"""Invoke targets.
Helpful docs:
- https://www.pyinvoke.org/
- https://docs.pyinvoke.org/en/stable/api/runners.html#invoke.runners.Runner.run
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
from configparser import ConfigParser
from typing import Iterator
from invoke import Collection, Exit, task # pylint: disable=import-error
COLOR_NONE = "\x1b[0m"
COLOR_GREEN = "\x1b[32m"
COLOR_BOLD_RED = "\x1b[1;31m"
DOCS_BUILD_PATH = "docs/_build"
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
class ToxCommands:
"""Tox commands read from the config file."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._parser = ConfigParser()
def list_commands(self, section: str) -> Iterator[str]:
"""List all commands in a section."""
for line in self._parser[section]["commands"].splitlines():
if not line:
yield line
def find_command(self, section: str, search: str) -> str:
"""Find a command on a section."""
for line in self.list_commands(section):
if search in line:
return line.lstrip("- ")
return ""
def pytest_command(self):
return self.find_command("testenv", "pytest").replace("{posargs:", "").replace("}", "")
def coverage_commands(self) -> Iterator[str]:
"""All coverage commands."""
yield from self.list_commands("testenv:report")
def autofix_docs(self):
"""Autofix ReST documentation from docstrings and TOML."""
return self.find_command("testenv:docs", "autofix_docs")
def api(self):
"""Generate API docs."""
return self.find_command("testenv:docs", "apidoc")
def check_links(self):
"""Generate API docs."""
return self.find_command("testenv:docs", "linkcheck").replace("{toxworkdir}", DOCS_BUILD_PATH)
def html_docs(self):
"""Generate HTML docs."""
return (
self.find_command("testenv:docs", "html").replace("{posargs}", "").replace("{toxworkdir}", DOCS_BUILD_PATH)
def config(c) -> str:
"""Enable/disable macOS on tox.ini."""
if sys.platform != "darwin":
return ""
temp_tox_ini = ".temp-tox.ini"
# Trick to be able to run `invoke lint` on a macOS machine during development.
c.run(f"sed 's/platform = linux/platform = darwin/g' tox.ini > {temp_tox_ini}")
return f"-c {temp_tox_ini}"
def python_versions(self) -> list[str]:
"""Python versions executed in tox."""
versions = []
for py_plus_version_without_dot in self._parser["tox"]["envlist"].split(","):
if not py_plus_version_without_dot.startswith("py"):
major = py_plus_version_without_dot[2]
minor = py_plus_version_without_dot[3:]
return list(reversed(versions))
def minimum_python_version(self) -> str:
"""Minimum Python version."""
return self.python_versions[0]
def stable_python_version(self) -> str:
"""The Python version considered stable to develop Nitpick."""
# Python 3.11 doesn't work with poetry install:
# • Installing wrapt (1.13.3): Failed
# ChefBuildError
# Backend subprocess exited when trying to invoke build_wheel
# Note: This error originates from the build backend, and is likely not a problem with poetry
# but with wrapt (1.13.3) not supporting PEP 517 builds. You can verify this by running
# 'pip wheel --use-pep517 "wrapt (==1.13.3)"'.
return "3.10"
def as_tox_env(python_version_with_dot: str) -> str:
"""Convert a Python version with dot to a tox environment name."""
no_dot = python_version_with_dot.replace(".", "")
return f"py{no_dot}"
"deps": "Poetry dependencies",
"hooks": "pre-commit hooks",
"version": "Desired Python version number. Default: stable Python version",
def install(c, deps=True, hooks=False, version=""):
"""Install dependencies and pre-commit hooks.
Poetry install is needed to create the Nitpick plugin entries on setuptools, used by pluggy.
if deps:
tox = ToxCommands()
minimum = tox.minimum_python_version
if not version:
version = tox.stable_python_version
f"{COLOR_GREEN}Nitpick runs in Python {minimum} and later;"
f" setting up version {version} for development{COLOR_NONE}"
c.run(f"poetry env use python{version}")
c.run("poetry install -E test -E lint -E doc --sync")
if hooks:
c.run("pre-commit install -t pre-commit -t commit-msg --install-hooks")
c.run("pre-commit gc")
"file": "Choose (with fzf) a specific file to run tests",
"coverage": "Run the HTML coverage report",
"browse": "Browse the HTML coverage report",
"watch": "Watch modified files and run tests with testmon",
"reset": "Force testmon to update its data before watching tests",
def test(c, file="", coverage=False, browse=False, watch=False, reset=False):
"""Run tests and coverage using the commands from tox config.
