#pragma once
#include <src/tacklelib_private.hpp>
#include <tacklelib/utility/utility.hpp>
#include <tacklelib/utility/static_assert.hpp>
#include <tacklelib/utility/type_traits.hpp>
#include <tacklelib/utility/assert.hpp>
#include <tacklelib/utility/math.hpp>
#include <tacklelib/utility/algorithm.hpp>
#include <tacklelib/tackle/aligned_storage/max_aligned_storage.hpp>
#include <tacklelib/tackle/deque.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/push_front.hpp>
#include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
# include <fmt/format.h>
#include <deque>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>
namespace tackle
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
template <typename T>
class stream_storage;
namespace detail
template <bool ForceInline>
struct _inline_dispatch
template <typename T, typename C>
static size_t _copy_to_impl(const stream_storage<T> & this_, const C & chunks, size_t offset_from, T * to_buf, size_t size) {
return this_._copy_to_impl(chunks, offset_from, to_buf, size);
template <>
struct _inline_dispatch<true>
template <typename T, typename C>
static size_t _copy_to_impl(const stream_storage<T> & this_, const C & chunks, size_t offset_from, T * to_buf, size_t size) {
return this_._copy_to_impl_innerforceinline(chunks, offset_from, to_buf, size);
template <typename T>
class stream_storage
static const int s_default_inner_inline_level = 1;
static const int s_default_inner_inline_level = 0;
// up to 256KB chunks (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ..., 128 * 1024, 256 * 1024)
using num_chunk_variants_t = mpl::size_t<19>;
using max_chunk_size_t = mpl::size_t<(0x01U << (num_chunk_variants_t::value - 1))>;
STATIC_ASSERT_LT(num_chunk_variants_t::value, BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_LIST_SIZE, "must be less than the limit");
static CONSTEXPR size_t _get_chunk_size(size_t type_index)
return (0x01U << type_index);
// POD type, DO NOT USE constructors, the `buf` ending must be connected w/o gaps with the next element beginning in case of array usage as an underlaying container!
template <size_t S>
struct Chunk
static const size_t size = S;
T buf[S];
using max_sizeof_t = mpl::size_t<(0x01U << (num_chunk_variants_t::value - 1))>;
// generator of the deque with the power of 2 sized chunks
template <template <typename, typename, typename> class, size_t, typename> struct tackle_deque_chunks_pof2_generator;
template <template <typename, typename> class, size_t, typename> struct std_deque_chunks_pof2_generator;
// generator of the deque const iterators from the power of 2 sized chunks
template <template <typename, typename, typename> class, size_t, typename> struct tackle_deque_chunk_const_iterators_pof2_generator;
template <template <typename, typename> class, size_t, typename> struct std_deque_chunk_const_iterators_pof2_generator;
template <template <typename, typename, typename> class TDequeContainer, typename V>
struct tackle_deque_chunks_pof2_generator<TDequeContainer, 0, V>
using type = V;
template <template <typename, typename> class TDequeContainer, typename V>
struct std_deque_chunks_pof2_generator<TDequeContainer, 0, V>
using type = V;
template <template <typename T_, typename Allocator0, typename Allocator1> class TDequeContainer, size_t N, typename V>
struct tackle_deque_chunks_pof2_generator
using chunk_type = Chunk<(size_t(0x01) << (N - 1))>;
STATIC_ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(chunk_type), sizeof(T) * chunk_type::size, "Chunk should contain pure static array inside with out any gaps or padding");
using base_type = tackle::deque_base<chunk_type>;
using next_type_t = TDequeContainer<chunk_type, typename base_type::default_allocator_type0, typename base_type::default_allocator_type1>;
using type = typename tackle_deque_chunks_pof2_generator<TDequeContainer, N - 1, typename mpl::push_front<V, next_type_t>::type>::type;
template <template <typename, typename> class TDequeContainer, size_t N, typename V>
struct std_deque_chunks_pof2_generator
using chunk_type = Chunk<(size_t(0x01) << (N - 1))>;
STATIC_ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(chunk_type), sizeof(T) * chunk_type::size, "Chunk should contain pure static array inside with out any gaps or padding");
using next_type_t = TDequeContainer<chunk_type, typename std::deque<chunk_type>::allocator_type>;
using type = typename std_deque_chunks_pof2_generator<TDequeContainer, N - 1, typename mpl::push_front<V, next_type_t>::type>::type;
template <template <typename, typename, typename> class TDequeContainer, typename V>
struct tackle_deque_chunk_const_iterators_pof2_generator<TDequeContainer, 0, V>
using type = V;
template <template <typename, typename> class TDequeContainer, typename V>
struct std_deque_chunk_const_iterators_pof2_generator<TDequeContainer, 0, V>
using type = V;
template <template <typename, typename, typename> class TDequeContainer, size_t N, typename V>
struct tackle_deque_chunk_const_iterators_pof2_generator
using chunk_type = Chunk<(size_t(0x01) << (N - 1))>;
