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Test Coverage
#pragma once

#if !defined(TACKLE_TESTLIB) && !defined(UNIT_TESTS) && !defined(BENCH_TESTS)
#error This header must be used explicitly in a test declared environment. Use respective definitions to declare a test environment.

#include <src/tacklelib_private.hpp>

#include <src/utility/assert_private.hpp>   // must uses private `assert.hpp` implementation!

#include <tacklelib/utility/utility.hpp>
#include <tacklelib/utility/platform.hpp>
#include <tacklelib/utility/static_assert.hpp>
#include <tacklelib/utility/type_traits.hpp>
#include <tacklelib/utility/math.hpp>
#include <src/utility/algorithm.hpp>

#include <tacklelib/tackle/path_string.hpp>

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>

// Declares main list of tests for execution.
#define DECLARE_TEST_CASES std::vector<test::TestCase> g_test_cases =

// Declares gtest a function test case.
#define DECLARE_TEST_CASE_FUNC(test_case_name, func_token, init_func, uninit_func, data_in_subdir, data_out_subdir, ref_in_subdir, flags) \
    { "", UTILITY_PP_STRINGIZE(test_case_name), UTILITY_PP_STRINGIZE(func_token), init_func, uninit_func, data_in_subdir, data_out_subdir, ref_in_subdir, flags }

// Declares gtest a class test case.
#define DECLARE_TEST_CASE_CLASS(prefix_str, test_case_name, func_token, init_func, uninit_func, data_in_subdir, data_out_subdir, ref_in_subdir, flags) \
    { UTILITY_PP_STRINGIZE(prefix_str), UTILITY_PP_STRINGIZE(test_case_name), UTILITY_PP_STRINGIZE(func_token), init_func, uninit_func, data_in_subdir, data_out_subdir, ref_in_subdir, flags }

// builtin test case class
#define TEST_CASE_GET_CASE() \

// builtin test case info class
#define TEST_CASE_GET_INFO() \

// builtin mutable test case info class
    const_cast<::testing::TestInfo *>(::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info())

// returns current test name token contained test name and test name index
#define TEST_NAME_TOKEN() \
    [](const ::testing::TestInfo * test_case_info_ptr_) -> tackle::path_string { \
        auto * name_ptr_ = test_case_info_ptr_->name(); \
        return name_ptr_; \

// returns current test name
#define TEST_NAME() \
    [](const ::testing::TestInfo * test_case_info_ptr_) -> tackle::path_string { \
        auto * name_ptr_ = test_case_info_ptr_->name(); \
        /* split name by / */ \
        auto * name_suffix_ptr_ = strrchr(name_ptr_, '/'); \
        if (name_suffix_ptr_) return tackle::path_string(name_ptr_, name_suffix_ptr_); \
        return name_ptr_; \

// returns current test name index
#define TEST_NAME_INDEX() \
    [](const ::testing::TestInfo * test_case_info_ptr_) -> tackle::path_string { \
        auto * name_ptr_ = test_case_info_ptr_->name(); \
        /* split name by / */ \
        auto * name_suffix_ptr_ = strrchr(name_ptr_, '/'); \
        if (name_suffix_ptr_) return name_suffix_ptr_ + 1; \
        return name_ptr_; \

// returns current test case name token contained test case name prefix and name
    [](const ::testing::TestInfo * test_case_info_ptr_) -> tackle::path_string { \
        auto * name_ptr_ = test_case_info_ptr_->test_case_name(); \
        return name_ptr_; \

// returns current test case name
#define TEST_CASE_NAME() \
    [](const ::testing::TestInfo * test_case_info_ptr_) -> tackle::path_string { \
        auto * name_ptr_ = test_case_info_ptr_->test_case_name(); \
        /* split name by / */ \
        auto * name_suffix_ptr_ = strrchr(name_ptr_, '/'); \
        if (name_suffix_ptr_) return name_suffix_ptr_ + 1; \
        return name_ptr_; \

// returns current test case name prefix
    [](const ::testing::TestInfo * test_case_info_ptr_) -> tackle::path_string { \
        auto * name_ptr_ = test_case_info_ptr_->test_case_name(); \
        /* split name by / */ \
        auto * name_suffix_ptr_ = strrchr(name_ptr_, '/'); \
        if (name_suffix_ptr_) return tackle::path_string(name_ptr_, name_suffix_ptr_); \
        return name_ptr_; \

