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Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

  "Keeshond Kerry Beagle",
Severity: Minor
Found in db/seeds.rb by rubocop

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Final newline missing.


Use the new Ruby 1.9 hash syntax.

        render :text => "success"

This cop checks hash literal syntax.

It can enforce either the use of the class hash rocket syntax or the use of the newer Ruby 1.9 syntax (when applicable).

A separate offense is registered for each problematic pair.

The supported styles are:

  • ruby19 - forces use of the 1.9 syntax (e.g. {a: 1}) when hashes have all symbols for keys
  • hash_rockets - forces use of hash rockets for all hashes
  • nomixedkeys - simply checks for hashes with mixed syntaxes
  • ruby19nomixed_keys - forces use of ruby 1.9 syntax and forbids mixed syntax hashes

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19 (default)

# bad
{:a => 2}
{b: 1, :c => 2}

# good
{a: 2, b: 1}
{:c => 2, 'd' => 2} # acceptable since 'd' isn't a symbol
{d: 1, 'e' => 2} # technically not forbidden

Example: EnforcedStyle: hash_rockets

# bad
{a: 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 5}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: nomixedkeys

# bad
{:a => 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 2}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 1, d: 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19nomixed_keys

# bad
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 2, 'd' => 3} # should just use hash rockets

# good
{a: 1, b: 2}
{:c => 3, 'd' => 4}

Extra empty line detected at class body beginning.

  require 'dog_form_filler'
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/dogs_controller.rb by rubocop

This cops checks if empty lines around the bodies of classes match the configuration.

Example: EnforcedStyle: empty_lines

# good

class Foo

  def bar
    # ...


Example: EnforcedStyle: emptylinesexcept_namespace

# good

class Foo
  class Bar

    # ...


Example: EnforcedStyle: emptylinesspecial

# good
class Foo

  def bar; end


Example: EnforcedStyle: noemptylines (default)

# good

class Foo
  def bar
    # ...

Trailing whitespace detected.

Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/dogs_controller.rb by rubocop

Trailing whitespace detected.

Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/dogs_controller.rb by rubocop

Line is too long. [82/80]

      if params[:available] == "false" && dog.available then valid_dog = false end
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/dogs_controller.rb by rubocop

Line is too long. [158/80]

      :energy_level => dog_attributes['energy_level'] && dog_attributes['energy_level'].length != 0 ? EnergyLevel.find(dog_attributes['energy_level']) : nil, 
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/dogs_controller.rb by rubocop

Do not prefix reader method names with get_.

  def get_zipcode_from_dogs
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/dogs_controller.rb by rubocop

This cop makes sure that accessor methods are named properly.


# bad
def set_attribute(value)

# good
def attribute=(value)

# bad
def get_attribute

# good
def attribute

Redundant curly braces around a hash parameter.

    :dob, {:personalities =>[]}, :chipped, :shots_to_date, {:barks => []})
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/dogs_controller.rb by rubocop

This cop checks for braces around the last parameter in a method call if the last parameter is a hash. It supports braces, no_braces and context_dependent styles.

Example: EnforcedStyle: braces

# The `braces` style enforces braces around all method
# parameters that are hashes.

# bad
some_method(x, y, a: 1, b: 2)

# good
some_method(x, y, {a: 1, b: 2})

Example: EnforcedStyle: no_braces (default)

# The `no_braces` style checks that the last parameter doesn't
# have braces around it.

# bad
some_method(x, y, {a: 1, b: 2})

# good
some_method(x, y, a: 1, b: 2)

Example: EnforcedStyle: context_dependent

# The `context_dependent` style checks that the last parameter
# doesn't have braces around it, but requires braces if the
# second to last parameter is also a hash literal.

# bad
some_method(x, y, {a: 1, b: 2})
some_method(x, y, {a: 1, b: 2}, a: 1, b: 2)

# good
some_method(x, y, a: 1, b: 2)
some_method(x, y, {a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 2})

Trailing whitespace detected.

Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/users_controller.rb by rubocop

Line is too long. [97/80]

    @starred_dogs = @current_user && @current_user.starred_dogs ? @current_user.starred_dogs : []
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/users_controller.rb by rubocop

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

      render :json => { "success" => false, "message" => "User not found"}
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/users_controller.rb by rubocop

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/users_controller.rb by rubocop

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Line is too long. [113/80]

      if @event.update_attributes(params_hash) and params["event"]["dogs"] and not params["event"]["dogs"].empty?

Use the new Ruby 1.9 hash syntax.

        :location_id => params["event"]["location"],

This cop checks hash literal syntax.

It can enforce either the use of the class hash rocket syntax or the use of the newer Ruby 1.9 syntax (when applicable).

A separate offense is registered for each problematic pair.

The supported styles are:

  • ruby19 - forces use of the 1.9 syntax (e.g. {a: 1}) when hashes have all symbols for keys
  • hash_rockets - forces use of hash rockets for all hashes
  • nomixedkeys - simply checks for hashes with mixed syntaxes
  • ruby19nomixed_keys - forces use of ruby 1.9 syntax and forbids mixed syntax hashes

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19 (default)

# bad
{:a => 2}
{b: 1, :c => 2}

# good
{a: 2, b: 1}
{:c => 2, 'd' => 2} # acceptable since 'd' isn't a symbol
{d: 1, 'e' => 2} # technically not forbidden

Example: EnforcedStyle: hash_rockets

# bad
{a: 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 5}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: nomixedkeys

# bad
{:a => 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 2}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 1, d: 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19nomixed_keys

# bad
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 2, 'd' => 3} # should just use hash rockets

# good
{a: 1, b: 2}
{:c => 3, 'd' => 4}

Favor unless over if for negative conditions.

    if not Event.exists?(params[:id])
      flash[:notice] = "The event you are trying to edit does not exists"
      redirect_to event_path

Checks for uses of if with a negated condition. Only ifs without else are considered. There are three different styles:

- both
- prefix
- postfix

Example: EnforcedStyle: both (default)

# enforces `unless` for `prefix` and `postfix` conditionals

# bad

if !foo

# good

unless foo

# bad

bar if !foo

# good

bar unless foo

Example: EnforcedStyle: prefix

# enforces `unless` for just `prefix` conditionals

# bad

if !foo

# good

unless foo

# good

bar if !foo

Example: EnforcedStyle: postfix

# enforces `unless` for just `postfix` conditionals

# bad

bar if !foo

# good

bar unless foo

# good

if !foo

Use ! instead of not.

    if not @is_admin and @event.user != @current_user

This cop checks for uses of the keyword not instead of !.


# bad - parentheses are required because of op precedence
x = (not something)

# good
x = !something

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

        :description => params["event"]["description"]

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Align the elements of an array literal if they span more than one line.

  "Münsterländer, Small",
Severity: Minor
Found in db/seeds.rb by rubocop

Here we check if the elements of a multi-line array literal are aligned.


# bad
a = [1, 2, 3,
  4, 5, 6]
array = ['run',

# good
a = [1, 2, 3,
     4, 5, 6]
a = ['run',