STATIC_ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(chunk_type), sizeof(T) * chunk_type::size, "Chunk should contain pure static array inside with out any gaps or padding");
using base_type = tackle::deque_base<chunk_type>;
using next_type_t = typename TDequeContainer<chunk_type, typename base_type::default_allocator_type0, typename base_type::default_allocator_type1>::const_iterator;
using type = typename tackle_deque_chunk_const_iterators_pof2_generator<TDequeContainer, N - 1, typename mpl::push_front<V, next_type_t>::type>::type;
template <template <typename, typename> class TDequeContainer, size_t N, typename V>
struct std_deque_chunk_const_iterators_pof2_generator
using chunk_type = Chunk<(size_t(0x01) << (N - 1))>;
STATIC_ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(chunk_type), sizeof(T) * chunk_type::size, "Chunk should contain pure static array inside with out any gaps or padding");
using next_type_t = typename TDequeContainer<chunk_type, typename std::deque<chunk_type>::allocator_type>::const_iterator;
using type = typename std_deque_chunk_const_iterators_pof2_generator<TDequeContainer, N - 1, typename mpl::push_front<V, next_type_t>::type>::type;
using mpl_empty_container_t = mpl::list<>; // begin of mpl container usage
using tackle_deques_mpl_container_t =
typename tackle_deque_chunks_pof2_generator<tackle::deque, num_chunk_variants_t::value, mpl_empty_container_t>::type;
using tackle_deque_const_iterators_mpl_container_t =
typename tackle_deque_chunk_const_iterators_pof2_generator<tackle::deque, num_chunk_variants_t::value, mpl_empty_container_t>::type;
using std_deques_mpl_container_t =
typename std_deque_chunks_pof2_generator<std::deque, num_chunk_variants_t::value, mpl_empty_container_t>::type;
using std_deque_const_iterators_mpl_container_t =
typename std_deque_chunk_const_iterators_pof2_generator<std::deque, num_chunk_variants_t::value, mpl_empty_container_t>::type;
using deque_const_iterators_mpl_container_t = tackle_deque_const_iterators_mpl_container_t;
using deque_const_iterators_mpl_container_t = std_deque_const_iterators_mpl_container_t;
using storage_types_t = tackle_deques_mpl_container_t;
using storage_types_t = std_deques_mpl_container_t;
using max_aligned_storage_from_mpl_container_t = max_aligned_storage_from_mpl_container<storage_types_t>;
using max_aligned_storage_for_tackle_deques_t = max_aligned_storage_from_mpl_container<tackle_deques_mpl_container_t>;
using max_aligned_storage_for_std_deques_t = max_aligned_storage_from_mpl_container<std_deques_mpl_container_t>;
static CONSTEXPR const size_t max_size_value = utility::static_if
<UTILITY_CONSTEXPR(max_aligned_storage_for_tackle_deques_t::max_size_value >= max_aligned_storage_for_std_deques_t::max_size_value)>
(max_aligned_storage_for_tackle_deques_t::max_size_value, max_aligned_storage_for_std_deques_t::max_size_value);
static CONSTEXPR const size_t max_alignment_value = utility::static_if
<UTILITY_CONSTEXPR(max_aligned_storage_for_tackle_deques_t::max_alignment_value >= max_aligned_storage_for_std_deques_t::max_alignment_value)>
(max_aligned_storage_for_tackle_deques_t::max_alignment_value, max_aligned_storage_for_std_deques_t::max_alignment_value);
using storage_types_end_it_t = typename mpl::end<storage_types_t>::type;
using num_types_t = typename mpl::size<storage_types_t>::type;
STATIC_ASSERT_GT(num_types_t::value, 0, "template must generate not empty mpl container");
class ChunkBufferCRef
friend class stream_storage;
ChunkBufferCRef() :
m_buf(nullptr), m_size(0)
ChunkBufferCRef(const T * buf, size_t size) :
m_buf(buf), m_size(size)
DEBUG_ASSERT_TRUE(buf && size);
const T * get() const
return m_buf;
size_t size() const
return m_size;
const T * m_buf;
size_t m_size;
class basic_const_iterator
friend class stream_storage;
using storage_types_t = deque_const_iterators_mpl_container_t;
using storage_types_end_it_t = typename mpl::end<storage_types_t>::type;
using num_types_t = typename mpl::size<storage_types_t>::type;
STATIC_ASSERT_GT(num_types_t::value, 0, "template must generate not empty mpl container");
using iterator_storage_t = max_aligned_storage_from_mpl_container<storage_types_t>;
basic_const_iterator(const basic_const_iterator & it);
basic_const_iterator(const iterator_storage_t & iterator_storage);
basic_const_iterator & operator =(const basic_const_iterator & it);
ChunkBufferCRef operator *() const;
ChunkBufferCRef operator ->() const;
bool operator ==(const basic_const_iterator &) const;
bool operator !=(const basic_const_iterator &) const;
basic_const_iterator operator ++(int);
basic_const_iterator & operator ++();
basic_const_iterator operator --(int);
basic_const_iterator & operator --();
iterator_storage_t m_iterator_storage;
using const_iterator = basic_const_iterator;
stream_storage(size_t min_chunk_size, size_t min_arr0_capacity, size_t min_arr1_capacity);
void reset(size_t min_chunk_size, size_t min_arr0_capacity, size_t min_arr1_capacity);
template <typename T_>
void _clear(T_ & chunks);
void clear();
const_iterator begin() const;
const_iterator end() const;
size_t chunk_size() const;
size_t size() const;
size_t remainder() const;
void push_back(const T * p, size_t size);