// Macro builder of a test directory used a builtin ROOT-variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin ROOT-variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `data_in`
//   - `data_out`
// Returns:
//  <ROOT-variable> + <test-case-<ref_name>_subdir>
#define TEST_CASE_GET_ROOT(ref_name) \

// Macro builder of a test directory used a builtin ROOT-variable for a root path.
//  test_name       - name of gtest case test function or `test_name` parameter.
//   Available variants:
//   - <name>   - search in particular test case
//   - `*`      - search in all test cases
//  ref_name    - name of builtin ROOT-variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `data_in`
//   - `data_out`
// Returns:
//  <ROOT-variable> + <test-case-<ref_name>_subdir>
#define TEST_CASE_GET_ROOT2(test_name, ref_name) \

// Macro builder of a test directory used a builtin ROOT-variable for a root path.
//  test_case_name  - name of gtest case scope or `test_case_name` parameter.
//  test_name       - name of gtest case test function or `test_name` parameter.
//   Available variants:
//   - <name>   - search in particular test case
//   - `*`      - search in all test cases
//  ref_name    - name of builtin ROOT-variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `data_in`
//   - `data_out`
// Returns:
//  <ROOT-variable> + <test-case-<ref_name>_subdir>
#define TEST_CASE_GET_ROOT3(test_case_name, test_case, ref_name) \
    ::TestCaseStaticBase:: UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(get_, ref_name), _root)(UTILITY_PP_FUNCSIG, UTILITY_PP_STRINGIZE(test_case_name), UTILITY_PP_STRINGIZE(test_case))

// Macro builder of a test directory used a builtin DIR-variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin DIR-variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `ref`
//   - `gen`
//   - `out`
// Returns:
//  <DIR-variable>
#define TEST_CASE_GET_DIR(ref_name) \
    UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(get_, ref_name), _dir)(UTILITY_PP_FUNCSIG, nullptr, nullptr)

// Macro builder of a test directory used a builtin DIR-variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin DIR-variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `ref`
//   - `gen`
//   - `out`
//  prefix_dir  - prefix directory path.
// Returns:
//  <DIR-variable> + [prefix_dir + "/<ref_name>"]
#define TEST_CASE_GET_DIR2(ref_name, prefix_dir) \
    UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(get_, ref_name), _dir)(UTILITY_PP_FUNCSIG, prefix_dir, nullptr)

// Macro builder of a test directory used a builtin DIR-variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin DIR-variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `ref`
//   - `gen`
//   - `out`
//  prefix_dir  - prefix directory path.
//  suffix_dir  - suffix directory path.
// Returns:
//  <DIR-variable> + [prefix_dir + "/<ref_name>"] + suffix_dir
#define TEST_CASE_GET_DIR3(ref_name, prefix_dir, suffix_dir) \
    UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(get_, ref_name), _dir)(UTILITY_PP_FUNCSIG, prefix_dir, suffix_dir)

// Macro builder of a test directory used a builtin variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `data_in`
//   - `data_out`
//   - `ref`
//   - `gen`
//   - `out`
// Returns:
//  <variable>
#define TEST_CASE_DIR_PATH(ref_name) \

// Macro builder of a test directory used a builtin variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `data_in`
//   - `data_out`
//   - `ref`
//   - `gen`
//   - `out`
//  path1       - suffix path.
// Returns:
//  <variable> + path1
#define TEST_CASE_DIR_PATH2(ref_name, path1) \
    UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(get_, ref_name), _dir_path)(UTILITY_PP_FUNCSIG, tackle::path_string(path1))

// Macro builder of a test directory used a builtin variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `data_in`
//   - `data_out`
//   - `ref`
//   - `gen`
//   - `out`
//  path1, path2 - suffix path.
// Returns:
//  <variable> + path1 + path2
#define TEST_CASE_DIR_PATH3(ref_name, path1, path2) \
    UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(get_, ref_name), _dir_path)(UTILITY_PP_FUNCSIG, tackle::path_string(path1) + tackle::path_string(path2))

