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Test Coverage
# JMESPath as part of the section name, after the file name.
# Everything after the file name is considered a JMESPath
# Format: ["path/to/file.ext".jmes.path.expression]
# The values below were taken from .github/workflows/python.yaml in this repo

# 1. Complex JMESPath expressions should be quoted
# (I still don't know how to deal with JMESPath that matches multiple items)
[[".github/workflows/python.yaml"."[].{name: name, uses: uses}"]]
uses = "actions/checkout@v2"

# 2. JMESPath expression that has double quotes, wrapped in single quotes for TOML
name = "Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}"
uses = "actions/setup-python@v2"
with = {"python-version" = "${{ matrix.python-version }}"}

# 3. It allows Jinja tuning in
name__jinja = "Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}"
name__no_jinja = "Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}"
name__jinja_off = "Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}"

# 4. "{{" and "}}" will conflict with Jinja
# So we need a way to turn on/off Jinja templating.
# Probably "false" will be the default, to keep compatibility.
# Whoever wants to use Jinja will need to set "true" either here or as a global config on .nitpick.toml
__jinja = false

# 5. Another way to turn off Jinja for a specific key only, not the whole dict
# (using the "__" syntax from Django filters, SQLAlchemy, factoryboy...)
"runs-on__no_jinja" = "${{ matrix.os }}"

# 6. Simplified API, having JMESPath as direct keys
# Read the discussion:
"" = "foo"
"" = ["bar"]
"" = "baz d+"
"" = "baz"