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Test Coverage
#%% version: 1

#  This configuration file is designed to be portable between 3 interpreters: cmake, unix shell scripts, windows (cmd.exe) batch scripts,
#  so it is made up to be simple as possible but not simplier as to support a single value or a values list
#  together with an escape sequence, where the character `\` is not an escape sequence character.
#  Use `$/<char>` to escape a `<char>` character which is a part of a configuration file format:
#  `"` -> `$/"` or `(` -> `$/(` or `$/` -> `$/$/`
#  Use `$/{` as a start sequence for a variable's value substitution: `$/{<variable>}`, where `<variable>`
#  is already parsed variable from configuration file WITHOUT condition(s) or `:` characters. Otherwise a not yet parsed variable or
#  invalid one will be replaced by the `*:$/{<variable>}` sequence to fail the most usage cases in a file path,
#  where `*:` - is not valid character sequence in a windows path (`:` character additionally can block a relative path *after* the variable)
#  and `/` is a character to block a file or directory creation with such a name on a Linux system (but not a block for `mkdir -p`!).
#  In all other cases the `$/` sequence prints as is in all contexts: in a cmake script, in a unix shell script and in a
#  windows batch script.

#  DO NOT USE `@` character pairs unescaped as a plain value as long as it is used as a placehoder in a replacement of `@<variable>@` sequence,
#  where the `<variable>` is a cmake variable. For that case do replace all `@` characters by this escape sequence: `$/@`.
#  It will avoid the substitution in case of an accidental match.

#  In a unix shell script a variable name with `:` character is not permitted, so variables with not allowed characters
#  won't be visible in a windows batch script too.

#   [<attributes>] <variable>[:[<os_name>][:[<compiler_name>][:[<config_name>][:[<arch_name>]]]]][=<value>]
#   [<attributes>] <variable>[:[<os_name>][:[<compiler_name>][:[<config_name>][:[<arch_name>]]]]][=(<value0> [<value1> [... <valueN>]])]
# <attributes>:           Variable space separated attributes:
#                           global | top | local | bool | path | exist | canonical | optional |
#                           uncache | cache_only | cache | env_only | env | force_cache | force | override |
#                           unset | (un)hide | package | final
# <variable>:             Variable name corresponding to the regex: [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*
# <os_name>:              OS variant name: WIN | UNIX | ...
# <compiler_name>:        Compiler variant name with version support: <compiler_token_name>[.<compiler_version>]
#   <compiler_token_name>: MSVC | GCC | CLANG | ...
#   <compiler_version>:   <major_version>[*+] | <major_version>.<minor_version>[*+]
#     <major_version>:    an integral value corresponding to the regex: [0-9]*
#     <minor_version>:    an integral value corresponding to the regex: [0-9]*
# <config_name>:          Configuration name: RELEASE | DEBUG | RELWITHDEBINFO | MINSIZEREL | ...
# <arch_name>:            Architecture variant name: X86 | X64 | ...
# <value>:                Value with escaping and substitution support: `$/<escape_char>`, `$/{<variable>}`

# CMAKE_CURRENT_LOAD_VARS_FILE_INDEX:           Index in a file paths list from which this file have has an ordered load.
# CMAKE_CURRENT_LOAD_VARS_FILE_DIR:             Directory path from which this file being loaded from.
# CMAKE_CURRENT_PACKAGE_NEST_LVL:               Current package nest level.
# CMAKE_CURRENT_PACKAGE_NEST_LVL_PREFIX:        Current package nest level prefix string like `00` if level is `0`, or `01` if level is `1` and so on.
# CMAKE_CURRENT_PACKAGE_NAME:                   Current package name this file being loaded from.
# CMAKE_CURRENT_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR:             Current package source directory this file being loaded from.
# CMAKE_TOP_PACKAGE_NAME:                       Top package name.
# CMAKE_TOP_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR:                 Top package source directory.

# Libraries with sources or/and binaries built externally.
#   Variables must be defined externally, here is left as an example!
#global path exist _3DPARTY_ROOT:WIN="d:/_3dparty"
#global path exist _3DPARTY_ROOT:UNIX="/home/opt/_3dparty"
#global path exist _3DPARTY_BUILD_SOURCES_ROOT="$/{_3DPARTY_ROOT}/src"
#global path exist _3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT="$/{_3DPARTY_ROOT}/build"

#global CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH:UNIX="/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu"

# arc

global path optional LIBARCHIVE_ROOT="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_SOURCES_ROOT}/arc/libarchive/3_4_2_release"

global path optional XZUTILS_PROXY_ROOT="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_SOURCES_ROOT}/arc/xzutils/master"
global path optional XZUTILS_ROOT="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_SOURCES_ROOT}/arc/xzutils/5_2_5_release"

global path optional _7ZIP_ROOT="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_SOURCES_ROOT}/arc/7zip/7zip"

# log

global path optional P7CLIENT_PROXY_ROOT="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_SOURCES_ROOT}/log/p7client/master"
global path optional P7CLIENT_ROOT="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_SOURCES_ROOT}/log/p7client/5_3_0_release"

