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import { $transferable } from "./symbols"

export interface TransferDescriptor<T = any> {
  [$transferable]: true
  send: T
  transferables: Transferable[]

function isTransferable(thing: any): thing is Transferable {
  if (!thing || typeof thing !== "object") return false
  // Don't check too thoroughly, since the list of transferable things in JS might grow over time
  return true

export function isTransferDescriptor(thing: any): thing is TransferDescriptor {
  return thing && typeof thing === "object" && thing[$transferable]

 * Mark a transferable object as such, so it will no be serialized and
 * deserialized on messaging with the main thread, but to transfer
 * ownership of it to the receiving thread.
 * Only works with array buffers, message ports and few more special
 * types of objects, but it's much faster than serializing and
 * deserializing them.
 * Note:
 * The transferable object cannot be accessed by this thread again
 * unless the receiving thread transfers it back again!
 * @param transferable Array buffer, message port or similar.
 * @see <>
export function Transfer(transferable: Transferable): TransferDescriptor

 * Mark transferable objects within an arbitrary object or array as
 * being a transferable object. They will then not be serialized
 * and deserialized on messaging with the main thread, but ownership
 * of them will be tranferred to the receiving thread.
 * Only array buffers, message ports and few more special types of
 * objects can be transferred, but it's much faster than serializing and
 * deserializing them.
 * Note:
 * The transferable object cannot be accessed by this thread again
 * unless the receiving thread transfers it back again!
 * @param transferable Array buffer, message port or similar.
 * @see <>
export function Transfer<T>(payload: T, transferables: Transferable[]): TransferDescriptor

export function Transfer<T>(payload: T, transferables?: Transferable[]): TransferDescriptor {
  if (!transferables) {
    if (!isTransferable(payload)) throw Error()
    transferables = [payload]

  return {
    [$transferable]: true,
    send: payload,