{% extends "base.template.html" %}
{% import "lib/deprecated.html" as x %}
{% block content %}
{% if doc.title %}{$ doc.title | marked $}{% else %}{$ | code $}{% endif %}
{$ x.deprecatedBlock(doc) $}
<h2 id="module-installation">Installation</h2>
{% if doc.installation or doc.installation == '' %}
{$ doc.installation | marked $}
{% else %}
<p>First, get the file:</p>
<a href="">Google CDN</a> e.g.
{% code %}"//{$ doc.packageFile $}"{% endcode %}
<a href="">NPM</a> e.g.
{% code %}npm install --save {$ doc.packageName $}@X.Y.Z{% endcode %}
{% code %}yarn add {$ doc.packageName $}@X.Y.Z{% endcode %}
<a href="">Bower</a> e.g.
{% code %}bower install {$ doc.packageName $}#X.Y.Z{% endcode %}
<a href=""></a>
(discouraged for production use) e.g.
{% code %}"//{$ doc.packageFile $}"{% endcode %}
<p>where X.Y.Z is the AngularJS version you are running.</p>
<p>Then, include {$ doc.packageFile | code $} in your HTML:</p>
{% code %}
<script src="path/to/angular.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/{$ doc.packageFile $}"></script>
{% endcode %}
<p>Finally, load the module in your application by adding it as a dependent module:</p>
{% code %}
angular.module('app', ['{$ $}']);
{% endcode %}
<p>With that you're ready to get started!</p>
{% endif %}
{$ doc.description | marked $}
{% if doc.knownIssueDocs %}
<div class="known-issues">
<h2 id="known-issues">Known Issues</h2>
<table class="definition-table">
{% for issueDoc in doc.knownIssueDocs -%}
<td>{$ | link(, issueDoc) $}</td>
{% for issue in issueDoc.knownIssues -%}
{$ issue | marked $} {% if not loop.last %}<hr>{% endif %}
{% endfor -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% endif %}
{% if doc.componentGroups.length %}
<div class="component-breakdown">
<h2 id="module-components">Module Components</h2>
{% for componentGroup in doc.componentGroups %}
<h3 class="component-heading" id="{$ componentGroup.groupType | dashCase $}">{$ componentGroup.groupType | title $}</h3>
<table class="definition-table">
{% for component in componentGroup.components %}
<td>{$ | link(, component) $}</td>
<td>{$ component.description | firstParagraph | marked $}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if doc.usage %}
<h2 id="module-usage">Usage</h2>
{$ doc.usage | marked $}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}