// Macro builder of a test directory used a builtin variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `data_in`
//   - `data_out`
//   - `ref`
//   - `gen`
//   - `out`
//  path1, path2, path3 - suffix path.
// Returns:
//  <variable> + path1 + path2 + path3
#define TEST_CASE_DIR_PATH4(ref_name, path1, path2, path3) \
        tackle::path_string(path1) + tackle::path_string(path2) + tackle::path_string(path3))

// Macro builder of a test directory used a builtin variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `data_in`
//   - `data_out`
//   - `ref`
//   - `gen`
//   - `out`
//  path1, path2, path3, path4 - suffix path.
// Returns:
//  <variable> + path1 + path2 + path3 + path4
#define TEST_CASE_DIR_PATH5(ref_name, path1, path2, path3, path4) \
        tackle::path_string(path1) + tackle::path_string(path2) + tackle::path_string(path3) + tackle::path_string(path4))

// Macro builder of a test file path used a builtin variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `data_in`
//   - `data_out`
//   - `ref`
//   - `gen`
//   - `out`
// Returns:
//  <variable>
#define TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH(ref_name) \

// Macro builder of a test file path used a builtin variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `data_in`
//   - `data_out`
//   - `ref`
//   - `gen`
//   - `out`
//  path1       - suffix path.
// Returns:
//  <variable> + path1
#define TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH2(ref_name, path1) \

// Macro builder of a test file path used a builtin variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `data_in`
//   - `data_out`
//   - `ref`
//   - `gen`
//   - `out`
//  path1, path2 - suffix path.
// Returns:
//  <variable> + path1 + path2
#define TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH3(ref_name, path1, path2) \
        tackle::path_string(path1) + tackle::path_string(path2))

// Macro builder of a test file path used a builtin variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `data_in`
//   - `data_out`
//   - `ref`
//   - `gen`
//   - `out`
//  path1, path2, path3 - suffix path.
// Returns:
//  <variable> + path1 + path2 + path3
#define TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH4(ref_name, path1, path2, path3) \
        tackle::path_string(path1) + tackle::path_string(path2) + tackle::path_string(path3))

// Macro builder of a test file path used a builtin variable for a root path.
//  ref_name    - name of builtin variable name to request:
//   Available variants:
//   - `data_in`
//   - `data_out`
//   - `ref`
//   - `gen`
//   - `out`
//  path1, path2, path3, path4 - suffix path.
// Returns:
//  <variable> + path1 + path2 + path3 + path4
#define TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH5(ref_name, path1, path2, path3, path4) \
        tackle::path_string(path1) + tackle::path_string(path2) + tackle::path_string(path3) + tackle::path_string(path4))

#define TEST_INTERRUPT() \
    { ::test::interrupt_test(); return; } (void)0

#define TEST_LOG_OUT(lvl, fmt, ...) \
    ::test::log_out(lvl, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)

#define TEST_LOG_OUT_PREDICATE(functor, lvl, fmt, ...) \
    ::test::log_out_predicate(functor, lvl, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)

// internal definitions, must be undefined at the of this header!
#define TEST_IMPL_DECLARE_ENV_VAR(var_name) \
    static tackle::path_string UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(s_, var_name); \
    static bool UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(s_is_, var_name), _exists); \
    static bool UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(s_is_, var_name), _disabled)

#define TEST_IMPL_DECLARE_ENV_VAR_BASE_CLASS(class_name, var_name, ref_name) \
    class class_name : public ::TestCaseStaticBase \
    { \
    public: \
        TEST_IMPL_DECLARE_ENV_VAR(var_name); \
        static const tackle::path_string & UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(get_, ref_name), _var)(const char * error_msg_prefix); \
        static tackle::path_string UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(get_, ref_name), _dir)(const char * error_msg_prefix, const char * prefix_dir, const char * suffix_dir); \
        static tackle::path_string UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(get_, ref_name), _dir)(const char * error_msg_prefix, const tackle::path_string & prefix_dir, const tackle::path_string & suffix_dir); \
        static tackle::path_string UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(get_, ref_name), _dir_path)(const char * error_msg_prefix, const tackle::path_string & path_suffix); \
        static tackle::path_string UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(UTILITY_PP_CONCAT(get_, ref_name), _file_path)(const char * error_msg_prefix, const tackle::path_string & path_suffix); \
    protected: \
        class_name(); \