T & operator[](size_t offset);
const T & operator[](size_t offset) const;
template <typename C>
size_t _copy_to_impl(const C & chunks, size_t offset_from, T * to_buf, size_t to_size) const;
template <typename C>
FORCE_INLINE size_t _copy_to_impl_innerforceinline(const C & chunks, size_t offset_from, T * to_buf, size_t to_size) const; // version with internal force inline
// template <typename C>
// size_t _inner_stride_copy_to_impl(const C & chunks, size_t offset_from, size_t from_size,
// size_t stride_offset, size_t stride_size, T * to_buf, size_t to_size) const;
template <bool InnerForceInline>
FORCE_INLINE size_t _stride_copy_to_impl_innerforceinline(size_t offset_from, size_t in_row_offset_from, size_t stream_width,
size_t slot_begin_in_row_offset, size_t slot_end_in_row_offset, T * to_buf, size_t max_slot_size,
size_t * in_stream_slot_offset_ptr, size_t * in_slot_byte_offset_ptr, size_t * end_stride_byte_offset_ptr) const;
// static member call dispatch, useful to expose only one function at a time for inline optimization
template <bool ForceInline>
friend struct detail::_inline_dispatch;
template <int InnerInlineLevel = s_default_inner_inline_level>
size_t copy_to(size_t offset_from, T * to_buf, size_t size) const;
template <int InnerInlineLevel = s_default_inner_inline_level>
size_t stride_copy_to(size_t offset_from, size_t in_row_offset_from, size_t stream_width,
size_t slot_begin_in_row_offset, size_t slot_end_in_row_offset, T * to_buf, size_t max_slot_size,
size_t * in_stream_slot_offset_ptr, size_t * in_slot_byte_offset_ptr, size_t * end_stride_byte_offset_ptr) const;
template <int InnerInlineLevel = s_default_inner_inline_level>
FORCE_INLINE size_t stride_copy_to_forceinline(size_t offset_from, size_t in_row_offset_from, size_t stream_width,
size_t slot_begin_in_row_offset, size_t slot_end_in_row_offset, T * to_buf, size_t max_slot_size,
size_t * in_stream_slot_offset_ptr, size_t * in_slot_byte_offset_ptr, size_t * end_stride_byte_offset_ptr) const;
size_t erase_front(size_t size);
max_aligned_storage_from_mpl_container_t m_chunks;
size_t m_size;
size_t m_remainder;
//// stream_storage::basic_const_iterator
template <typename T>
inline stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator::basic_const_iterator()
template <typename T>
inline stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator::basic_const_iterator(const basic_const_iterator & it)
*this = it;
template <typename T>
inline stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator::basic_const_iterator(const iterator_storage_t & iterator_storage)
m_iterator_storage.construct(iterator_storage, false);
template <typename T>
inline typename stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator & stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator::operator =(const basic_const_iterator & it)
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline typename stream_storage<T>::ChunkBufferCRef stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator::operator *() const
return m_iterator_storage.template invoke<ChunkBufferCRef>([&](const auto & chunks_it)
return ChunkBufferCRef{ chunks_it->buf, UTILITY_CONSTEXPR_SIZE(chunks_it->buf) };
template <typename T>
inline typename stream_storage<T>::ChunkBufferCRef stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator::operator ->() const
return this->operator *();
template <typename T>
inline bool stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator::operator ==(const basic_const_iterator & it) const
const int left_type_index = m_iterator_storage.type_index();
const int right_type_index = it.m_iterator_storage.type_index();
if (left_type_index != right_type_index) {
DEBUG_BREAK_THROW(true) std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("{:s}({:d}): incompatible iterator storages: left_type_index={:d} right_type_index={:d}",
UTILITY_PP_FUNCSIG, UTILITY_PP_LINE, left_type_index, right_type_index))
utility::string_format(256, "%s(%d): incompatible iterator storages: left_type_index=%d right_type_index=%d",
UTILITY_PP_FUNCSIG, UTILITY_PP_LINE, left_type_index, right_type_index))
return m_iterator_storage.template invoke<bool>([&](const auto & chunks_it)
using ref_chunk_it_t = decltype(chunks_it);
using chunk_it_t = typename boost::remove_reference<ref_chunk_it_t>::type;
const auto & right_chunk_it = *static_cast<const chunk_it_t *>(it.m_iterator_storage.address());
return chunks_it == right_chunk_it;
template <typename T>
inline bool stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator::operator !=(const basic_const_iterator & it) const
return !this->operator ==(it);
template <typename T>
inline typename stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator::operator ++(int)
const auto it = *this;
m_iterator_storage.template invoke<void>([](auto & chunks_it)
return it;
template <typename T>
inline typename stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator & stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator::operator ++()
m_iterator_storage.template invoke<void>([](auto & chunks_it)
