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<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="bpAppModule" ng-hint>
<!-- Best practice: name modules with lowerCamelCase and an application specific prefix.
Here `bp` is short for `best practices`. This ensures the modules prefixed with this namespace
will be unique and not overwritten by third party modules. Additionally, this application
correctly uses only one module with `ng-app`. -->
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Angular Best Practices</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="app.css">
    <h1> Angular Best Practices </h1>
  <div id="subtitle1">
    *You'd think a best practices application would follow the best practices.
  <div id="subtitle2">
    In this case you'd be right!
  <!-- Best practice: name controllers with UpperCamelCase and the suffix 'Controller' -->
  <div ng-controller="BestPracticesController">
    <div id="whichBestPractices">
      Show Best Practices For:
      <div id="selectKind">
      <!-- Best practice: use ng-repeat rather than manipulating the DOM from controllers. -->
        <span ng-repeat="type in types">
          <input  type="checkbox" id="{{}}" ng-model="type.isChecked">


    <div ng-repeat="type in types">
      <!-- Best practice: use ng-show rather than manipulating the DOM from controllers. -->
      <table ng-show="type.isChecked">
        <tr ng-repeat="practice in type.practices">

    <!-- Best practice: name custom directives with an application specific prefix. -->
    <!-- Additionally, use directives according to their `restrict` designation. -->
    <div bp-our-visitors info="erin"></div>

    <ul id="contributors">
      App contributors:
      <li ng-repeat="contributor in contributors">

  <script src="../../node_modules/angular/angular.js"></script>
  <script src="../../dist/hint.js"></script>
    angular.module('bpAppModule', [])
      * Best practice: declare controllers on modules rather than on global scope.
      .controller('BestPracticesController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
        $scope.types = [
          { name: 'Controllers', practices: ['Do not use global controllers. Define controllers ' +
          'on modules.', 'Name controllers with UpperCamelCase.', 'Name controllers with the ' +
          'suffix "Controller".'],  isChecked: false},
          { name: 'Directives', practices: ['Include required attributes.', 'Follow the restrict ' +
            'property', 'Do not use deprecated options like "replace".', 'Use Angular event ' +
            ' directives in place of HTML event attributes like "onclick".', 'Use ng-repeat ' +
            ' options in the correct order.', 'Use a namespace for custom directives that ' +
            ' uniquely identifies the directive. Use lowerCamelCase and preferably a custom ' +
            'prefix unique to the scope of the application.'], isChecked: false},
          { name: 'DOM', practices: ['Do not manipulate the DOM from within Angular Controllers. Use' +
            ' logic in the view like "ng-repeat" or "ng-show".'], isChecked: false},
          { name: 'Events', practices: ['Double check that functions or variables you bind to are ' +
            'defined.'], isChecked: false},
          { name: 'Interpolation', practices: ['Make sure the whole variable you are interpolating' +
            'is defined.'], isChecked: false},
          { name: 'Modules', practices: ['Use a namespace for modules that ' +
            ' uniquely identifies the module. Use lowerCamelCase and preferably a custom ' +
            'prefix unique to the scope of the application.', 'Do not create and load ' +
            'modules that are not used.', 'Remember to load ngRoute if you are using routing.',
            'Only bootstrap one module with "ng-app".'], isChecked: false}
        $scope.erin = {
          name: 'Erin',
          bestPractice: 'Do not manipulate the DOM from within Angular Controllers.'
        $scope.contributors = ['Me', 'You'];
    .directive('bpOurVisitors', function() {
      return {
        restrict: 'A',
        template: '<br>Site Visitors:<br>Name: {{}}. Favorite Best Practice: {{visitor.bestPractice}}',
        scope: {
          visitor: '=info'