namespace test
    enum LogLevel
        SKIP                = 1,
        DEBUG               = 2,
        CAUTION             = 3,
        WARNING             = 4,
        INFO                = 5,
        INFO_GRAY           = 6,
        WARNING_DIMMED      = 7,
        MIN_LVL             = SKIP,
        MAX_LVL             = WARNING_DIMMED,
        FROM_GLOBAL_INIT    = 0x10000,
        LVL_FLAGS_MASK      = 0xFFFF0000,
        PREFIX_OFFSET_MASK  = 0x0000FFFF

    enum TestCaseFlags
        TCF_HAS_DATA_REF        = 0x00000001,   // test case has data reference
        TCF_HAS_DATA_GEN        = 0x00000002,   // test case has data generator
        TCF_HAS_DATA_OUT        = 0x00000004,   // test case has data output
        TCF_IS_INTERACTIVE      = 0x80000000,   // interactive test case, the user input is mandatory
        TCF_IS_PARAMETERIZED    = 0x40000000,   // parameterized test case, has combinations
        TCF_IS_COMBINATOR       = 0x20000000,   // parameterized test case with heavy combinations
        TCF_PRIVATE_FLAGS_MASK  = 0x000F0000

    struct TestCase
        const char * prefix_str;
        const char * test_case_name;
        const char * test_name;
        bool (*init_func)();
        void (*uninit_func)();
        const char * data_in_subdir;
        const char * data_out_subdir;
        const char * ref_in_subdir;
        int flags;

    using log_out_predicate_func_t = std::function<void(int lvl, const char * fmt, va_list vl)>;

    std::string get_test_case_filter_token(const TestCase & test_case);
    std::string get_test_case_name_token(const TestCase & test_case);
    std::string get_test_case_name_filter_token(const TestCase & test_case);
    std::string get_test_case_name_filter_token(const testing::TestCase * test_case);

    void global_preinit(std::string & gtest_exclude_filter); // calls BEFORE
    void global_postinit(std::string & gtest_exclude_filter); 
    void global_uninit();

    tackle::path_string get_data_in_subdir(const tackle::path_string & test_case_name, const tackle::path_string & test_name);
    tackle::path_string get_data_out_subdir(const tackle::path_string & test_case_name, const tackle::path_string & test_name);
    tackle::path_string get_ref_in_subdir(const tackle::path_string & test_case_name, const tackle::path_string & test_name);

    void interrupt_test();

    void log_out_va(int lvl, const char * fmt, va_list vl);
    void log_out(int lvl, const char * fmt, ...);
    void log_out_predicate_va(const log_out_predicate_func_t & functor, int lvl, const char * fmt, va_list vl);
    void log_out_predicate(const log_out_predicate_func_t & functor, int lvl, const char * fmt, ...);

class TestCaseStaticBase
    static bool s_enable_all_tests;
    static bool s_enable_interactive_tests;
    static bool s_enable_only_interactive_tests; // overrides all enable_*_tests flags
    static bool s_enable_combinator_tests;


    static const tackle::path_string & get_data_in_var(const char * error_msg_prefix);
    static const tackle::path_string & get_data_out_var(const char * error_msg_prefix);

    static tackle::path_string get_data_in_root(const char * error_msg_prefix, const tackle::path_string & test_case_name, const tackle::path_string & test_name);
    static tackle::path_string get_data_out_root(const char * error_msg_prefix, const tackle::path_string & test_case_name, const tackle::path_string & test_name);

    static tackle::path_string get_data_in_dir_path(const char * error_msg_prefix, const tackle::path_string & path_suffix);
    static tackle::path_string get_data_out_dir_path(const char * error_msg_prefix, const tackle::path_string & path_suffix);

    static tackle::path_string get_data_in_file_path(const char * error_msg_prefix, const tackle::path_string & path_suffix);
    static tackle::path_string get_data_out_file_path(const char * error_msg_prefix, const tackle::path_string & path_suffix);

class TestCaseWithDataInput : public ::TestCaseStaticBase