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline typename stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator::operator --(int)
const auto it = *this;
m_iterator_storage.template invoke<void>([](auto & chunks_it)
return it;
template <typename T>
inline typename stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator & stream_storage<T>::basic_const_iterator::operator --()
m_iterator_storage.template invoke<void>([](auto & chunks_it)
return *this;
//// stream_storage
template <typename T>
inline stream_storage<T>::stream_storage(size_t min_chunk_size, size_t min_arr0_capacity, size_t min_arr1_capacity) :
m_size(0), m_remainder(0)
reset(min_chunk_size, min_arr0_capacity, min_arr1_capacity);
template <typename T>
inline stream_storage<T>::~stream_storage()
template <typename T>
inline void stream_storage<T>::reset(size_t min_chunk_size, size_t min_arr0_capacity, size_t min_arr1_capacity)
const int chunk_type_index = math::int_log2_ceil(min_chunk_size);
if (chunk_type_index >= num_chunk_variants_t::value) {
DEBUG_BREAK_THROW(true) std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("{:s}({:d}): minimum chunk size is not supported: min_chunk_size={:d} pof2={:d} max={:d}",
math::int_pof2_ceil(min_chunk_size), (0x01U << (num_chunk_variants_t::value - 1)))
utility::string_format(256, "%s(%d): minimum chunk size is not supported: min_chunk_size=%d pof2=%d max=%d",
math::int_pof2_ceil(min_chunk_size), (0x01U << (num_chunk_variants_t::value - 1)))
if (chunk_type_index != m_chunks.type_index()) {
m_chunks.construct_default(chunk_type_index, true);
m_chunks.template invoke<void>([=](auto & chunks)
using storage_type_t = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(chunks)>::type;
// available in the tackle implementation
chunks.reset(typename storage_type_t::optional_params{ min_arr0_capacity, min_arr1_capacity });
else {
m_chunks.template invoke<void>([=](auto & chunks)
using storage_type_t = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(chunks)>::type;
// available in the tackle implementation
chunks.reset(typename storage_type_t::optional_params{ min_arr0_capacity, min_arr1_capacity });
template <typename T>
template <typename T_>
inline void stream_storage<T>::_clear(T_ & chunks)
m_size = 0;
m_remainder = 0;
chunks.clear(); // at last in case if throw an exception
template <typename T>
inline void stream_storage<T>::clear()
m_chunks.template invoke<void>([this](auto & chunks)
template <typename T>
inline typename stream_storage<T>::const_iterator stream_storage<T>::begin() const
return m_chunks.template invoke<const_iterator>([this](const auto & chunks)
return const_iterator(basic_const_iterator::iterator_storage_t(m_chunks.type_index(), chunks.begin()));
template <typename T>
inline typename stream_storage<T>::const_iterator stream_storage<T>::end() const
return m_chunks.template invoke<const_iterator>([this](const auto & chunks)
return const_iterator(basic_const_iterator::iterator_storage_t(m_chunks.type_index(), chunks.end()));
template <typename T>
inline size_t stream_storage<T>::chunk_size() const
return m_chunks.template invoke<size_t>([this](const auto & chunks) // to throw exception on invalid type index
return _get_chunk_size(m_chunks.type_index());
template <typename T>
inline size_t stream_storage<T>::size() const
return m_size;
template <typename T>
inline size_t stream_storage<T>::remainder() const
return m_remainder;
template <typename T>
inline void stream_storage<T>::push_back(const T * buf, size_t size)
DEBUG_ASSERT_TRUE(buf && size);
m_chunks.template invoke<void>([=](auto & chunks)
using ref_chunk_t = decltype(chunks[0]);
using chunk_t = typename boost::remove_reference<ref_chunk_t>::type;
const size_t chunk_size = this->_get_chunk_size(m_chunks.type_index());
DEBUG_ASSERT_LT(m_remainder, chunk_size);
size_t buf_offset = 0;
size_t left_size = size;
if_break(1) {
if (m_remainder) {
auto & last_chunk = chunks.back();
const size_t copy_to_remainder_size = (std::min)(chunk_size - m_remainder, left_size);
UTILITY_COPY(buf, last_chunk.buf + m_remainder, copy_to_remainder_size);
left_size -= copy_to_remainder_size;
buf_offset += copy_to_remainder_size;
if (!left_size) break;
const size_t num_fixed_chunks = left_size / chunk_size;
const size_t last_fixed_chunk_remainder = left_size % chunk_size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_fixed_chunks; i++) {
auto & last_chunk = chunks.back();
UTILITY_COPY(buf + buf_offset, last_chunk.buf, chunk_size);
buf_offset += chunk_size;
if (last_fixed_chunk_remainder) {
auto & last_chunk = chunks.back();
UTILITY_COPY(buf + buf_offset, last_chunk.buf, last_fixed_chunk_remainder);
buf_offset += last_fixed_chunk_remainder;
m_size += buf_offset;
m_remainder = (m_remainder + buf_offset) % chunk_size;
template <typename T>
inline T & stream_storage<T>::operator[](size_t offset)
DEBUG_ASSERT_LT(offset, size());
return m_chunks.template invoke<T &>([=](auto & chunks)
const size_t chunk_size = this->_get_chunk_size(m_chunks.type_index());
const auto chunk_devrem = UINT32_DIVREM_POF2_FLOOR_VERIFY(offset, chunk_size);
auto & chunk = chunks[chunk_devrem.quot];
