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    Client Id

    This is an rpc plugin that manages getting and setting IDs on WebSocket
    clients. The reason for this is that we need a way to identify WebSocket
    clients so that we can know what channels they should be subscribed to.

    The client id is stored by the WebSocket client, so that should a 
    WebSocket connection be severed and a new connection established, they
    can let the server know that they have a pre-existing client id. That 
    saves the client from having to resubscribe to channels should the 
    WebSocket connection be severed.

// Dependencies
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');

*    This generates a new client id, sets it on the websocket client connection,
*    and sends it to the client for them to store it for future reference.
*    @params     ws            The websocket client connection
*    @params     rpc            The rpc instance
async function generateAndSendNewClientId({ ws, rpc }) {
    const clientId = uuidv4();
    ws.clientId = clientId;
    await rpc.send({
        action: 'set-client-id',
        data: { clientId },

    This checks whether the reply has a client id, 
    and either sets the client id on the websocket
    client connection, or calls another function
    to generate and send a new client id

    @params        clientId    The unique id for the client
    @params     ws            The websocket client connection
    @params     rpc            The rpc instance
async function processReply({ clientId, ws, rpc }) {
    if (clientId) {
        ws.clientId = clientId;
    } else {
        await generateAndSendNewClientId({ ws, rpc });

    This makes an RPC request to the client to ask them
    for their client id, and hands off the response to
    the processReply function

    @params     ws        The websocket client connection
    @params     rpc        The rpc instance
async function requestClientId ({ ws, rpc }) {
    try {
        const { clientId } = await rpc.send({
            action: 'get-client-id',
        // Question - what if the request times out (no reply from client) ?
        // Perhaps RPC needs a timeout - so that multiple websocket clients
        // connecting over time that don't send replies don't end up queuing
        // a ton of unactioned promise functions, which could be an attack
        // vector for a DOS.
        // Write a test case, and see if it works.
        await processReply({ clientId, ws, rpc });
    } catch (err) {

async function checkHasClientId({ socket, reply }) {
    const hasClientId = !!socket.clientId;
    reply({ data: { hasClientId } });

// Expose the Public API
module.exports = { requestClientId, checkHasClientId };