`Testmon <https://github.com/tarpas/pytest-testmon>`_
tox = ToxCommands()
if reset:
c.run(f"poetry run {tox.pytest_command} --testmon-noselect")
watch = True
if watch:
c.run('poetry run ptw --runner "pytest --testmon"')
file_opt = ""
if file:
from conjuring.grimoire import run_with_fzf # pylint: disable=import-error,import-outside-toplevel
chosen_file = run_with_fzf(c, "fd -H -t f test_.*.py", query=file)
if not chosen_file:
file_opt = f" -- {chosen_file}"
c.run(f"poetry run {tox.pytest_command}{file_opt}")
if coverage:
for cmd in tox.coverage_commands():
c.run(f"poetry run {cmd}")
if browse:
c.run("open htmlcov/index.html")
"full": "Run all steps",
"recreate": "Delete and recreate RST for source files",
"links": "Check links",
"browse": "Browse the HTML index",
"debug": "Debug HTML generation to fix warnings",
def doc(c, full=False, recreate=False, links=False, browse=False, debug=False):
"""Build documentation."""
tox = ToxCommands()
if full:
recreate = links = True
if recreate:
c.run("mkdir -p docs/_static")
c.run(f"rm -rf {DOCS_BUILD_PATH} docs/source")
c.run("poetry export --without-hashes -E doc > docs/requirements.txt")
c.run(f"poetry run {tox.autofix_docs}", warn=True)
c.run(f"poetry run {tox.api}")
if debug:
c.run("poetry run sphinx-apidoc --help")
debug_options = "-nWT --keep-going -vvv" if debug else ""
c.run(f"poetry run {tox.html_docs} {debug_options}")
if links:
c.run(f"poetry run {tox.check_links}", warn=True)
if browse:
c.run(f"open {DOCS_BUILD_PATH}/docs_out/index.html")
"full": "Full build using tox",
"recreate": "Recreate tox environment",
"docs": "Generate Sphinx docs",
"python": "Python version",
def ci_build(c, full=False, recreate=False, docs=True, python=""):
"""Simulate a CI build."""
tox = ToxCommands()
tox_cmd = " ".join(["tox", tox.config(c), "-r" if recreate else ""])
if full:
c.run(f"rm -rf {DOCS_BUILD_PATH} docs/source")
chosen_version = python or tox.stable_python_version
envs = ["clean", "lint", tox.as_tox_env(chosen_version)]
if docs:
c.run(f"{tox_cmd} -e {','.join(envs)}")
@task(help={"recreate": "Recreate tox environment"})
def lint(c, recreate=False):
"""Lint using tox."""
tox = ToxCommands()
tox_cmd = "tox -r" if recreate else "tox"
result = c.run(f"{tox_cmd}{tox.config(c)} -e lint", warn=True)
# Exit only after restoring tox.ini
if result.exited > 0:
msg = "pylint failed"
raise Exit(msg, 1)
@task(help={"venv": "Remove the Poetry virtualenv and the tox dir"})
def clean(c, venv=False):
"""Clean build output and temp files."""
c.run("find . -type f -name '*.py[co]' -print -delete")
c.run("find . -type d -name '__pycache__' -print -delete")
c.run("find . -type d \\( -name '*.egg-info' -or -name 'pip-wheel-metadata' -or -name 'dist' \\) -print -delete")
c.run(f"rm -rf .cache .mypy_cache {DOCS_BUILD_PATH} src/*.egg-info .pytest_cache .coverage htmlcov .testmondata")
if venv:
c.run("rm -rf .tox")
version = ToxCommands().minimum_python_version
c.run(f"poetry env remove python{version}", warn=True)
def reactions(c):
"""List issues with reactions.
result = c.run("gh api -X GET 'repos/andreoliwa/nitpick/issues' --paginate --jq '.[].number'", pty=False)
for issue in result.stdout.splitlines():
result_users = c.run(
f"gh api -X GET 'repos/andreoliwa/nitpick/issues/{int(issue)}/reactions'"
" -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.squirrel-girl-preview'"
" | jq -r '.[].user.html_url'"
users = result_users.stdout.splitlines()
if users:
print(f">>> https://github.com/andreoliwa/nitpick/issues/{issue}")
for index, user in enumerate(users):
print(f" {index + 1}. {user}")
"convert_file_name": "Partial name of the file you want to convert into a Nitpick TOML style",
"lab_help": "Display the help for the lab CLI (a Click CLI within an Invoke CLI... CLI inception!)",
def lab(c, convert_file_name="", lab_help=False):
"""Laboratory of experiments and ideas.
You need to install certain tools if you want to use this command.
- https://github.com/andreoliwa/conjuring
- https://github.com/junegunn/fzf
- https://github.com/sharkdp/fd
extra_args = []
if lab_help:
if convert_file_name:
from conjuring.grimoire import run_with_fzf # pylint: disable=import-error,import-outside-toplevel
chosen_file = run_with_fzf(c, "fd -H -t f", query=convert_file_name)
extra_args.extend(["convert", chosen_file])
c.run(f"poetry run python docs/ideas/lab.py {' '.join(extra_args)}")
namespace = Collection(install, test, doc, ci_build, lint, clean, reactions, lab)
"run": {
# Use a pseudo-terminal to display colorful output
"pty": True