return chunk.buf[chunk_devrem.rem];
template <typename T>
inline const T & stream_storage<T>::operator[](size_t offset) const
DEBUG_ASSERT_LT(offset, size());
return m_chunks.template invoke<const T &>([=](const auto & chunks)
const size_t chunk_size = this->_get_chunk_size(m_chunks.type_index());
const auto chunk_devrem = UINT32_DIVREM_POF2_FLOOR_VERIFY(offset, chunk_size);
const auto & chunk = chunks[chunk_devrem.quot];
return chunk.buf[chunk_devrem.rem];
template <typename T> template <typename C>
inline size_t stream_storage<T>::_copy_to_impl(const C & chunks, size_t offset_from, T * to_buf, size_t to_size) const
DEBUG_ASSERT_LT(0U, to_size);
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(size(), offset_from + to_size);
const size_t chunk_size = this->_get_chunk_size(m_chunks.type_index());
const auto chunk_divrem = UINT32_DIVREM_POF2_FLOOR_VERIFY(offset_from, chunk_size);
const auto & chunk = chunks[chunk_divrem.quot];
size_t to_buf_offset = 0;
size_t from_buf_offset = chunk_divrem.rem;
if (chunk_size >= from_buf_offset + to_size) {
UTILITY_COPY(chunk.buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf, to_size);
to_buf_offset += to_size;
else {
const auto next_chunk_divrem = UINT32_DIVREM_POF2_FLOOR_VERIFY(chunk_divrem.rem + to_size, chunk_size);
// cycles overhead optimization
//if (256 < next_chunk_divrem.quot) {
size_t chunks_size = chunk_size - chunk_divrem.rem;
const auto * prev_chunk_ptr = &chunk;
decltype(prev_chunk_ptr) next_chunk_ptr;
if (next_chunk_divrem.quot >= 2) {
// collect continuous chunks block
for (size_t i = 1; i < next_chunk_divrem.quot; i++) {
next_chunk_ptr = &chunks[chunk_divrem.quot + i];
if (next_chunk_ptr == prev_chunk_ptr + chunks_size) {
chunks_size += chunk_size;
else {
// next chunk is not continuous, copy collected chunks at once
UTILITY_COPY(prev_chunk_ptr->buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunks_size);
prev_chunk_ptr = next_chunk_ptr;
from_buf_offset = 0;
to_buf_offset += chunks_size;
chunks_size = chunk_size;
if (next_chunk_divrem.rem) {
next_chunk_ptr = &chunks[chunk_divrem.quot + next_chunk_divrem.quot];
if (next_chunk_ptr == prev_chunk_ptr + chunk_size) {
UTILITY_COPY(prev_chunk_ptr->buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunks_size + next_chunk_divrem.rem);
to_buf_offset += chunks_size + next_chunk_divrem.rem;
else {
UTILITY_COPY(prev_chunk_ptr->buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunks_size);
to_buf_offset += chunks_size;
UTILITY_COPY(next_chunk_ptr->buf, to_buf + to_buf_offset, next_chunk_divrem.rem);
to_buf_offset += next_chunk_divrem.rem;
else {
UTILITY_COPY(prev_chunk_ptr->buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunks_size);
to_buf_offset += chunks_size;
//else {
// const size_t first_chunk_size = chunk_size - chunk_divrem.rem;
// UTILITY_COPY(chunk.buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, first_chunk_size);
// to_buf_offset += first_chunk_size;
// if (next_chunk_divrem.quot >= 2) {
// for (size_t i = 1; i < next_chunk_divrem.quot; i++, to_buf_offset += chunk_size) {
// const auto & chunk2 = chunks[chunk_divrem.quot + i];
// UTILITY_COPY(chunk2.buf, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunk_size);
// }
// }
// if (next_chunk_divrem.rem) {
// auto & chunk2 = chunks[chunk_divrem.quot + next_chunk_divrem.quot];
// const size_t last_chunk_size = next_chunk_divrem.rem;
// UTILITY_COPY(chunk2.buf, to_buf + to_buf_offset, last_chunk_size);
// to_buf_offset += last_chunk_size;
// }
return to_buf_offset;
// version with internal force inline
template <typename T> template <typename C>
FORCE_INLINE size_t stream_storage<T>::_copy_to_impl_innerforceinline(const C & chunks, size_t offset_from, T * to_buf, size_t to_size) const
DEBUG_ASSERT_LT(0U, to_size);
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(size(), offset_from + to_size);
const size_t chunk_size = this->_get_chunk_size(m_chunks.type_index());
const auto chunk_divrem = UINT32_DIVREM_POF2_FLOOR_VERIFY(offset_from, chunk_size);
const auto & chunk = chunks[chunk_divrem.quot];
size_t to_buf_offset = 0;
size_t from_buf_offset = chunk_divrem.rem;
if (chunk_size >= from_buf_offset + to_size) {
UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(chunk.buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf, to_size);
to_buf_offset += to_size;
else {
const auto next_chunk_divrem = UINT32_DIVREM_POF2_FLOOR_VERIFY(chunk_divrem.rem + to_size, chunk_size);
// cycles overhead optimization
//if (256 < next_chunk_divrem.quot) {
size_t chunks_size = chunk_size - chunk_divrem.rem;
const auto * prev_chunk_ptr = &chunk;
decltype(prev_chunk_ptr) next_chunk_ptr;
if (next_chunk_divrem.quot >= 2) {
// collect continuous chunks block
for (size_t i = 1; i < next_chunk_divrem.quot; i++) {
next_chunk_ptr = &chunks[chunk_divrem.quot + i];
if (next_chunk_ptr == prev_chunk_ptr + chunks_size) {
chunks_size += chunk_size;
else {
// next chunk is not continuous, copy collected chunks at once
UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(prev_chunk_ptr->buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunks_size);
prev_chunk_ptr = next_chunk_ptr;
