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# UI.Codemirror directive [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Code Climate][codeclimate-image]][codeclimate-url]

This directive allows you to add [CodeMirror]( to your textarea elements.

## Requirements

- AngularJS 1.3.x
- [CodeMirror 4.8.x](

## Usage

You can get it from [Bower](

bower install angular-ui-codemirror

This will copy the UI.Codemirror files into a `bower_components` folder, along with its dependencies. Load the script files in your application:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bower_components/codemirror/lib/codemirror.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular-ui-codemirror/ui-codemirror.js"></script>

Add the UI.Codemirror module as a dependency to your application module:

var myAppModule = angular.module('MyApp', ['ui.codemirror']);

Finally, add the directive to your html,
as attribute :

// Not well supported yet but still... We need feedbacks to improve it...
<textarea ui-codemirror></textarea>

<div ui-codemirror></div>

as element :

## Options

All the [Codemirror configuration options]( can be passed through the directive.

myAppModule.controller('MyController', [ '$scope', function($scope) {
    $scope.editorOptions = {
        lineWrapping : true,
        lineNumbers: true,
        readOnly: 'nocursor',
        mode: 'xml',

If you update this variable with the new values, they will be merged and the ui will be updated.

<ui-codemirror ui-codemirror-opts="editorOptions"></ui-codemirror>

### Working with ng-model

The ui-codemirror directive plays nicely with ng-model.

The ng-model will be watched for to set the CodeMirror document value (by [setValue](

_The ui-codemirror directive stores and expects the model value to be a standard javascript String._

### ui-refresh directive

If you apply the refresh directive to element then any change to do this scope value will result to a [refresh of the CodeMirror instance](

_The ui-refresh directive expects a scope variable that can be any thing...._

<div ui-codemirror ng-model="x" ui-refresh='isSomething'></div>

Now you can set the _isSomething_ in the controller scope.

$scope.isSomething = true;

Note: the comparison operator between the old and the new value is "!=="

### CodeMirror instance direct access

For more interaction with the CodeMirror instance in the directive, we provide a direct access to it.

<div ui-codemirror="{ onLoad : codemirrorLoaded }" ></div>

the `$scope.codemirrorLoaded` function will be called with the [CodeMirror editor instance]( as first argument

myAppModule.controller('MyController', [ '$scope', function($scope) {

  $scope.codemirrorLoaded = function(_editor){
    // Editor part
    var _doc = _editor.getDoc();

    // Options
    _editor.setOption('firstLineNumber', 10);

    // Events
    _editor.on("beforeChange", function(){ ... });
    _editor.on("change", function(){ ... });


## Testing

We use Karma and jshint to ensure the quality of the code.  The easiest way to run these checks is to use grunt:

npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install && bower install

The karma task will try to open Firefox and Chrome as browser in which to run the tests.  Make sure this is available or change the configuration in `test\karma.conf.js`

### Grunt Serve

We have one task to serve them all !

grunt serve

It's equal to run separately:

* `grunt connect:server` : giving you a development server at [http://localhost:8000/](http://localhost:8000/).

* `grunt karma:server` : giving you a Karma server to run tests (at [http://localhost:9876/](http://localhost:9876/) by default). You can force a test on this server with `grunt karma:unit:run`.

* `grunt watch` : will automatically test your code and build your demo.  You can demo generation with `grunt build:gh-pages`.

### Dist

This repo is using the [angular-ui/angular-ui-publisher](
New tags will automatically trigger a new publication.
To test is locally you can trigger a :

grunt dist build:bower

it will put the final files in the _'dist'_ folder and a sample of the bower tag output in the _'out/built/bower'_ folder.