# test

#global path optional GTEST_ROOT="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_SOURCES_ROOT}/test/googletest/1_10_0_release/googletest"

global path optional GTEST_ROOT:WIN:GCC::X86="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msys/gcc/x86/test/googletest/1_10_0_release/googletest-build"
global path optional GTEST_ROOT:WIN:GCC::X64="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msys/gcc/x64/test/googletest/1_10_0_release/googletest-build"

global path optional GTEST_ROOT:WIN:MSVC14.0::X86="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msvc/vc14/x86/test/googletest/1_10_0_release/googletest-build"
global path optional GTEST_ROOT:WIN:MSVC14.0::X64="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msvc/vc14/x64/test/googletest/1_10_0_release/googletest-build"

global GOOGLETEST_VERSION:WIN:MSVC14.1*="1.10.0"
global path optional GTEST_ROOT:WIN:MSVC14.1*::X86="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msvc/vc2017/x86/test/googletest/1_10_0_release/googletest-build"
global path optional GTEST_ROOT:WIN:MSVC14.1*::X64="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msvc/vc2017/x64/test/googletest/1_10_0_release/googletest-build"

global path optional GMOCK_ROOT:WIN:GCC::X86="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msys/gcc/x86/test/googletest/1_10_0_release/googlemock-build"
global path optional GMOCK_ROOT:WIN:GCC::X64="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msys/gcc/x64/test/googletest/1_10_0_release/googlemock-build"

global path optional GMOCK_ROOT:WIN:MSVC14.0::X86="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msvc/vc14/x86/test/googletest/1_10_0_release/googlemock-build"
global path optional GMOCK_ROOT:WIN:MSVC14.0::X64="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msvc/vc14/x64/test/googletest/1_10_0_release/googlemock-build"

global path optional GMOCK_ROOT:WIN:MSVC14.1*::X86="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msvc/vc2017/x86/test/googletest/1_10_0_release/googlemock-build"
global path optional GMOCK_ROOT:WIN:MSVC14.1*::X64="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msvc/vc2017/x64/test/googletest/1_10_0_release/googlemock-build"

# utility

global path optional BOOST_ROOT:WIN:GCC::X86="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msys/gcc/x86/utility/boost/1_81_0_release"
global path optional BOOST_ROOT:WIN:GCC::X64="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msys/gcc/x64/utility/boost/1_81_0_release"

global path optional BOOST_ROOT:WIN:MSVC14.0::X86="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msvc/vc14/x86/utility/boost/1_81_0_release"
global path optional BOOST_ROOT:WIN:MSVC14.0::X64="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msvc/vc14/x64/utility/boost/1_81_0_release"

global path optional BOOST_ROOT:WIN:MSVC14.1*::X86="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msvc/vc2017/x86/utility/boost/1_81_0_release"
global path optional BOOST_ROOT:WIN:MSVC14.1*::X64="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/msvc/vc2017/x64/utility/boost/1_81_0_release"

global path optional BOOST_ROOT:UNIX="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_OUTPUT_ROOT}/src/utility/boost/1_81_0_release"


# associated with respective preprocessor definitions (must be changed together with build variables!)

# Tells the config system not to automatically select which libraries to link against.
# Normally if a compiler supports #pragma lib, then the correct library build variant will be
# automatically selected and linked against, simply by the act of including one of that library's headers.
# This macro turns that feature off.

# Forces all libraries that have separate source, to be linked as dll's rather than static libraries
# on Microsoft Windows (this macro is used to turn on __declspec(dllimport) modifiers, so that the compiler
# knows which symbols to look for in a dll rather than in a static library).
# Note that there may be some libraries that can only be statically linked (Boost.Test for example) and
# others which may only be dynamically linked (Boost.Thread for example), in these cases this macro has no effect.

# Force to use C++11 lambda functions to implement scope exits

global path optional FMT_ROOT="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_SOURCES_ROOT}/utility/fmt/6_2_0_release"

global path optional PYSTRING_PROXY_ROOT="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_SOURCES_ROOT}/utility/pystring/master"
global path optional PYSTRING_ROOT="$/{_3DPARTY_BUILD_SOURCES_ROOT}/utility/pystring/1_1_3_20200204"

#   CMake issues:
#   * `Can not set externally Boost_LIB_PREFIX variable in the msys` :

# mingw
#global Boost_COMPILER:WIN:GCC=-mgw

# cygwin
#global cache force_cache Boost_LIB_PREFIX:WIN:GCC=lib
#global Boost_COMPILER:WIN:GCC=-gcc

# msys
#global cache force_cache Boost_LIB_PREFIX:WIN:GCC=lib
#global Boost_COMPILER:WIN:GCC=-mgw74

# required for boost 1.66 and higher:
global Boost_ARCHITECTURE::::X86="-x32"
global Boost_ARCHITECTURE::::X64="-x64"

global BOOST_COMPONENTS=(chrono filesystem iostreams system date_time)