from_buf_offset = 0;
to_buf_offset += chunks_size;
chunks_size = chunk_size;
if (next_chunk_divrem.rem) {
next_chunk_ptr = &chunks[chunk_divrem.quot + next_chunk_divrem.quot];
if (next_chunk_ptr == prev_chunk_ptr + chunk_size) {
UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(prev_chunk_ptr->buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunks_size + next_chunk_divrem.rem);
to_buf_offset += chunks_size + next_chunk_divrem.rem;
else {
UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(prev_chunk_ptr->buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunks_size);
to_buf_offset += chunks_size;
UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(next_chunk_ptr->buf, to_buf + to_buf_offset, next_chunk_divrem.rem);
to_buf_offset += next_chunk_divrem.rem;
else {
UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(prev_chunk_ptr->buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunks_size);
to_buf_offset += chunks_size;
//else {
// const size_t first_chunk_size = chunk_size - chunk_divrem.rem;
// UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(chunk.buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, first_chunk_size);
// to_buf_offset += first_chunk_size;
// if (next_chunk_divrem.quot >= 2) {
// for (size_t i = 1; i < next_chunk_divrem.quot; i++, to_buf_offset += chunk_size) {
// const auto & chunk2 = chunks[chunk_divrem.quot + i];
// UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(chunk2.buf, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunk_size);
// }
// }
// if (next_chunk_divrem.rem) {
// auto & chunk2 = chunks[chunk_divrem.quot + next_chunk_divrem.quot];
// const size_t last_chunk_size = next_chunk_divrem.rem;
// UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(chunk2.buf, to_buf + to_buf_offset, last_chunk_size);
// to_buf_offset += last_chunk_size;
// }
return to_buf_offset;
// template <typename C>
// inline size_t _inner_stride_copy_to_impl(const C & chunks, size_t offset_from, size_t from_size, size_t stride_size, size_t stride_step, T * to_buf, size_t to_size) const
// {
// DEBUG_ASSERT_TRUE(stride_size && stride_step && from_size && to_size);
// DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(stride_step, stride_size);
// const size_t chunk_size = this->_get_chunk_size(m_chunks.type_index());
// const auto chunk_divrem = UINT32_DIVREM_POF2_FLOOR_VERIFY(offset_from, chunk_size);
// const auto & chunk = chunks[chunk_divrem.quot];
// size_t to_buf_offset = 0;
// size_t from_buf_offset = chunk_divrem.rem;
// if (chunk_size >= from_buf_offset + from_size) {
// UTILITY_STRIDE_COPY(to_buf_offset, chunk.buf + from_buf_offset, from_size, stride_size, stride_step, to_buf, to_size);
// }
// else {
// const auto next_chunk_divrem = UINT32_DIVREM_POF2_FLOOR_VERIFY(chunk_divrem.rem + from_size, chunk_size);
// // TODO:
// // * UTILITY_STRIDE_COPY from the middle of slot byte instead of only from slot beginning byte
// // cycles overhead optimization
// //if (256 < next_chunk_divrem.quot) {
// size_t chunks_size = chunk_size - chunk_divrem.rem;
// const auto * prev_chunk_ptr = &chunk;
// decltype(prev_chunk_ptr) next_chunk_ptr;
// if (next_chunk_divrem.quot >= 2) {
// // collect continuous chunks block
// for (size_t i = 1; i < next_chunk_divrem.quot; i++) {
// next_chunk_ptr = &chunks[chunk_divrem.quot + i];
// if (next_chunk_ptr == prev_chunk_ptr + chunks_size) {
// chunks_size += chunk_size;
// }
// else {
// // next chunk is not continuous, copy collected chunks at once
// UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(prev_chunk_ptr->buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunks_size);
// prev_chunk_ptr = next_chunk_ptr;
// from_buf_offset = 0;
// to_buf_offset += chunks_size;
// chunks_size = chunk_size;
// }
// }
// }
// if (next_chunk_divrem.rem) {
// next_chunk_ptr = &chunks[chunk_divrem.quot + next_chunk_divrem.quot];
// if (next_chunk_ptr == prev_chunk_ptr + chunk_size) {
// UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(prev_chunk_ptr->buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunks_size + next_chunk_divrem.rem);
// to_buf_offset += chunks_size + next_chunk_divrem.rem;
// }
// else {
// UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(prev_chunk_ptr->buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunks_size);
// to_buf_offset += chunks_size;
// UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(next_chunk_ptr->buf, to_buf + to_buf_offset, next_chunk_divrem.rem);
// to_buf_offset += next_chunk_divrem.rem;
// }
// }
// else {
// UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(prev_chunk_ptr->buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunks_size);
// to_buf_offset += chunks_size;
// }
// //}
// //else {
// // const size_t first_chunk_size = chunk_size - chunk_divrem.rem;
// //
// // UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(chunk.buf + from_buf_offset, to_buf + to_buf_offset, first_chunk_size);
// // to_buf_offset += first_chunk_size;
// //
// // if (next_chunk_divrem.quot >= 2) {
// // for (size_t i = 1; i < next_chunk_divrem.quot; i++, to_buf_offset += chunk_size) {
