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.. include:: targets.rst


.. _the-style-file:

The style file

A "`Nitpick`_ code style" is a TOML_ file with the settings that should be present in config files from other tools.

Example of a style:

.. code-block:: toml

    line-length = 120

    pylint = "*"

    ignore = "D107,D202,D203,D401"
    max-line-length = 120
    inline-quotes = "double"

    line_length = 120
    multi_line_output = 3
    include_trailing_comma = true
    force_grid_wrap = 0
    combine_as_imports = true

This example style will assert that:

- ... black_, isort_ and flake8_ have a line length of 120;
- ... flake8_ and isort_ are configured with the above options in ``setup.cfg``;
- ... Pylint_ is present as a Poetry_ dev dependency in ``pyproject.toml``.

.. _configure-your-own-style:

Configure your own style

After creating your own TOML_ file with your style, add it to your ``pyproject.toml`` file. See :ref:`configuration` for details.

You can also check :ref:`the style library <library>`, and use the styles to build your own.

Default search order for a style

1. A file or URL configured in the ``pyproject.toml`` file, ``[tool.nitpick]`` section, ``style`` key, as described in :ref:`configuration`.

2. Any :gitref:`nitpick-style.toml` file found in the current directory (the one in which flake8_ runs from) or above.

3. If no style is found, then the :gitref:`default style file <nitpick-style.toml>` from GitHub is used.

Style file syntax

A style file contains basically the configuration options you want to enforce in all your projects.

They are just the config to the tool, prefixed with the name of the config file.

E.g.: To configure the black_ formatter with a line length of 120, you use this in your ``pyproject.toml``:

.. code-block:: toml

    line-length = 120

To enforce that all your projects use this same line length, add this to your :gitref:`nitpick-style.toml` file:

.. code-block:: toml

    line-length = 120

It's the same exact section/key, just prefixed with the config file name (``"pyproject.toml".``)

The same works for ``setup.cfg``.

To `configure mypy <>`_ to ignore missing imports in your project, this is needed on ``setup.cfg``:

.. code-block:: ini

    ignore_missing_imports = true

To enforce all your projects to ignore missing imports, add this to your :gitref:`nitpick-style.toml` file:

.. code-block:: toml

    ignore_missing_imports = true

.. _special-configurations:

Special configurations

Comparing elements on lists

.. note::

    At the moment, this feature only works on :ref:`the YAML plugin <yamlplugin>`_.

On YAML files, a list (called a "sequence" in the YAML spec) can contain different elements:

- Scalar values like int, float and string;
- Dictionaries or objects with key/value pairs (called "mappings" in the YAML spec)
- Other lists (sequences).

The default behaviour for all lists: when applying a style, Nitpick_ searches
if the element already exists in the list; if not found, the element is appended to the end of list.

1. With scalar values, Nitpick_ compares the elements by their exact value.
   Strings are compared in a case-sensitive manner, and spaces are considered.
2. Dicts are compared by a "hash" of their key/value pairs.

On lists containing dicts, it is possible to define a custom "list key" used to search for an element,
overriding the default compare mechanism above.

If an element is found by its key, the other key/values are compared and Nitpick_ applies the difference.
If the key doesn't exist, the new dict is appended to the end of the list.

Some files have a predefined configuration:

1. On ``.pre-commit-config.yaml``, repos are searched by their hook IDs.
2. On GitHub Workflow YAML files, steps are searched by their names.

You can define your own list keys for your YAML files (or override the predefined configs above) by using ``__list_keys`` on your style:

.. code-block:: toml

    "<list expression>" = "<search key expression>"

``<list expression>``:

- a dotted path to a list, e.g. ``repos``, ````; or
- a pattern containing wildcards (``?`` and ``*``).
  For example, ``jobs.*.steps``: all ``jobs`` containing ``steps`` will use the same ``<search key expression>``.

``<search key expression>``:

- a key from the dict inside the list, e.g. ``name``; or
- a parent key and its child key separated by a dot, e.g. ````.

.. warning::

    For now, only two-level nesting is possible: parent and child keys.

If you have suggestions for predefined list keys for other popular YAML files not covered by Nitpick_ (e.g.: GitLab CI config),
feel free to :issue:`create an issue <new/choose>` or submit a pull request.

.. _breaking-changes:

Breaking changes

.. warning::

    Below are the breaking changes in the style before the API is stable.
    If your style was working in a previous version and now it's not, check below.

``missing_message`` key was removed

``missing_message`` was removed. Use ``[nitpick.files.present]`` now.


.. code-block:: toml

    missing_message = "Install poetry and run 'poetry init' to create it"


.. code-block:: toml

    "pyproject.toml" = "Install poetry and run 'poetry init' to create it"