> **Warning** FOR GIT USERS: To clone including all dependecies you must use [fork]( (has the sparse checkout feature) of the [vcstool]( python module (currently the sparse checkout feature is not merged).
<p align="center">A composite generic library consisted of various modules on different languages:</p>
<p align="left">
* <i>C++11</i><br/>
Represents the same ideas as introduced in Boost/STL/Loki C++ libraries and
at first focused for extension of already existed C++ code.<br/>
* <i>Bash</i><br/>
Various extension scritps/modules for the bash shell.<br/>
* <i>CMake</i><br/>
CMake modules to support and extend a build of a c++ project under cmake
* <i>Python</i><br/>
Various extension scritps/modules for the python.<br/>
* <i>VBS</i><br/>
Various extension scritps/modules for the Visual Basic Script interpreter.<br/>
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## <a name="dependecies">Dependencies</a> (<a href="">README_EN.deps.txt</a>)
* <a href="#"><img src="" valign="middle" alt="REQUIRED" /></a>
* <a href="#"><img src="" valign="middle" alt="OPTIONAL" /></a>
* <a href="#"><img src="" valign="middle" alt="OPTIONAL" /></a>
* <a href="#"><img src="" valign="middle" alt="OPTIONAL" /></a>
* <a href="#"><img src="" valign="middle" alt="OPTIONAL" /></a>
* <a href="#"><img src="" valign="middle" alt="OPTIONAL" /></a>
* <a href="#"><img src="" valign="middle" alt="OPTIONAL" /></a>
To build dependent projects:
## <a name="copyright-and-license">Copyright and License</a>
Code and documentation copyright 2023 Andrey Dibrov. Code released under [MIT License](