// // const auto & chunk2 = chunks[chunk_divrem.quot + i];
// // UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(chunk2.buf, to_buf + to_buf_offset, chunk_size);
// // }
// // }
// // if (next_chunk_divrem.rem) {
// // auto & chunk2 = chunks[chunk_divrem.quot + next_chunk_divrem.quot];
// // const size_t last_chunk_size = next_chunk_divrem.rem;
// // UTILITY_COPY_FORCE_INLINE(chunk2.buf, to_buf + to_buf_offset, last_chunk_size);
// // to_buf_offset += last_chunk_size;
// // }
// //}
// }
// return to_buf_offset;
// }
template <typename T> template <bool InnerForceInline>
FORCE_INLINE size_t stream_storage<T>::_stride_copy_to_impl_innerforceinline(size_t offset_from, size_t in_row_offset_from, size_t stream_width,
size_t slot_begin_in_row_offset, size_t slot_end_in_row_offset, T * to_buf, size_t max_slot_size,
size_t * in_stream_slot_offset_ptr, size_t * in_slot_byte_offset_ptr, size_t * end_stride_byte_offset_ptr) const
DEBUG_ASSERT_TRUE(to_buf && max_slot_size);
DEBUG_ASSERT_LT(in_row_offset_from, stream_width);
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(stream_width, slot_end_in_row_offset);
DEBUG_ASSERT_LT(slot_begin_in_row_offset, slot_end_in_row_offset);
DEBUG_ASSERT_LT(offset_from, size());
const size_t slot_size = m_chunks.template invoke<size_t>([=](const auto & chunks)
const size_t slot_width = slot_end_in_row_offset - slot_begin_in_row_offset;
size_t in_row_offset_last = in_row_offset_from;
size_t iterated_stream_size = 0;
size_t slot_size = 0;
size_t stream_size_left = m_size - offset_from;
size_t slot_size_left = max_slot_size;
if (in_stream_slot_offset_ptr) {
*in_stream_slot_offset_ptr = 0;
if (in_slot_byte_offset_ptr) {
*in_slot_byte_offset_ptr = 0;
BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT(&offset_from, &iterated_stream_size, &end_stride_byte_offset_ptr) {
if (end_stride_byte_offset_ptr) {
*end_stride_byte_offset_ptr = iterated_stream_size;
if (in_row_offset_from < slot_begin_in_row_offset) goto _first_row_left_segment;
else if (in_row_offset_from < slot_end_in_row_offset) goto _first_row_slot_segment;
else goto _first_row_right_segment;
const size_t iterate_size = (std::min)(slot_begin_in_row_offset - in_row_offset_last, stream_size_left);
iterated_stream_size += iterate_size;
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(stream_size_left, iterate_size);
stream_size_left -= iterate_size;
if (!stream_size_left) {
if (in_stream_slot_offset_ptr) {
*in_stream_slot_offset_ptr = iterated_stream_size;
return slot_size;
in_row_offset_last = slot_begin_in_row_offset;
if (in_stream_slot_offset_ptr) {
*in_stream_slot_offset_ptr = iterated_stream_size;
const size_t first_slot_row_bytes = slot_end_in_row_offset - in_row_offset_last;
const size_t slot_size_to_copy = (std::min)((std::min)(first_slot_row_bytes, slot_size_left), stream_size_left);
DEBUG_ASSERT_LT(0U, slot_size_to_copy);
const size_t copied_size = detail::_inline_dispatch<InnerForceInline>::
_copy_to_impl(*this, chunks, offset_from + iterated_stream_size, to_buf + slot_size, slot_size_to_copy);
DEBUG_ASSERT_EQ(copied_size, slot_size_to_copy);
slot_size += copied_size;
iterated_stream_size += slot_size_to_copy;
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(slot_size_left, slot_size_to_copy);
slot_size_left -= slot_size_to_copy;
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(stream_size_left, slot_size_to_copy);
stream_size_left -= slot_size_to_copy;
if (in_slot_byte_offset_ptr) {
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(in_row_offset_last, slot_begin_in_row_offset);
*in_slot_byte_offset_ptr = in_row_offset_last - slot_begin_in_row_offset;
if (!slot_size_left || !stream_size_left) return slot_size;
in_row_offset_last = slot_end_in_row_offset;
const size_t iterate_size = (std::min)(stream_width - in_row_offset_last, stream_size_left);
iterated_stream_size += iterate_size;
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(stream_size_left, iterate_size);
stream_size_left -= iterate_size;
if (!stream_size_left) {
if (!slot_size && in_stream_slot_offset_ptr) {
*in_stream_slot_offset_ptr = iterated_stream_size;
return slot_size;
if (!slot_size && in_stream_slot_offset_ptr) {
*in_stream_slot_offset_ptr = iterated_stream_size + (std::min)(slot_begin_in_row_offset, stream_size_left);
const size_t num_whole_slot_rows = slot_size_left / slot_width;
const size_t num_whole_stream_rows = stream_size_left / stream_width;
const size_t num_whole_rows = (std::min)(num_whole_slot_rows, num_whole_stream_rows);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_whole_rows; i++) {
const size_t copied_size = detail::_inline_dispatch<InnerForceInline>::
_copy_to_impl(*this, chunks, offset_from + iterated_stream_size + slot_begin_in_row_offset, to_buf + slot_size, slot_width);
DEBUG_ASSERT_EQ(copied_size, slot_width);
slot_size += copied_size;
iterated_stream_size += stream_width;
const size_t iterate_size = num_whole_rows * stream_width;
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(slot_size_left, num_whole_rows * slot_width);
slot_size_left -= num_whole_rows * slot_width;
