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4 days
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/* global define */
/* jshint -W100 */
define([], function () {
    "use strict";
    return {
        "en": {
            "languageLabel": "Language",
            "en": "English",
            "zh": "中文",
            "es": "Spanish",
            "pt": "Portuguese",
            "de": "Deutsch",
            "thoughtworksLabel": "ThoughtWorks",
            "thoughtworksUrl": "",
            "title": "Email Signature Generator",
            "subtitle": "Give us your details and we'll give you your brand.",
            "nameLabel": "Name",
            "titleLabel": "Title",
            "emailLabel": "Email",
            "telephoneLabel": "Telephone",
            "themeLabel": "Theme",
            "black": "Black",
            "blue": "Blue",
            "earth": "Earth",
            "green": "Green",
            "iceBlue": "Ice Blue",
            "lime": "Lime",
            "magenta": "Magenta",
            "mint": "Mint",
            "ocean": "Ocean",
            "orange": "Orange",
            "pink": "Pink",
            "plum": "Plum",
            "red": "Red",
            "warmth": "Warmth",
            "previewLabel": "Preview",
            "selectSignatureLabel": "Select Signature",
            "instructionsLead": "After selecting your signature,",
            "instructions": "you will need to manually copy and paste it into your email client.",
            "footnote": "Created by ThoughtWorks Toronto"
        "zh": {
            "languageLabel": "语言",
            "zh": "中文",
            "en": "English",
            "es": "Spanish",
            "pt": "Portuguese",
            "de": "Deutsch",
            "thoughtworksLabel": "ThoughtWorks",
            "thoughtworksUrl": "",
            "title": "邮件签名生成器",
            "subtitle": "填写您的个人信息,我们会为您生成名片.",
            "nameLabel": "姓名",
            "titleLabel": "头衔",
            "emailLabel": "邮箱",
            "telephoneLabel": "电话",
            "themeLabel": "主题",
            "black": "黑色",
            "blue": "蓝色",
            "earth": "陶色",
            "green": "绿色",
            "iceBlue": "冰蓝",
            "lime": "绿黄",
            "magenta": "洋红",
            "mint": "薄荷绿",
            "ocean": "海蓝",
            "orange": "橙色",
            "pink": "粉红",
            "plum": "紫红",
            "red": "大红",
            "warmth": "暖红",
            "previewLabel": "预览",
            "selectSignatureLabel": "选中签名",
            "instructionsLead": "选中签名之后,",
            "instructions": "您需要手工的拷贝选中内容,然后粘贴到邮件客户端中.",
            "footnote": "由 ThoughtWorks 多伦多办公室创建"
        "es": {
            "languageLabel": "Idioma",
            "en": "English",
            "zh": "中文",
            "es": "Spanish",
            "pt": "Portuguese",
            "de": "Deutsch",
            "thoughtworksLabel": "ThoughtWorks",
            "thoughtworksUrl": "",
            "title": "Generador de firmas electrónicas",
            "subtitle": "Da nos tus datos y nosotros creamos tu imagen.",
            "nameLabel": "Nombre",
            "titleLabel": "Posición",
            "emailLabel": "Correo",
            "telephoneLabel": "Teléfono",
            "themeLabel": "Tema",
            "black": "Negro",
            "blue": "Azul",
            "earth": "Tierra",
            "green": "Verde",
            "iceBlue": "Hielo Afterzul",
            "lime": "Lima",
            "magenta": "Magenta",
            "mint": "Menta",
            "ocean": "Océano",
            "orange": "Naranja",
            "pink": "Rosa",
            "plum": "Ciruela",
            "red": "Rojo",
            "warmth": "Calor",
            "previewLabel": "Resultado",
            "selectSignatureLabel": "Seleccione la firma",
            "instructionsLead": "Después de seleccionar la firma,",
            "instructions": "tendras que copiar y pegar manualmente la firma en tu aplicación para emails.",
            "footnote": "Creado por ThoughtWorks Toronto"
        "pt": {
            "languageLabel": "Idioma",
            "en": "English",
            "zh": "中文",
            "es": "Spanish",
            "pt": "Portuguese",
            "de": "Deutsch",
            "thoughtworksLabel": "ThoughtWorks",
            "thoughtworksUrl": "",
            "title": "Gerador de Assinaturas para Email",
            "subtitle": "Nos dê o seus detalhes e lhe daremos a sua assinatura.",
            "nameLabel": "Nome",
            "titleLabel": "Posição",
            "emailLabel": "Email",
            "telephoneLabel": "Telefone",
            "themeLabel": "Tema",
            "black": "Preto",
            "blue": "Azul",
            "earth": "Terra",
            "green": "Verde",
            "iceBlue": "Azul Gelo",
            "lime": "Lima",
            "magenta": "Magenta",
            "mint": "Menta",
            "ocean": "Oceano",
            "orange": "Laranja",
            "pink": "Rosa",
            "plum": "Ameixa",
            "red": "Vermelho",
            "warmth": "Calor",
            "previewLabel": "Resultado",
            "selectSignatureLabel": "Selecione a assinatura",
            "instructionsLead": "Depois de selecionar a sua assinatura,",
            "instructions": "você precisará copiar e colar manualmente no seu cliente de email.",
            "footnote": "Desenvolvido por ThoughtWorks Toronto"
       "de": {
            "languageLabel": "Sprache",
            "en": "English",
            "zh": "中文",
            "es": "Spanish",
            "pt": "Portuguese",
            "de": "Deutsch",
            "thoughtworksLabel": "ThoughtWorks",
            "thoughtworksUrl": "",
            "title": "Email-Signatur Generator",
            "subtitle": "Bitte ausfüllen und die Signatur wird erstellt!",
            "nameLabel": "Name",
            "titleLabel": "Position",
            "emailLabel": "Email",
            "telephoneLabel": "Telefon",
            "themeLabel": "Theme",
            "black": "Schwarz",
            "blue": "Blau",
            "earth": "Terra",
            "green": "Grün",
            "iceBlue": "Eisblau",
            "lime": "Lime",
            "magenta": "Magenta",
            "mint": "Minze",
            "ocean": "Ozean",
            "orange": "Orange",
            "pink": "Pink",
            "plum": "Pflaume",
            "red": "Rot",
            "warmth": "Warm",
            "previewLabel": "Vorschau",
            "selectSignatureLabel": "Signatur auswählen",
            "instructionsLead": "Nach dem Auswählen der Signatur",
            "instructions": "diese bitte manuell kopieren und in Deinen Email-Client einfügen.",
            "footnote": "Entwickelt von ThoughtWorks Toronto"