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<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="bpAppModule" ng-hint>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <!-- This application is meant to showcase incorrect best practices and errors that
      will cause AngularHint to generate errors. See the `correctExample` directory
      for a version of this application that adheres to the best practices. -->
    <title>Angular Best Practices</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="app.css">

    <h1> Angular Best Practices </h1>
  <!-- This app already bootstrapped `bpAppModule`. It should not bootstrap `AppModule2` as well. -->
  <!-- `bpAppModule` is correctly named with lowerCamelCase and an application specific prefix
  `bp` standing for `best practices`. `AppModule2` is not named with lowerCamelCase or an application
  specific prefix. -->
  <body ng-app="AppModule2">
    <div id="subtitle1">
      *You'd think a best practices application would follow the best practices. You'd be wrong.
    <div id="subtitle2">
      Open the developer console to read AngularHint messages about the mistakes.
    <!-- Controllers should be named with UpperCamelCase and should end in `Controller`-->
    <div ng-controller="bestPractices">
      <div id="whichBestPractices">
        Show Best Practices For:
        <!-- Repetition should be a red flag. Consider using ng-repeat or a custom directive
        to cut down repetition -->
        <div id="selectKind">
          <!-- Use angular event directives like `ng-click` rather than `onclick` -->
          <input type="checkbox" id="controllers" onclick="changeList()">Controllers</input>
          <input type="checkbox" id="directives" onclick="changeList()" checked>Directives</input>
          <input type="checkbox" id="DOM" onclick="changeList()">DOM</input>
          <input type="checkbox" id="events" onclick="changeList()">Events</input>
          <input type="checkbox" id="interpolation" onclick="changeList()">Interpolation</input>
          <input type="checkbox" id="modules" ng-click="changeList()">Modules</input>

      <!-- Create elements in the HTML page using Angular directives like ng-repeat. Do not rely on
      javascript in Controllers to fill in information -->
      <table id="bestPracticesList">

      <div ng-controller="Controller">
        <!-- Custom directives should be named with an application specific prefix. -->
        <!-- Double check that custom directives are used according to their restrict property -->
        <div our-visitors info="erin"></div>
      <ul id="contributors">
        <li ng-reapet="contributor in contributors">
    <script src="../../node_modules/angular/angular.js"></script>
      angular.module('bpAppModule', []);
        * Do not use global controller functions. Instantiate controllers on modules.
        * Use syntax like `angular.module('bpAppModule', []).controller`
        function bestPractices($scope) {
          var bestPractices = {
            'controllers': ['Do not use global controllers. Define controllers ' +
            'on modules.', 'Name controllers with UpperCamelCase.', 'Name controllers with the ' +
            'suffix "Controller".'],
            'directives': ['Include required attributes.', 'Follow the restrict ' +
              'property', 'Do not use deprecated options like "replace".', 'Use Angular event ' +
              ' directives in place of HTML event attributes like "onclick".', 'Use ng-repeat ' +
              ' options in the correct order.', 'Use a namespace for custom directives that ' +
              ' uniquely identifies the directive. Use lowerCamelCase and preferably a custom ' +
              'prefix unique to the scope of the application.'],
            'DOM': ['Do not manipulate the DOM from within Angular Controllers. Use' +
              ' logic in the view like "ng-repeat" or "ng-show".'],
            'events': ['Double check that functions or variables you bind to are ' +
            'interpolation': ['Make sure the whole variable you are interpolating' +
              'is defined.'],
            'modules': ['Use a namespace for modules that ' +
              ' uniquely identifies the module. Use lowerCamelCase and preferably a custom ' +
              'prefix unique to the scope of the application.', 'Do not create and load ' +
              'modules that are not used.', 'Remember to load ngRoute if you are using routing.',
              'Only bootstrap one module with "ng-app".']
          * Do not manipulate the DOM from within Angular controllers. Use
          * Angular directives like ng-repeat to accomplish the same task without
          * entangling model, view, controller logic.
          var selected = document.getElementById('selectKind');
          selected.onchange = function() {
            var types = ['controllers', 'directives', 'DOM', 'events', 'interpolation', 'modules'];
            var element = document.getElementById('bestPracticesList');
            element.innerHTML = '';
            element.className = '';
            for(var x = 0, xx = types.length; x < xx; x++) {
              if(document.getElementById(types[x]).checked) {
                element.className = 'bestPracticesListShow';
                for(var i = 0, ii = bestPractices[types[x]].length; i < ii; i++) {
                  element.innerHTML += "<tr><td>" + bestPractices[types[x]][i] + "</td></tr>";
          $scope.contributors = ['Me', 'You'];

      angular.module('AppModule2', []).controller('Controller', ['$scope', function($scope) {
        $scope.erin = {
          name: 'Erin',
          bestPractice: 'Do not manipulate the DOM from within Angular Controllers.'

      * Do not accidentally overwrite Angular modules. Passing the `[]` parameter
      * re-instantiates this module and the previous controller is not saved.
      * Chain together the .controller and .directive calls or access the already created
      * module with syntax like `angular.module('AppModule2')`
      angular.module('AppModule2', []).directive('OurVisitors', function() {
        return {
          restrict: 'A',
          template: '<br>Site Visitors:<br>Name: {{}}. Favorite Best Practice: {{visitor.bestPractice}}',
          scope: {
            visitor: '=info'
          * Do not use deprecated options.
          replace: true
      angular.version.minor = 1;