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(stream_size_left, iterate_size);
stream_size_left -= iterate_size;
if (!slot_size_left || !stream_size_left) return slot_size;
const size_t iterate_size = (std::min)(slot_begin_in_row_offset, stream_size_left);
iterated_stream_size += iterate_size;
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(stream_size_left, iterate_size);
stream_size_left -= iterate_size;
if (!stream_size_left) return slot_size;
const size_t slot_size_to_copy = (std::min)((std::min)(slot_width, slot_size_left), stream_size_left);
DEBUG_ASSERT_LT(0U, slot_size_to_copy);
const size_t copied_size = detail::_inline_dispatch<InnerForceInline>::
_copy_to_impl(*this, chunks, offset_from + iterated_stream_size, to_buf + slot_size, slot_size_to_copy);
DEBUG_ASSERT_EQ(copied_size, slot_size_to_copy);
slot_size += copied_size;
iterated_stream_size += slot_size_to_copy;
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(slot_size_left, slot_size_to_copy);
slot_size_left -= slot_size_to_copy;
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(stream_size_left, slot_size_to_copy);
stream_size_left -= slot_size_to_copy;
if (!slot_size_left) {
// if last slot size to copy was slot width, then iterate offset either to the end of the stream row or to the end of the stream
if (slot_size_to_copy == slot_width && stream_size_left && end_stride_byte_offset_ptr) { // has meaning only for `end_stride_byte_offset`
const size_t iterate_size = (std::min)(stream_width - slot_end_in_row_offset, stream_size_left);
iterated_stream_size += iterate_size;
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(stream_size_left, iterate_size); // just in case
return slot_size;
const size_t iterate_size = (std::min)(stream_width - slot_end_in_row_offset, stream_size_left);
iterated_stream_size += iterate_size;
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(stream_size_left, iterate_size);
stream_size_left -= iterate_size;
// end of stream
return slot_size;
if (in_stream_slot_offset_ptr && in_slot_byte_offset_ptr) {
DEBUG_ASSERT_TRUE(!*in_stream_slot_offset_ptr && !*in_slot_byte_offset_ptr || (*in_stream_slot_offset_ptr ^ *in_slot_byte_offset_ptr)); // only one must be not zero at a time!
return slot_size;
template <typename T> template <int InnerInlineLevel>
inline size_t stream_storage<T>::copy_to(size_t offset_from, T * to_buf, size_t to_size) const
return m_chunks.template invoke<size_t>([=](const auto & chunks)
return detail::_inline_dispatch<InnerInlineLevel ? true : false>::_copy_to_impl(*this, chunks, offset_from, to_buf, to_size);
template <typename T> template <int InnerInlineLevel>
inline size_t stream_storage<T>::stride_copy_to(size_t offset_from, size_t in_row_offset_from, size_t stream_width,
size_t slot_begin_in_row_offset, size_t slot_end_in_row_offset, T * to_buf, size_t max_slot_size,
size_t * in_stream_slot_offset_ptr, size_t * in_slot_byte_offset_ptr, size_t * end_stride_byte_offset_ptr) const
if (slot_begin_in_row_offset != 0 || slot_end_in_row_offset != stream_width) {
return _stride_copy_to_impl_innerforceinline<InnerInlineLevel ? true : false>(
offset_from, in_row_offset_from, stream_width, slot_begin_in_row_offset, slot_end_in_row_offset,
to_buf, max_slot_size, in_stream_slot_offset_ptr, in_slot_byte_offset_ptr, end_stride_byte_offset_ptr);
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(m_size, offset_from);
const uint32_t max_size_to_process = (std::min)(max_slot_size, m_size - offset_from);
return copy_to(offset_from, to_buf, max_size_to_process);
template <typename T> template <int InnerInlineLevel>
FORCE_INLINE size_t stream_storage<T>::stride_copy_to_forceinline(size_t offset_from, size_t in_row_offset_from, size_t stream_width,
size_t slot_begin_in_row_offset, size_t slot_end_in_row_offset, T * to_buf, size_t max_slot_size,
size_t * in_stream_slot_offset_ptr, size_t * in_slot_byte_offset_ptr, size_t * end_stride_byte_offset_ptr) const
if (slot_begin_in_row_offset != 0 || slot_end_in_row_offset != stream_width) {
return _stride_copy_to_impl_innerforceinline<InnerInlineLevel ? true : false>(
offset_from, in_row_offset_from, stream_width, slot_begin_in_row_offset, slot_end_in_row_offset,
to_buf, max_slot_size, in_stream_slot_offset_ptr, in_slot_byte_offset_ptr, end_stride_byte_offset_ptr);
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(m_size, offset_from);
const uint32_t max_size_to_process = (std::min)(max_slot_size, m_size - offset_from);
return copy_to(offset_from, to_buf, max_size_to_process);
template <typename T>
inline size_t stream_storage<T>::erase_front(size_t size)
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(m_size, size);
return m_chunks.template invoke<size_t>([=](auto & chunks)
const size_t chunk_size = this->_get_chunk_size(m_chunks.type_index());
size_t erased_size;
if (size < m_size) {
size_t chunk_index = 0;
const size_t num_chunks = size / chunk_size;
for (; chunk_index < num_chunks; chunk_index++) {
erased_size = chunk_index * chunk_size;
DEBUG_ASSERT_GE(m_size, erased_size);
m_size -= erased_size;
else {
erased_size = m_size;
return erased_size;