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# YaShare

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An Action View helper to add Yandex Share buttons to your Rails App.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'yashare'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install yashare

## Usage

Use `yashare` helper in your view code to add the Yandex Share buttons to the page. Without parameters, this code

    <%= yashare %>

will render the following HTML:

<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<div class="yashare-auto-init" data-yashareQuickServices="vkontakte,facebook,twitter,lj" data-yashareL10n="ru" data-yashareType="button"></div>

Supported options are: `:services`, `:lang`, `:image`, `:type`.

Use `:services` option to specify buttons for which services should be displayed. The default services are: `:vkontakte`, `:facebook`, `:twitter`, `:lj`. Supported services: `:blogger`, `:delicious`, `:diary`, `:digg`, `:evernote`, `:facebook`, `:friendfeed`, `:gplus`, `:juick`, `:liveinternet`, `:linkedin`, `:lj`, `:moikrug`, `:moimir`, `:myspace`, `:odnoklassniki`, `:pinterest`, `:surfingbird`, `:tutby`, `:twitter`, `:vkontakte`, `:yazakladki`.

    <%= yashare(services: [:twitter, :facebook]) %>

Use `:lang` option to specify the language for the buttons. The default value is `ru`. Supported values: `:az`,
`:be`, `:en`, `:hy`, `:ka`, `:kk`, `:ro`, `:ru`, `:tr`, `:tt`, `:uk`.

    <%= yashare(lang: :ru) %>

Use `:image` option to specify the image for sharing on Pinterest. This option is useful only when `:services` option includes `:pinterest`.

    <%= yashare(image: '') %>

Use `:type` option to specify the appearance of the buttons. Default value is `:button`. Supported values: `:small`, `:button`, `:link`, `:icon`, `:none`.

    <%= yashare(type: :small) %>

Read Yandex Share button [documentation]( (in Russian) for more information.

## Contributing

Your contribution is welcome.

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request