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2 days
Test Coverage
/// <reference lib="dom" />
// tslint:disable function-constructor no-eval no-duplicate-super max-classes-per-file

import getCallsites, { CallSite } from "callsites"
import { EventEmitter } from "events"
import { cpus } from 'os'
import * as path from "path"
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
import {
} from "../types/master"

interface WorkerGlobalScope {
  addEventListener(eventName: string, listener: (event: Event) => void): void
  postMessage(message: any, transferables?: any[]): void
  removeEventListener(eventName: string, listener: (event: Event) => void): void

declare const __non_webpack_require__: typeof require
declare const self: WorkerGlobalScope

type WorkerEventName = "error" | "message"

let tsNodeAvailable: boolean | undefined

export const defaultPoolSize = cpus().length

function detectTsNode() {
  if (typeof __non_webpack_require__ === "function") {
    // Webpack build: => No ts-node required or possible
    return false
  if (tsNodeAvailable) {
    return tsNodeAvailable

  try {
    tsNodeAvailable = true
  } catch (error) {
    if (error && error.code === "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") {
      tsNodeAvailable = false
    } else {
      // Re-throw
      throw error
  return tsNodeAvailable

function createTsNodeModule(scriptPath: string) {
  const content = `
  return content

function rebaseScriptPath(scriptPath: string, ignoreRegex: RegExp) {
  const parentCallSite = getCallsites().find((callsite: CallSite) => {
    const filename = callsite.getFileName()
    return Boolean(
      filename &&
      !filename.match(ignoreRegex) &&
      !filename.match(/[\/\\]master[\/\\]implementation/) &&

  const rawCallerPath = parentCallSite ? parentCallSite.getFileName() : null
  let callerPath = rawCallerPath ? rawCallerPath : null;
  if (callerPath && callerPath.startsWith('file:')) {
    callerPath = fileURLToPath(callerPath);
  const rebasedScriptPath = callerPath ? path.join(path.dirname(callerPath), scriptPath) : scriptPath

  return rebasedScriptPath

function resolveScriptPath(scriptPath: string, baseURL?: string | undefined) {
  const makeRelative = (filePath: string) => {
    // eval() hack is also webpack-related
    return path.isAbsolute(filePath) ? filePath : path.join(baseURL || eval("__dirname"), filePath)

  const workerFilePath = typeof __non_webpack_require__ === "function"
    ? __non_webpack_require__.resolve(makeRelative(scriptPath))
    : eval("require").resolve(makeRelative(rebaseScriptPath(scriptPath, /[\/\\]worker_threads[\/\\]/)))

  return workerFilePath

function initWorkerThreadsWorker(): ImplementationExport {
  // Webpack hack
  const NativeWorker = typeof __non_webpack_require__ === "function"
    ? __non_webpack_require__("worker_threads").Worker
    : eval("require")("worker_threads").Worker

  let allWorkers: Array<typeof NativeWorker> = []

  class Worker extends NativeWorker {
    private mappedEventListeners: WeakMap<EventListener, EventListener>

    constructor(scriptPath: string, options?: ThreadsWorkerOptions & { fromSource: boolean }) {
      const resolvedScriptPath = options && options.fromSource
        ? null
        : resolveScriptPath(scriptPath, (options || {})._baseURL)

      if (!resolvedScriptPath) {
        // `options.fromSource` is true
        const sourceCode = scriptPath
        super(sourceCode, { ...options, eval: true })
      } else if (resolvedScriptPath.match(/\.tsx?$/i) && detectTsNode()) {
        super(createTsNodeModule(resolvedScriptPath), { ...options, eval: true })
      } else if (resolvedScriptPath.match(/\.asar[\/\\]/)) {
        // See <>
        super(resolvedScriptPath.replace(/\.asar([\/\\])/, ".asar.unpacked$1"), options)
      } else {
        super(resolvedScriptPath, options)

      this.mappedEventListeners = new WeakMap()

    public addEventListener(eventName: string, rawListener: EventListener) {
      const listener = (message: any) => {
        rawListener({ data: message } as any)
      this.mappedEventListeners.set(rawListener, listener)
      this.on(eventName, listener)

    public removeEventListener(eventName: string, rawListener: EventListener) {
      const listener = this.mappedEventListeners.get(rawListener) || rawListener, listener)

  const terminateWorkersAndMaster = () => {
    // we should terminate all workers and then gracefully shutdown self process
    Promise.all( => worker.terminate())).then(
      () => process.exit(0),
      () => process.exit(1),
    allWorkers = []

