(SRC) $(TESTS)
invoke test
touch .cache/make/pytest
.cache/make/pre-commit: .delete-cache $(ANY)
pre-commit run -a
touch .cache/make/pre-commit
.cache/make/doc: $(DOCS) $(STYLES)
invoke doc
touch .cache/make/doc