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Test Coverage

*  Complete implementation of the `git_svn_compare_commits` function to compare a commit (working copy) from svn with translated
   git commit (compare svn working copy versus git working copy in a particular svn revision).

*  Need a check of read only child git repository commit content (must be a child and a repository tree leaf in a project) on
   real existence in parent svn repository commit content in a particular revision to be able to merge child git repository commit
   into parent git repository commit. The author time of both git commits is not enough here because, for example, in a revision 1
   of a parent svn repository a commit N from a child git repository (a parent svn repository was translated into parent git
   repository, a child svn repository wa translated into another child git repository, and both svn repositories are different)
   could not yet exist and so can not be merged in yet into a parent git repository because it appeared only after revision 2 in a
   parent svn repository or so was extracted out into a git commit after N+1 in a child git repository. So the author date time of
   an svn commit revision 1 of a parent repository and the author date time of a git commit N of child repository is not enough to
   deside merge a git commit N from child git repository into a parent git repository associated with the same parent svn

   The Example.

   SvnA repo is translated into GitX from the root.
   SvnB repo is translated into GitY from the root.
   SvnA contains SvnB in the `subdir1/subdir2` subdirectory.
   GitX contains GitY in the `subdir1/subdir2` subdirectory.

   <SvnA root>                <GitX root>
    |                          |
    +-- subdir1/               +-- subdir1/
        |                          |
        +-- subdir2/               +-- subdir2/
             |                         |
         <svn:external>            <subtree>
             |                         |
            <SvnB root>               <GitY root>
             |                         |
             +-- subdir3/              +-- subdir3/

              Parent          |  Child
              SvnA / GitX     |  SvnB / GitY
    Time      ----------------+--------------------
      .                       |
     /|\      r2 / C2         |
      |                       |  r103 / C204
      |                       |
      |                       |  r102 / C203
      |                       |
      |                       |   -   / C202
      |                       |
      |       r1 / C1         |
      |                       |   -   / C201
      |                       |
      |                       |  r100 / C200
      |                       |

     GitX should contain more commits than C1 and C2. In real implementation each commit from GitY must be merged into GitX.
     The example is demostrates only the logic to merge a particular GitY commit and not everyone.

   Because SvnB is a different svn repository to the SvnA, then it contains a different quantity of revisions and its date times.
   Additionally, the GitY can contain commits merged from its descedants representing subrepositories, which does not have any
   associated commits in the SvnB.

   All these means that the C201 git commit CAN NOT be merged into the C1 git commit using only the author date time filter from
   the r1 commit. The date time filter is used to filter out all commits in the SvnB to find the C201 git commit. But because r1
   commit is not yet contain the `svn:external` to the SvnB repository this is not enough. Only the r2 svn commit contains the
   `svn:external` and so the found C204 git commit can be merged into the C2 git commit.

   So we must check additionally something else than the author date time to find out when and what commits from the GitY can be
   merged into GitX using SvnB and SvnA as a dependency.