  // Take care to not leave orphaned processes behind. See #147.
  process.on("SIGINT", () => terminateWorkersAndMaster())
  process.on("SIGTERM", () => terminateWorkersAndMaster())

  class BlobWorker extends Worker {
    constructor(blob: Uint8Array, options?: ThreadsWorkerOptions) {
      super(Buffer.from(blob).toString("utf-8"), { ...options, fromSource: true })

    public static fromText(source: string, options?: ThreadsWorkerOptions): WorkerImplementation {
      return new Worker(source, { ...options, fromSource: true }) as any

  return {
    blob: BlobWorker as any,
    default: Worker as any

function initTinyWorker(): ImplementationExport {
  const TinyWorker = require("tiny-worker")

  let allWorkers: Array<typeof TinyWorker> = []

  class Worker extends TinyWorker {
    private emitter: EventEmitter

    constructor(scriptPath: string, options?: ThreadsWorkerOptions & { fromSource?: boolean }) {
      // Need to apply a work-around for Windows or it will choke upon the absolute path
      // (`Error [ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL]: Protocol 'c:' not supported`)
      const resolvedScriptPath = options && options.fromSource
        ? null
        : process.platform === "win32"
          ? `file:///${resolveScriptPath(scriptPath).replace(/\\/g, "/")}`
          : resolveScriptPath(scriptPath)

      if (!resolvedScriptPath) {
        // `options.fromSource` is true
        const sourceCode = scriptPath
        super(new Function(sourceCode), [], { esm: true })
      } else if (resolvedScriptPath.match(/\.tsx?$/i) && detectTsNode()) {
        super(new Function(createTsNodeModule(resolveScriptPath(scriptPath))), [], { esm: true })
      } else if (resolvedScriptPath.match(/\.asar[\/\\]/)) {
        // See <>
        super(resolvedScriptPath.replace(/\.asar([\/\\])/, ".asar.unpacked$1"), [], { esm: true })
      } else {
        super(resolvedScriptPath, [], { esm: true })


      this.emitter = new EventEmitter()
      this.onerror = (error: Error) => this.emitter.emit("error", error)
      this.onmessage = (message: MessageEvent) => this.emitter.emit("message", message)

    public addEventListener(eventName: WorkerEventName, listener: EventListener) {
      this.emitter.addListener(eventName, listener)

    public removeEventListener(eventName: WorkerEventName, listener: EventListener) {
      this.emitter.removeListener(eventName, listener)

    public terminate() {
      allWorkers = allWorkers.filter(worker => worker !== this)
      return super.terminate()

  const terminateWorkersAndMaster = () => {
    // we should terminate all workers and then gracefully shutdown self process
    Promise.all( => worker.terminate())).then(
      () => process.exit(0),
      () => process.exit(1),
    allWorkers = []

  // Take care to not leave orphaned processes behind
  // See <>
  process.on("SIGINT", () => terminateWorkersAndMaster())
  process.on("SIGTERM", () => terminateWorkersAndMaster())

  class BlobWorker extends Worker {
    constructor(blob: Uint8Array, options?: ThreadsWorkerOptions) {
      super(Buffer.from(blob).toString("utf-8"), { ...options, fromSource: true })

    public static fromText(source: string, options?: ThreadsWorkerOptions): WorkerImplementation {
      return new Worker(source, { ...options, fromSource: true }) as any

  return {
    blob: BlobWorker as any,
    default: Worker as any

let implementation: ImplementationExport
let isTinyWorker: boolean

function selectWorkerImplementation(): ImplementationExport {
  try {
    isTinyWorker = false
    return initWorkerThreadsWorker()
  } catch(error) {
    // tslint:disable-next-line no-console
    console.debug("Node worker_threads not available. Trying to fall back to tiny-worker polyfill...")
    isTinyWorker = true
    return initTinyWorker()

export function getWorkerImplementation(): ImplementationExport {
  if (!implementation) {
    implementation = selectWorkerImplementation()
  return implementation

export function isWorkerRuntime() {
  if (isTinyWorker) {
    return typeof self !== "undefined" && self.postMessage ? true : false
  } else {
    // Webpack hack
    const isMainThread = typeof __non_webpack_require__ === "function"
      ? __non_webpack_require__("worker_threads").isMainThread
      : eval("require")("worker_threads").isMainThread
    return !isMainThread