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Test Coverage
# Cyclecity Core

The core API behind the Cyclecity GPS route analytics service.

[![Code Climate](](

Generated with [Raygun](

# Development

## Getting Started

### Requirements

To run the specs or fire up the server, be sure you have these installed (and running):

* Ruby 2.2 (see [.ruby-version](.ruby-version)).
* PostgreSQL 9.x (```brew install postgresql```) with superuser 'postgres' with no password (```createuser -s postgres```).
* PhantomJS for Capybara and Javascript testing (```brew install phantomjs```).

### First Time Setup

After cloning, run [bin/setup](bin/setup) to install missing gems and prepare the database.

Note, ```rake db:sample_data``` loads a small set of data for development. Check out [db/sample_data.rb](db/sample_data.rb)
for details.

### Running the Specs

To run all Ruby and Javascript specs.

    $ rake

### Running the Application Locally

    $ foreman start
    $ open http://localhost:3000

## Conventions

### Git

* Branch ```development``` is auto-deployed to acceptance.
* Branch ```master``` is auto-deployed to production.
* Create feature branches off of ```development``` using the naming convention ```(features|chores|bugs)/a-brief-description-######```, where ###### is the tracker id.
* Rebase your branch before merging into ```development``` to produce clean merge bubbles.
* Retain merge commits for multi-commit branches when merging into ```development``` (e.g. ```git merge --no-ff branchname```).
* Craft atomic commits that make sense on their own and can be easily cherry-picked or reverted if necessary.

### Code Style

Generally speaking, follow the [Ruby Style Guide]( Additionally, these are other guidelines adopted by the team:

**Always use double quotes for test/spec descriptions, unless the subject is a class/module.**

describe SomeController do
  context "when logged in as an admin" do
    describe "#some_method" do
      it "does some thing"

## Additional/Optional Development Details

### Code Coverage (local)

Coverage for the ruby specs:

    $ COVERAGE=true rspec

Code coverage is reported to Code Climate on every CI build so there's a record of trending.

### Using Guard

Guard is configured to run ruby and jasmine specs, and also listen for livereload connections.

    $ bundle exec guard

### Using Mailcatcher

    $ gem install mailcatcher
    $ mailcatcher
    $ open http://localhost:1080/

Learn more at []( And please don't add mailcatcher to the Gemfile.

### Continuous Integration and Deployment with CircleCI

This project is configured for continuous integration and deployment with CircleCI and Heroku.

Check out [circle.yml](circle.yml) and [bin/](bin/ for details.

# Server Environments

### Hosting

Acceptance and Production are hosted on Heroku under the _email@example.com_ account.

### Environment Variables

Several common features and operational parameters can be set using environment variables.


* ```SECRET_KEY_BASE``` - Secret key base for verfying signed cookies. Should be 30+ random characters and secret!


* ```HOSTNAME``` - Canonical hostname for this application. Other incoming requests will be redirected to this hostname.
* ```BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD``` - Enable basic auth with this password.
* ```BASIC_AUTH_USER``` - Set a basic auth username (not required, password enables basic auth).
* ```PORT``` - Port to listen on (default: 3000).

### Third Party Services

* Heroku for hosting.
* CircleCI for continuous integration and deployment.

#### Heroku needs a buildpack:

    $ heroku buildpacks:add